This evening feast was extremely rich, after all, the two companions in the team were about to be separated from them for a short time.

Not to mention that the dog relationship of Wind Speed Dog is really good, especially with the two big guys of Boskodora and Bankiras.

As soon as Ban Kilas heard that the wind speed dog was leaving, he was excited, and the level broke through from level 89 to level 90.

Jiang Qing: Are you happy that the wind is fast and the dog is gone, or are you sad that it is gone?

The next day, Jiang Qing sent the Wind Speed Dog and the Flame Bird to the lava battlefield slurry, looking at the reluctant gaze of the two elves, Jiang Qing must have felt uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, it was the first time he had separated from his elf, although it was brief-lived.


Wind Speed Dog: "Master, if you enter the original secret realm again, you have to come and see me and the stupid bird"

The tongue of the wind speed dog gently licked Jiang Qing's cheek "Ninety-two-three", because of the separation, the dog's interest was not high, and the tail was no longer shaking.

For a moment, Jiang Qing thought that the slurry would not be soaked.

"Don't worry, I'll come and see you then."

Jiang Qing said to the Wind Speed Dog and the Flame Bird.

After the original secret realm went out, when the secret realm energy in his body disappeared, Jiang Qing would definitely come in again, and during this time, the wind speed dog and the flame bird had not yet reached the time of soaking the ground and flowing pulp.

"I'll leave them to your care, don't bully them"

Jiang Qing said to the wind speed dog in the form of a king beside him.

To say that in this secret realm, the only one who can pose a threat to the wind speed dog and the flame bird is this wind speed dog in the form of a king.

"Don't worry, a stupid dog, a stupid bird, I don't bother to bully them," the wind speed dog in the form of Wang said with a little disdain.

Jiang Qing's wind speed dog and flame bird here did not refute it, after seeing the strength of this wind speed dog, they were a lot more honest.

Of course, the most important thing is that when Jiang Qing leaves, the two of them will have to live with this wind speed dog for a while.

If no one supports him, then he must be honest now, otherwise he will still talk about it now, and when his trainer is gone, what will this king form wind speed dog do to retaliate against them.

Wind speed dog thinks that he is a careful eye, that he wants to be the same wind speed dog, even if there are some differences in attributes, but the heart is compared to the heart, the other party must also be a careful dog.

So now you can't talk and offend each other.

Flame Bird: Me too.

After Jiang Qing left for himself, this king-shaped wind speed dog did not bully his own dogs and birds, but gave it a lot of energy cubes and some dog toys.

And promised to give it some good things when the wind speed dog and the flame bird finished soaking in the pulp.

Although the other party now said that he would not bully his own dogs and birds, Jiang Qing was still somewhat skeptical.

I hope you don't bully too hard.

Parting is always sad, and under the reluctant gaze of the Wind Speed Dog and the Flame Bird, Jiang Qing rode the Tyrannosaurus and left the lava battlefield.

When I flew away from the lava battlefield, I passed by the crater and happened to see the group of wind speed dogs before.

Jiang Qing's eyes were sharp, and he saw the little cutty dog that had been treated by himself at a glance.

"That little cutty dog hasn't been seen for a while, but it's grown up a lot," Jiang Qing said happily.


Giant Golden Monster: "It's only been less than half a day since they were separated from the wind speed dog, and you want to subdue that little licking dog."

The tone was full of contempt and mockery.

Even the Tyrannosaurus turned its head to look at Jiang Qing.

Shi Rabi above his head immediately shouted: "You can't be moved, otherwise you won't win in this life, if you don't win, forget it, you can't hurt me."

Kiraqi in his arms also hurriedly said: "Yes, Jiang Qing, this little licking dog is not a good thing at first glance, don't be fooled"

Listening to a few elves, you say everything I say, anyway, the subtext is saying that Jiang Qing is not a thing, and he wants to find a new love just after they separated.

"I'll just tell you, don't think about it"

Jiang Qing felt that he was a little wronged, and it seemed that the long-standing misunderstanding could not be resolved like a thousand years of ice.

"Tyrannosaurus finds a vacant space"

I didn't know what Jiang Qing was going to do, but the Tyrannosaurus still found an open space and stopped.

After landing, Jiang Qing released Bankiras.


Take out the last piece of magic candy, this thing has been in the heart of Wind Speed Dog for a long time, but Jiang Qing wants to keep it for Bankiras, so he has not given it to Wind Speed Dog.

Yesterday night, because the wind speed dogs had to be separated from them for a short time, Bankiras didn't know whether to be sad or excited, and the level was raised from 89 to 90.

Reaching the pinnacle of the quasi-champion, you can finally use the magic candy to break through.

After eating the magic candy, Bankiras's aura began to rise sharply, and with the breakthrough of the limit, the aura swept around like a hurricane.0


Feeling that he was the champion, Bankiras couldn't help but let out a hearty roar, and the sound resounded through the world.

Elf: Overlord Bankiras (Rock/Evil)

Rating: 91

Qualification: Purple

Properties: Peeling

Props: Hard stone

Gender: Male

Moves: Iron Wall, Impact, Tooth for Tooth, Glare, Bite, Falling Rock, Ghost Face, Rock Avalanche, Stomping, Piercing God, Shoot Down, Bite Block, Earthquake, Sharp Stone Attack, Riot, Sandstorm, Destroy Light

Skill Discs: Slam, Protect, Flame Fang, Lightning Fang, Frozen Fang, Loud Roar, Frozen Wind, Dragon Tail, Reverse Scale, Dragon Claw, Power Gem

Genetic Skills: Gathering Qi, Dragon Dance, Primal Power, Iron Head

Note: With the use of Diamond Core, the power of rock and ground moves is increased by 20%.

Note: Chalcedony is used to accelerate growth, and the energy absorption efficiency is six times that of usual (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Note: Using Golden Fruit, the base defense is increased by 20%

Note: After using Zhu Yan, the power of rock-based moves is increased by 20%

"Congratulations to you Bankiras"

Jiang Qing patted the thick thighs of Bankiras, as a hegemon-level elf, Bankiras is now about the same height as Boskodora, both around nine meters.

Jiang Qing's height is compared to it, and it naturally looks very short. 4.7

Bankiras lowered his head and put Jiang Qing on his head, and the affectionate and grateful waveguide passed into Jiang Qing's mind.

"Now we can go back to the trial sandbar to find your wife," Jiang Qing said with a smile.

It was to let Bankilas quickly break through the championship so that he could try the sandbar and marry the female Bankiras back, so Jiang Qing didn't give the magic candy to the wind speed dog who was already at the peak of the quasi-champion.


Bankiras looked confused at first, then nodded immediately.

"You fool, you forgot about it again"

Jiang Qing slapped it on the head angrily, and as a result, his hand hurt, this guy's armor is too hard.


The giant golden monster also returned, and Jiang Qing had asked it to dig up the seedlings of the sycamore tree and other precious fruit trees. []

After all, he's about to leave the secret realm.

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