Xi Cheng sincerely invites Mini Dragon

""Mm~" [You don't blame me for stealing your food?]

Dratini stood up and shook his tail behind him, with a look of anxiety on his face.

This was the first time a trainer asked him if he wanted to be his Pokémon!

What should I do?

I'm waiting online, feeling a bit anxious! (?□?;)

"You mean the mushroom bait?"

Xi Cheng took out a porcelain bowl with only a few grains of rice left in it, and asked inquiringly.

""Mmm~" [It smells delicious! I finished it accidentally...]

The mini dragon lay on the ground embarrassedly, not daring to look at Xi Cheng, and his tail swayed back and forth

"Well, this……"

"In fact, the mushroom lure is originally a very attractive item for dragon-type elves."

"You should have seen it in the afternoon, right?"

"Aren't there a lot of fruit-eating worms lying on the wasteland?"

Xi Cheng had no intention of hiding it, and explained the true use of the mushroom bait.

""Mmmm~" [He was deliberately luring the Dragon-type Pokémon into the trap!]

Dratini widened his lavender eyes, he never thought that a human trainer would have such a thing!

""Mmm~" [But that thing tastes really good!]

The mini dragon thought about it and couldn't help licking his tongue.

"Mushroom bait requires glutinous mushrooms and bait materials. Glutinous mushrooms are relatively rare, so you need some luck to encounter them in the wild."

"However, this kind of elf food can be provided normally, so you won't starve."

Xi Cheng pointed to the plate that had been swept smooth like jade by the mini dragon and explained.

The raw materials of the lure group are easy to say. The Elf Alliance has mastered the production process, so the price was quickly brought down. However, the cultivation technology of the glutinous mushroom has not made much progress, so the market is biased towards supply and demand most of the time.

""Mmmmm~" [Can it really fill your stomach?]


Xi Cheng can still guarantee this.

""Mmm~" [Hehe! That's it!]

The mini dragon crawled to Xi Cheng's side, and its tail hooked the red and white ball hanging on Xi Cheng's waist. Without waiting for Xi Cheng to say anything, it gently touched the button in the middle and instantly turned into a red light and was sucked in.


The Poké Ball didn't even make any extra movements, and it directly showed that it had been captured successfully.

Food and shelter are provided, family members!

The mini dragon, who was used to being displaced and cheating, moved quickly!

He got into the Poké Ball directly.


Xi Cheng called out the mini dragon again, and the two looked at each other. He didn't look away until the mini dragon covered its eyes with its tail.

"Are you afraid that I will run away?"Xi Cheng covered his head.

He didn't expect that the process of taming a quasi-god elf would be so easy!

""Mmm~" [Hehe! Long-term meal ticket! Eat your fill! Hehe!ψ(`?′)ψ! ]

Mini Dragon slid smoothly with Xi Cheng's arm, wrapped around his neck, and rubbed against him intimately.

A cool and comfortable feeling came through his skin, and Xi Cheng felt a little uncomfortable. He stretched out his hand to pull it, but it didn't move, and he followed the mini dragon.

"So let me formally introduce myself!"

"Dratini, our third companion!"

"The two here are Cang Yan Blade Ghost and Bear Apprentice!"

Xi Cheng touched the slippery head of Mini Dragon and introduced his elf.

""Bu-ss~" [Hello!] The Blue Blade Ghost nodded coldly, indicating that he recognized this partner.

The appearance is barely eight points! It's cute!

Minus one point for the slippery appearance, which reminds me of the lava worms in the breeding base.

""Guwa~" [Welcome to join us!] The bear apprentice clasped his hands together and bowed.

This was the gesture he learned from watching TV with the butler.

""Mm~" [Hello, hello!]

The mini dragon eyes showed curiosity, shook its tail and said hello.

There was a hint of inquiry in its eyes.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost seemed cold and difficult to get along with. It seemed that he would not be easy to deceive in the future... But the bear apprentice looked stupid, so he should be easier to fool?

"So let’s end today’s training here!"

"We'll continue tomorrow!"

Xi Cheng clapped his hands, attracting the elves' attention.

""Bu-sou~""Gu-wa~" [No problem!]

""Mmm~" [Training?]

The question flashed in the mini dragon's big eyes.


The next morning

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, continue to charge up energy and use Flame Attack and Sword Dance together!"

"Apprentice Xiong, continue the boxing training! We will have actual combat in the afternoon!"

"And Mini Dragon——"

Xi Cheng paused, estimating the moves that the mini dragon had learned, and then he began to speak:

"Conduct training on tornadoes and electromagnetic waves first!"

"The goal in the future is to try to turn it into a skill!"

Tornado is a large-scale move that destroys the field. For some small elves, it is a good attack to clear the field; electromagnetic waves can cause a very effective negative state - paralysis.

""Mm~" [It sounds so hard!]

The mini dragon slumped down on the ground, his head was a little big, and he didn't want to stand up at all.

"Mini Dragon, did you hear that clearly?"

"If you complete the training seriously, you will be able to eat elf food!"

Xi Cheng can control the opponent with one move.

""Mm~" [Understood! I want to eat my fill!]

Dragonite's eyes lit up. Just by using some skills, he could eat?!

Woohoo, this world is too wonderful!

Dragonite, who had never seen the world, was led into a trap by Xi Cheng and embarked on the same road of no return as his apprentice Bear! The

Blue Flame Blade Ghost, who was training in combination of moves, still had the leisure to pay attention to all this. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but secretly shook his head.

It seems that he is also a not very smart... dragon kid!

"Blue Blade Ghost! Sword Dance is enhanced! Cooperate!"

""Buchu~" [Yes!]

In a month, I don't know how much the energy reaction level of the elves can be improved!

Xi Cheng held a glimmer of hope in his heart.


Day and night rotate, time passes.

Ten days passed quietly.

The three elves basically maintained the rhythm of training in the morning and fighting in the afternoon.

Apprentice Bear and Mini Dragon were okay, the levels of the two elves were not very high, the former was now level 6, and the latter was still at level 13.

Xi Cheng could only say that it was worthy of being an elf that achieved success late, that is, it was stable!

As for the level of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, it was also level 25!

In order to find a suitable opponent, the camp of one person and three elves has been changing all the time, and they have long been away from the Dragon People Ruins.

"Cang Yan Ren Gui, you don't want to lose to Lin Fan's Eevee or other Pokémon in the Linshui City Cup, right?"

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