Jiang Qing has been exploring the stage battlefield on Kuailong for four days, but there is still no trace of Miss Quer, which makes Jiang Qing a little depressed.

"This guy won't wander to other places, right?"

Jiang Qing muttered. Of course, it is not ruled out that the opponent is still on the stage battlefield. After all, Jiang Qing has not yet finished exploring this place. It is not clear how big the stage battlefield is, but four In three days, he estimated that most of the exploration should be done.

This was also the conclusion he drew from comparing the giant wood battlefield. It was not until the afternoon of the sixth day that Metagross suddenly gave Jiang Qing feedback, saying that there was a huge force in the northwest. The energy fluctuations.

So Jiang Qing immediately asked Kuailong to change direction.

Not long after, Jiang Qing saw the huge energy fluctuations in the mouth of Metagross. It was indeed what he thought, it was Miss Skirt in the form of a king. The golden light flashes.

And the other party is dancing under a huge ginkgo tree. The dance steps are graceful and elegant. The feet are light, the body is slightly in the air, and the long legs are constantly changing in the air. The breeze blows, the leaves fall, and the graceful dance posture Among the fallen leaves, there was a hint of hazy beauty, which made people unable to see clearly, but also felt a little mysterious.

Jiang Qing did not disturb and watched quietly. Jirachi took out his mobile phone and filmed this scene.

Accompanied by the fragrance of flowers, Miss Quer made a finishing move

""Bah bang bang!"

Then a burst of applause rang in Miss Quo'er's ears.

It was not surprised, because when Jiang Qing entered the stage battlefield, it knew that this king's field is its territory, and every plant and tree here It can feel it.

Including the world's treasure that Jiang Qing got from the mountain, and what he has been exploring the stage and battlefield these days, it knows. When he looked up, he saw Jiang Qing riding a fast dragon slowly falling down, his head Celebi lay on his back like a salted fish, Jirachi sat on his left shoulder, holding Little Nebula in his arms, Metagross floated quietly on his left side

"You dance really well. If you are outside, you will definitely become the best dancer," Jiang Qing said sincerely.

He actually doesn't know anything about dancing, but everyone is carrying the sedan chair. If you can say nice things, why should you say unpleasant things? Well, I have no grudge against Miss Kuo'er.

Although he really doesn't know how to dance, the other party's dance is really pretty.

After hearing Jiang Qing's words, Miss Kuo'er subconsciously narrowed her eyes into crescent moons, obviously in a mood It's quite good.

My impression of Jiang Qing as a human being has improved a lot.

It's not as despicable and shameless as Ax Splitting Mantis said. Sure enough, after Ax Splitting Mantis was defeated, he deliberately discredited the opponent. This guy is still as petty as before.

Here Jiang Qing has opened his exploratory eyes to check the information of Miss Quer.

Elf: Miss Quer (Grass/Fighting)

Level: 95

Qualification: Purple

Character: Chlorophyll

Props: None

Gender: Female

Moves: Petal Dance, Falling Flowers Colorful , Butterfly Dance, Flying Leaf Storm, Energy Ball, Shake Dance, Sunny Day, Photosynthesis, Victory Dance, Press Down Kick, Kick Down, Split Tile----

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Skills: Rooted, Sweet Breath, Trouble Seed, Sunlight Blade, Vacuum Wave

Note: Miss Kuoer, who loves dancing, understood her own dance steps during dance, her evasion rate increased by 50%, and her speed increased by 50%. Note: Blessed by Arceus, he took on the form of a king.

Note: The king's form cannot be subdued in this form. The power of grass and fighting stone moves is increased by 100%, the damage taken is reduced by 50%, and it is immune to all negative conditions.

Looking at the data above, it was still as perverted as the axe-splitting mantis, but the only thing that surprised Jiang Qing was that the opponent's level was only level 95.

He thought that the five elves in the form of kings in the original secret realm would be as high as The Splitting Ax Mantis is almost the same.

The Axe-Splitting Mantis was level 99 at the beginning. During the battle with Metagross, it was raised one level. Now it is level 100, the peak of a champion.

But Miss Quer'er is only level 95, which is quite far behind Axe-Splitting Mantis.

In this case, there seems to be no need for Metagross to take action. After all, Metagross even defeated the axe-splitting mantis at the peak of the championship. Although the Miss Skirt in front of me is also very powerful, Metagross feels a little unnecessary.

So Jiang Qing thought about letting other friends appear.

However, this skirt lady has also mastered some dance steps. The evasion rate and speed are each increased by 50%. Even if she dances, she can obtain such heaven-defying attributes.

This made Jiang Qing want his elf to learn to dance.

But when he thought of Boss Cordora, Big Steel Snake, and Bankiras, the way these big guys twisted their waists and butts, the pictures were so beautiful that he couldn't even imagine them.

Moreover, all his elves are relatively big, and the smallest one is probably Paper Sword, but there is no need to think about letting this guy learn to dance.

So as soon as the idea of ​​learning to dance came up, Jiang Qing killed it.

Miss Quo'er set her sights on Metagross. The opponent was the guy who defeated the Ax Splitting Mantis. The strongest Ax Splitting Mantis among them had been defeated, so she also knew that if she really faced Metagross, then Very low winning rate

""Kang Jin"

Metagross noticed that the other party was looking at it, so he said hello.

Miss Quer: It's quite easy to talk to. Didn't Ax Splitting Mantis say that this guy is very cruel?

Sure enough, Ax Splitting Mantis was lying to himself again.

Qun'er Miss Er secretly thought in her heart.

Jiang Qing didn't know that the images of himself and Metagross had already become cruel, evil-doing, and greedy images in the mouth of the Ax Mantis.

But the other four kings also knew the virtues of the Ax Mantis. , although it is indeed the strongest in terms of strength, this guy's conduct is the worst. It's not that he is bad. It's that this guy likes to speak ill of people behind their backs, and he does so with added fuel and jealousy.

Which of the four kings doesn't have that? The mantis who was chopped with an ax chewed the root of his tongue from the other three kings[]

Miss Quer also knew that she was a dancer at Axe-Splitting Mantis, and her dancing was not very good.

If they hadn't known that they couldn't defeat the axe-splitting mantis, Miss Kuner and the other three kings would have beaten the axe-splitting mantis's mouth to bits.

Looking at Jiang Qing and Metagross now, they are obviously very polite, especially Jiang Qing, who praises his beautiful dance, but such a person deliberately discredits them.

Obviously he couldn't afford to lose, so he started talking behind his back.

The Ax Splitting Mantis, who was resting on the battlefield of giant trees in the distance, sneezed violently several times, with mucus coming out of his nose, and looked around subconsciously.

Why did it feel a wave of malice just now and even sneeze?

But there was no one else around, so maybe he had a cold. cold?

Are you kidding me? I haven't caught a cold in over 10,000 years. How could I catch a cold?

There must be someone talking bad about me behind my back..

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