The space backpack is not an unexpected big seller, and the name of the Jiang Group is even more popular, and now almost the whole world is talking about the space backpack.

At the same time, in addition to Xia Guo, other countries want to express to Xia Guo officials and Jiang's Group that they want to buy space backpacks.

No one is stupid, and the appearance of the space backpack can allow the trainer to carry more medicine and food, which can allow the trainer to stay longer in the secret realm or in the wild, and the safety has naturally been improved.

With the blessing of these two kinds, if the strength of the trainer is not improved, then there will be ghosts.

So from this point on, the space backpack is completely an existence that can improve national strength.

Because of Jiang Qing's rise, Xia Guo is already a well-deserved number one country in the world, as long as Jiang Qing does not fall, they have no hope of catching up at all.

But now that you Xia Guo has come out with an empty "Nine-Five-Seven" backpack, the top trainers in your country have already made the rest of us desperate.

Now, if the strength of the middle and low-level trainers is also improved, then we will not be able to live.

However, in the face of requests from various countries, whether it is not on good terms with Xia or an ally of Xia, the official reply is that the production capacity is limited and cannot meet foreign requirements.

This is really not an excuse, the materials used to make the space backpack can resist the attacks of elite-level elves, and it also needs to be fireproof, waterproof, dirt-resistant and a series of requirements.

It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to make such materials alone, so the production capacity really can't keep up.

Otherwise, the first sale would not have been only 10 million pieces.

The second release will not be half a month later.

All this has nothing to do with Jiang Qing, he is now talking to his nominal apprentice Gu Xi.

"Coach, I didn't grab the space backpack, woo-"

This cry is so fake that Jiang Qing is too lazy to debunk it.

"Send me the address and wait, I'll have someone send you a past," Jiang Qing said.

"Thank you coach, I want pink"

Gu Xi's excited voice came from the phone.

The space backpack only comes in three colors, black, blue, and pink, and once you grab it, the colors are randomly issued.

So there are quite a few male trainers who get two pink space backpacks.

This has led to many trainers exchanging their favorite colors on the Internet, I am a macho man, how can I carry a pink bag.

"Nothing else"

Jiang Qing was about to hang up the phone as he spoke, but then Gu Xi's voice came.

"Don't, coach, I have other things"

"What's the matter?"

It seemed that he heard Jiang Qing's somewhat helpless voice, Gu Xi pouted and said, "Coach, I won't recruit you like this."

"If you don't say it, I'll hang up"

"I'm celebrating my birthday next Tuesday, and I want to invite you over."

Gu Xi hurriedly finished speaking, because she knew that Jiang Qing would really hang up the phone.


"Did you have something to do that day, coach?"

Gu Xi's tone was full of loss.

"That's not it, it's a week."

Jiang Qing has been squatting at home, this day has long passed, and he doesn't know what day it is today, what time it is, only that the giant gold monster is going to have a new skin at twelve o'clock tonight.

"Today, Friday, I really envy the coach that you have nothing to do day by day"

The voice of Gu Xi's resentment came, she had been with Jiang Qing for a while, and naturally she had seen Jiang Qing stay at home day by day.

It's hard to imagine that Jiang Qing, as the world's No. 1 trainer, is an otaku, and he is addicted to the Internet, and when he has nothing to do, he is holding his mobile phone all day long, either brushing trills or playing games, and he is also taken care of by the dumb and loving waiter.

This seemingly boring, wasteful life is actually the life of a fairy, which makes Gu Xi extremely envious.

It's like her, a livestock student, in order to get graduation points, she has to go to the Trainers Association to take tasks almost every day, and she indulged for a while last time, which led to insufficient points, and she almost hung up this semester.

"No way to die"

Jiang Qing grinned.

Some people were born in Rome, and some people were born cows and horses.

For his birth, Jiang Qing is simply satisfied, and he can't be satisfied.

"Coach, it's annoying for you to talk like that"

Gu Xi gritted her teeth and looked at Jiang Qing, although she was across the phone, Jiang Qing's stinky face had already appeared in her mind. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So what, you can't even beat my weakest Chopping Commander, by the way, now the Chopping Commander is already a quasi-Heavenly King"

Jiang Qing's words made Gu Xi angry.

When the Chopping Commander becomes the Heavenly King, Jiang Qing has to grasp and let him defeat the leader of the Slashing Commander in the late Heavenly King in the secret realm of the Baga Kingdom, so that the Chopping Commander can evolve...

Before, he thought about defeating three at once, but when he found out that the Chopping Commander of the Baga Kingdom was a bit strong, Jiang Qing gave up.

"The coach doesn't want to talk to you, I'm hanging, by the way, remember to bring me a gift when you come"


Jiang Qing hung up the phone directly.

"Who asks for a gift?"

Jiang Qing muttered, and then the voice of Ma Ji Yana calling him for lunch sounded.

"Here it is, here it is"

Eating the lunch made by the dumb and loving waiter, Jiang Qing asked, "What are we going to eat at night?"

Now Jiang Qing's most words every day are to ask what to eat tomorrow morning in the evening, what to eat at noon in the morning, and what to eat at noon.


Dumbfounded: "I'm going to the café in the evening"

So Jiang Qing looked at the caretaker. []


Waiter: "I signed up for the flower arrangement class, I have to go to class in the afternoon, and I don't have time to cook dinner"

Hearing that the two big housekeepers had something to do, Jiang Qing not only didn't feel lost, but said a little excitedly: "Then I can order takeout."

As long as they are at home, the two housekeepers absolutely prohibit Jiang Qing from ordering takeout.

Although the takeaway is really not as delicious as the two big housekeepers, this thing just makes people think about it, and if they don't order it for a while, they feel that there is something missing in their lives.

After saying this, Jiang Qing naturally ushered in the stern gaze of the two big housekeepers.

This is going to be the opposite of Tiangang, 5.3 We don't order takeout when you don't have it, and we're so excited.


Dumbfounded: "Majiyana will make it for you to eat"

Then it looked at its little apprentice: "If he dares to order takeout, you will throw his takeaway to me."

"Ma Ji"

The little apprentice Majiyana clenched his fists and nodded seriously.

Then he looked at Jiang Qing with a serious face, as if he wanted to use his momentum to suppress his own trainer, just like a dull master.

"I'll leave the dinner to you, I won't order takeout."

Jiang Qing hurriedly showed his well-behaved baby side, just when he was happy, he was a little floating, and he didn't open the door when he spoke.

At this moment, I am in my heart: Hehe, just Ma Ji Yana, I can suppress me, as long as you two big housekeepers leave, it will be the monkey leaving Wuzhi Mountain.

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