"Lucario, he's over to you"

Handing Kuixing to Lucario to look at, Jiang Qing turned around and walked towards the big tree not far from him, where the Pokkis couple and their elven eggs were located.

However, seeing that half of the crown of the big tree was damaged due to the aftermath of the battle, Jiang Qing was slightly startled, thinking that there would be no problem with the eggs of the Porkis couple.

I couldn't help but speed up a few points, and soon came to the bottom of the tree.

Shi Rabi flew down from the canopy and sat on Jiang Qing's shoulder, with his other hand on Jiang Qing's head.

"Can you put such greasy hands on my hair," Jiang Qing said helplessly.

For the sake of it finding Pokkiss, Jiang Qing didn't bother to bother with it.

"Pokkeeth, what about them?"

Seeing that the Pokkeis couple did not come down, Jiang Qing looked up and did not find them in the canopy.

Rabi Shirabi: When they first fought, they flew away with the elven eggs, and now they should be back.

In order to protect the elf eggs from being affected by the aftermath of the battle, the Pokkis couple had already flown away with the elf eggs at the beginning of the battle between Jiang Qing and Kui Xing.

"Do you think Porkis can really bring luck to people"

Shi Rabi squinted at Jiang Qing, with an expression that I don't speak, you know yourself.

Jiang Qing: "Are you going too far?"

Rabbi: Pokkiss is not for you, don't hurt others.

Jiang Qing said that he didn't want to talk to Shi Rabi now.

At the same time, he stared at the giant gold monster beside him.

This guy just wanted to nod his head.

The expression of the giant gold monster remained unchanged, and the horse who was actually panicked in his heart almost nodded just now.

I won't be discovered by this careful eye, why do you look at yourself like this?

The enemy does not move, I do not.

Jiang Qing retracted his gaze, maybe he had just seen it wrong.

The giant golden monster breathed a heavy sigh of relief in his heart and continued to be expressionless.

At this time, the Pokkis couple had already flown back and landed in front of Jiang Qing.

Female Porkis also has their elven eggs on their backs.

The male Porkis also rubbed his head against Jiang Qing's trouser leg.

Jiang Qing's high-level wave guide power made him deeply trusted by the Porkis couple, so they cooperated with Jiang Qing to take down the Kuixing poaching group that fought them.

"This place can't stay anymore"

Jiang Qing patted the male Pokkiss's head and said.

As an elf with fewer numbers than quasi-gods and with its own luck value, Pokkiss is definitely the elf that most trainers dream of.

It doesn't matter what the trainer is, they all want a Porkis.

Pokkiss in the wild is extremely scarce.

And now there are two of them, and they also carry an elf egg, this combination, isn't it a moving vault?

If they continue to stay in the wilderness, they will definitely be spotted by the trainers, who can easily catch them with the elven eggs they are now carrying.

The males Porkis nodded, they knew that this place could not be kept any longer.

Along the way, there was no trainer who saw them without making a move.

Fortunately, I found that their trainers are not very strong, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get here.

But now that the wife and children have been born, and Pokeby has not hatched, it is obviously a little inconvenient to leave with this egg and find a new place.

Seeing the hesitation of the male Pokkiss, Jiang Qing hid the little Jiujiu in his heart, and said quietly: "I have a good place"

The couple looked at Jiang Qing and seemed to be asking what a good place to be.

"In my backyard, there is a ginkgo tree in my backyard, and the nests on it are all set up, with me, no one dares to make a move on you"

The nest on the ginkgo tree originally belonged to the Proud Bone Swallow couple, but some time ago they had flown away with the hatched little Proud Bone Swallow.

Many bird elves are migratory birds and migrate to other places depending on the season.

The Proud Bone Swallow is one of them.

Now they're gone, the nest is still there, and they'll fly back next year.

However, this empty time is just right for the Porkies. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's just that the nest is a little smaller, and the Porkis have to re-enlarge it.

The couple did not hesitate and nodded directly.

Both Jiang Qing and Shi Rabi are trustworthy, so they naturally agreed.

Jiang Qing was secretly happy in his heart.

When you enter your own home, it will be difficult to leave later. []

Monster: Still too young.

Rabi Shirabi: Don't blame me in the future.

The Porkis are both green-qualified, and so are their elven eggs.

It's also thanks to the fact that they are Pokkes, and they have their own luck points, otherwise Jiang Qing wouldn't have coaxed them home.

"I'll take Pokeby's eggs for you," Jiang Qing said.

The female Pokkiss nodded and handed the elf egg to Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing bought an incubator from the system mall and put the eggs inside.

Here, the inspectors have arrived.

After Jiang Qing finished dealing with Kuixing, he called the inspection bureau and asked them to send someone over to receive the Kuixing poaching group.

As soon as the inspection bureau heard that Jiang Qing had caught the Kuixing poaching group, it immediately sent a team of ten people over.

"Aren't you also for Pokkiss"

Kui Xing had already been escorted by the people of the inspection bureau, and when he saw Jiang Qing appear with two polkies, he showed a mocking look.

"I'm different from you," Jiang Qing shook his head.

You are forced, and I am following them voluntarily.

Although some means were also used, and the key to success was the assist of Kuixing.

"Thank you for that"

Facing Jiang Qing's thanks, Kui Xing's face turned dark, knowing what the other party meant.

If he didn't have himself, Jiang Qing would have no chance with these two Pokkisses.

"Jiang Shao, thank you this time, you are nothing but a tumor," the team leader sighed.

The Kuixing Poaching Group is relatively famous among all the poaching groups, and naturally they have done a lot of bad things.

Both the Trainers Association and the Inspectorate sent people to arrest them, but unfortunately in the end they were only some inconsequential personnel.

"It's their Poké Ball"

Jiang Qing handed over the Poke Balls of Kui Xing and his subordinates to this squad leader.

The squad leader nodded and took the Poké Balls.

In fact, Jiang Qing can leave all the three king-level elves of Kuixing behind, even if the people in the inspection bureau know, they won't say anything.

Some of the tasks of catching criminals are very dangerous, so naturally the benefits should be given more, otherwise why would the trainer take on this task.

And the trainer who completes the capture task can intercept the criminal's elf, although there is no clear provision, but it is also tacitly approved.

Kuixing's three king-level elves, Jiang Qing can't look down on them at all, and they don't need them.

And in this mission, he has already got what he wants, and the harvest is still great.

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