After releasing the three elves, Metal Monster, Riolu and Meltan, the three looked around curiously. This was obviously not a school.

Did the master skip class?

"This is a secret realm. I won’t go to school today, and I didn’t skip class."

Jiang Qing said helplessly, as elves, can you stop being so curious.

Holding the Secret Realm Guide No. 1 in his hand, Jiang Qing felt a little confused for a moment. He hesitated, he didn't know what he was doing in this secret realm.

Most people who came to the secret realm were basically to catch elves, find treasures, or to train themselves and the elves.

Jiang Qing would definitely look down on the elves in the junior secret realm. He doesn't have the ability to find treasures, so he can only train himself and the elves.

It just so happens that the primary secret realm is more suitable for new trainers

"Let's go, when the wild elves come out on the road, it's up to you to deal with it."

After saying that, Jiang Qing led the three elves and walked towards the forest. The three elves followed Jiang Qing closely, Leo Lu's ears moved from time to time.

This unfamiliar environment made him very alert.

Meltan, on the other hand, was jumping around on the ground, very curious about its surroundings. It was only a few days old, but it remained strong against things it had never seen before. Curiosity.

But it was looking at a flower in a trance, and it didn't realize that Jiang Qing and the others were already more than 20 meters away from it. The metal monster used telekinesis to catch Melutan.

"Don't be dazed, follow us and let us know."

Jiang Qing poked Meltan's nut-shaped head with his finger, and the latter happily grabbed Jiang Qing's finger with his palm.

"Metal monster, just watch it."

At this moment, a Rattata suddenly rushed towards Jiang Qing from behind a big tree, its white front teeth flashing with a cold light.

The elves in the secret realm and the wild are extremely aggressive. And some elves appear in groups.

For example, after Ratada was knocked down by Riolu with a punch, a"squeak" sound kept coming from behind the trees.

Then dozens of them Rattata and a Rattata appeared in front of Jiang Qing. Looking at their companions who fell to the ground, Rattata yelled, and then dozens of Rattata rushed towards Jiang Qing and the three elves.

"Metal monster metal claw"

"riolu split tiles"

"Meltan Electric Shock"

Jiang Qing quickly retreated seven or eight meters, giving the three elves enough space to use their skills.

Although there are more Rattata, their levels are generally lower, not to mention the metal monsters, and the light Riolu's The level is higher than them, and the only one with a lower level is Melutan.

But who is he? He is a fantasy beast, and he has a big background.

With one blow of the metal monster's metal claw, seven or eight little ones were knocked away. Although Lada and Riolu didn't defeat as many metal monsters with their Split Tile, they were faster than before. One could be knocked away in one second, and dozens of them could be knocked away in ten seconds.

Even Meltan was defeated with electric shock. Several Rattata.

In less than a few minutes, all these dozens of Rattata were defeated, leaving only the leader Rattata. And after this guy yelled, he dropped so many of his younger brothers and turned around to run away. Got it

"Let's go,"

Jiang Qing said.

Three elves per person continued to walk forward, leaving behind a bunch of fainted Rattata.

If it were an ordinary person, not to mention a few Rattata here would be tamed and sold outside. In order to make money, the remaining Rattata directly cut off their front teeth and sold them for money.

Any trainer who enters a secret realm is limited to the number of elves he can conquer in the secret realm, which is basically between 2 and 5. Some secret realms even Only 1 can be subdued.

Because of this, many people began to use materials on the elves.

For example, the incisors of Lada and Lada. These incisors are the hardest part of the Lada clan. Some energy cubes and medicines can These teeth are needed.

A complete set of Lada's front teeth is worth about 10,000. If Lada's front teeth are worth about 100,000.

Although this will cause some damage to Little Lada and Lada, it will not Death, after a period of time, their front teeth will grow back.

In the human world, there are people who breed Rattata and Rattadas.

"I didn't expect there was such a thing in the mall." While rummaging through the mall to see if he could find any secret props, Jiang Qing unexpectedly saw something.

Elementary treasure detector: If there are treasures within one kilometer, it will prompt ( A maximum of one treasure can be displayed at the same time)

Intermediate treasure detector: It will prompt if there are treasures within a range of three kilometers (a maximum of three treasures can be displayed at the same time)

Advanced treasure detector: It will prompt if there are treasures within a range of ten kilometers (a maximum of five treasures can be displayed at the same time) )

Top treasure detector: If there is a treasure within fifty kilometers, it will prompt you (up to eight treasures can be displayed at the same time, the size of the red dot represents the value of the treasure, and it will never be damaged).

The prices are one thousand points, three thousand points, and five thousand points respectively. A box of 10,000 points.

Jiang Qing looked at his points, which were only just over 10,000 now, and strongly suspected that this mall deliberately placed the treasure detector in front of him.

Most of these 10,000 points were accumulated by him doing daily tasks. Get up

"Let's get it right in one step."

Jiang Qing gritted his teeth and spent 10,000 points to buy the top treasure detector, feeling distressed in his heart.

He didn't feel bad at all after spending millions on the weekend, because his father earned the money. And now he spends 10,000 points, but the thief is distressed.

There are many treasures in the secret realm, and most of the treasures are hidden, so the chance of being found is not very high.

Even though the No. 1 primary secret realm has been People have been exploring for thirty years, but there are still lucky people who can find some treasures.

And as long as the energy in the secret realm is not exhausted, it will continue to breed treasures, but it will take a longer time to breed treasures.

10,000 points The treasure detector purchased is about the size of a palm, and looks 80 or 90% similar to Dragon Ball Radar.

There is an arrow in the center of the treasure detector. As Jiang Qing continues to change direction, the arrow also changes direction, so this arrow is Jiang Qing.

There are four red dots distributed around the arrow. The other three dots are relatively small, and only one is larger.

According to the introduction just now, the larger the red dot, the higher the value of the treasure.

And where Jiang Qing is located The location is closest to the largest red dot

"Let's go treasure hunting."

Jiang Qing waved her hand, feeling a little excited. Adventure is connected with treasure hunting, and the excitement comes.

And with this treasure hunter, in the future, all secret places and ruins will have treasures. Even if it is hidden underground, Jiang Qing can dig it out.

Treasures in junior and intermediate secret realms are of little help to Jiang Qing, but if they are replaced by treasures in high-level or even top-level secret realms, if they can be found , that help is definitely of great help.

Some top-level treasures can even change your destiny.

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