1077 Geng Gui VS Miss Skirt Part 2.

Geng Gui looked at the things he took out from his stomach, which were almost piled up into a mountain, but he still didn't stop his movements and kept taking things out.

These hands have turned into afterimages.

And the things are getting more and more outrageous, including leftover potato chips, half-used napkins, and some props it uses for pranks, such as masks and fake daggers.

There are also magazines.

He looked at the two magazines Gengar threw at his feet.

The cover of the magazine on the left shows a Gardevoir winking and ogling you.

On the right is a beautiful human girl wearing a sexy bikini.

Obviously, the audience of the magazine on the left is male elves, while the audience of the magazine on the right is naturally male humans.

There are quite a few male elf Jiang Qing here, so I’m not sure which one bought them secretly.

But male humans-------

Looking at Metagross and Kuailong's disdainful gaze, Jiang Qing's face turned red and he said,"I didn't buy this. I need to buy this kind of thing."

It was just yellow mud falling out of his crotch. It was either feces or feces.

You have to have strength and looks, you have to have looks and background, you have to have background and figure, and if you hook your fingers, women will take the initiative to climb into bed. Do you need to see this?

""Kang Jin"

Giant Gold Monster 010:"There is no conflict between the two."

As a man, even if his wife at home is as beautiful as a fairy, he will still cheat when he should.

You don't need to explain when you look at Metagross, I understand. With an expression on his face, Jiang Qing went a little crazy. What are you pretending to be here, a genderless person?

In order to prove that he did not put this thing in Geng Gui's belly, Jiang Qing shouted angrily:"Gengar, this magazine Who released it? Was it Celebi?"

Jiang Qing seriously suspected that Celebi did it, but he had no evidence.

""Jiang Qing, please don't accuse me wrongly. How could I, a genderless person, do such a thing?"

Celebi's words made Jiang Qing choke with blood in his chest. He was really almost angry to death. It was said before that it was genderless. It thinks this is discrimination, and now it directly uses genderlessness as a shield.

What he once said to Celebi is now like a bullet, piercing his eyebrows.

Gengar tilted his head, it had long forgotten the magazine Who put it in his belly, but the cover was of a female.

So it set its sights on Jiang Qing

"Ah, what are you looking at me for?"

Jiang Qing really cried to death when she met Geng Gui's gaze. You can accept it whether you say you have forgotten it or you don't know, but when you look at yourself like this, you obviously want to wrong me. ah

"Humph, dumbfounded Qing, the eyes of the crowd are sharp." Celebi crossed his arms and looked at Jiang Qing with a proud face.

At the same time, Rabbi Celebi wanted to go up and kiss Gengar a few times, but he didn't expect this guy to stand up On my side, Leng Tou Qing has indeed fallen out of favor.

When the time comes, I raise my arms, and the responders gather. I unite the two gods (the black and white dragons), the five kings (the golden monster, the fast dragon, and the boss of Cordora , Flame Bird, Gengar), together with its good brother (Jirachi), overthrew the rule of the tyrant Jiang Qing.

From then on, the world will enter the first year of Celebi.

When Gengar took out the last thing in his stomach, It felt extremely relaxed all over, as if it had been exhausted all day and went to a SPA in the evening.

Although it was a waste of time after half a month of going in, it was absolutely refreshed when it came out.

The alien space in Gengar's body is very large. It can hold a lot of things, but the more things inside, the slower Gengar's speed will be. In normal battles, even if the speed is a little slower, it's okay, Gengar can easily win.

But now his opponent is Miss Skirt, this guy The king form not only restrained many of Gengar's old six moves, but it also had the dance step, a passive that can increase speed.

After this combo, Gengar was directly suppressed.

To win this battle, he must Take out the contents of your stomach

""Jie Jie"

Geng Gui shouted to Jiang Qing.

After this fight, I will deal with you.

Jiang Qing snorted coldly in his heart and stored all the things Geng Gui took out from his stomach (cjdc) in his own system space. Among them.

However, Jiang Qing did not put the half pack of potato chips, half the bottle of Coke, half the pack of spicy strips, and even half-bitten fried chicken legs into the system space, and threw them all to Celebi and Jirachi.

"Mine, mine, these are all mine." Celebi hurriedly took it.

Jirachi looked at these half things curiously:"Celebi, why do you only eat half of these things?" (Reading Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It doesn’t understand that these things are all Celebi’s favorites to eat. It didn’t see Celebi’s leftovers, and now there are so many leftovers.

"Humph, you don’t know how stingy Leng Tou Qing was before you came. He restricted me from eating these good things every day. I was afraid that if I finished eating, I wouldn’t know when I would wait until the next time I eat."

"So I ate half of the good food at that time, and hid the remaining half in Gengar’s belly to eat later." I cried when I said this too much. While talking, Rabbi Shi felt that it was really true that he came here all those years ago. It was so difficult that he almost cried with grievance.

At that time, Jiang Qing was afraid that Celebi would be ruined by these junk foods, so he limited his daily intake. Later, he found that as long as he ate energy cubes, Celebi would be destroyed. Nothing will happen to Bi's body, and his strength will still improve little by little.

So I don't care too much.

Relax Celebi, who eats and drinks a lot, and gives away all the treasures that were previously in Gengar's belly. forget

"Jiraqi, you have the life you have now, but it’s all because of my hard work." Thinking of the past, Celebi looked a little sad. Jiraqi thought that as soon as he followed Jiang Qing, Celebi took him out to eat. Drinking, that is no moderation at all, let alone a hard life.

For a moment, he looked very gratefully at Celebi who brought him a"prosperous age".

Jiang Qing watched Celebi fooling around, and Jirachi's self-guided strategy , one by one, their heads were smashed directly on their foreheads.

""Jie Jie"

Geng Gui shouted at Jiang Qing again.

Although its speed has returned to normal, to defeat Miss Quer'er, the winning rate should be six or four, it is six, this winning rate is still a bit low.

So it You have to continue to increase your strength. After all, its level is lower than Miss Quer'er.[]

"Got it."

Jiang Qing nodded, then straightened his face and shouted:"Gengar Super Evolution"

Since he became the champion, the elf has rarely super evolved. After all, it is difficult to encounter opponents who need super evolution to defeat.

Even The last time Metagross fought against Axe-Splitting Mantis, the opponent was already at the peak of his championship, and Jiang Qing did not super evolve with Metagross.

"Hey, Geng Gui is still a little weak."

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing sighed secretly.

As soon as he finished sighing, Geng Gui's unhappy voice came from his heart.

"That’s because my opponent restrained me too much."

After super evolution, he and Gengar have the same beliefs, and Gengar knows everything he thinks.

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