After a day of selection, the five main candidates were finally announced. They were the five selected by the previous head teacher Sun Ning.

Among the five people , Jiang Qing (Steel), Lin Hai (Water), Zhang Tu (Ground), Shen Yu (Fighting), and Wang Feng (Fire)

, except for Jiang Qing who was challenged once, no one dared to continue the challenge, and the remaining four were all challenged. He challenged me seven times, but he won every battle and stood at the end. From this aspect, the class teacher Sun Ning's vision is indeed very good.

Of course, the three best candidates for the three alternative places were selected based on the five people who had previously challenged them.

These three people are all from the ordinary trainer class.

Chai Qianqian (Bing), Chen Fei (Insect), and Zhou Zhou (General) left these eight people alone in the field. Sun Ning walked up to the eight people and said:"The Silver White High School League will be held in Lancang in one month."Held by the City"

Lancang City, as the capital city of Yinbai Province, holds some key competitions in Yinbai Province every year.

For example, the annual breeder competition was held three months ago, and then the Yinbai Provincial High School League was held one month later.

"I will be your coach. In terms of resources, the school will favor eight of you. The number of alternates is less than half of the main selection, but even if it is only half of the main selection, it is still more than the students in the elite class."

Three alternates Instead of showing dissatisfaction, they showed excitement.

Most of the students in the ordinary class were born in ordinary families. Although the three of them are only candidates, the resources provided by the school are higher than those in the elite class. This is not only Satisfied

"Gather here at eight o'clock tomorrow and train hard. As long as you perform well enough in the high school league, even if you don't get a good ranking, you will be valued by colleges and universities and be admitted by them in advance." Sun Ning left directly after saying this..

Jiang Qing also followed his footsteps and prepared to leave. When Wang Feng saw this, he immediately followed.

"Aren't you curious about the reason why I became so powerful in just two days?" Wang Feng couldn't help but ask.

He originally wanted to wait for Jiang Qing to take the initiative to ask, but then he pretended to say that he had been on the first day of the past two days. Things encountered in the secret realm

""I'm not curious, and you will tell me yourself." Jiang Qing continued to walk forward.

He didn't know Wang Feng's character, and he couldn't hold back anything in his heart.

Looking at Jiang Qing's leaving back, Chai Qianqian suddenly withdrew her gaze in despair.

"A proud man like him will never look at ordinary people like us."

Shen Yu, one of the main candidates, spoke.

Although she was born in a family, her family background was no different from ordinary people in front of Jiang Qing. The two are not on the same level at all.

"No, no, you misunderstood."

Chai Qianqian shook her head hurriedly, and explained with a slightly red face,"He helped me, so I am very grateful to him, that's all."

If Jiang Qing hadn't given him the Water Stone, she might have followed him. The Big Tongue Shell died in Secret Realm No. 1. Now the Spiny Shell has evolved with the water stone and has powerful ice energy.

It was also because of the battle between the Spiny Shell and Shen Yu's strange power that she was defeated by Sun Ning fell in love with it and became one of the three alternatives.

"So you just got lucky and accidentally found three fire stone fragments, and at the same time, the big rock snake required for the mission happened to be injured."

"What kind of shitty luck is this? This is my character, my Wang Feng’s invincible character."

Wang Feng immediately jumped when he saw Jiang Qing's expression of"you're having shitty luck".

This is a good character, it can be called shitty luck. Well.

After the fire dinosaur absorbed three fire stone fragments, it broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and evolved into a fire-breathing dragon.

And after the captured big rock snake submitted the task, Wang Feng earned nearly 10 million, which is enough He has been training three elves for a while.

After separating from Wang Feng, Jiang Qing did not go home, but went to a top private battle club in Lancang City

"Mr. Jiang, please."

When the staff at the door saw Jiang Qing coming, they hurriedly opened the door, made an inviting gesture with a smile on their faces, and then followed Jiang Qing.

"Mr. Jiang, yesterday a steel-type sparring trainer who would be a king came to our club. I wonder if you are interested?" the staff said. The battle club began to appear with the rise of trainers.

To put it bluntly, the battle club is Sparring.

If trainers want to improve the abilities of elves, fighting is inevitable, and if they want to improve in battle, they must also be very particular about the opponents they fight with.

Low-level opponents are boring, but high-level opponents must be sincere. If you are cruel, your elf will probably be useless.

So the profession of sparring teacher was born.

In the battle club, you can find trainers ranging from newcomers to quasi-king-level trainers. There are even kings in the battle club. A level sparring trainer.

The main attributes of a sparring trainer are naturally based on your needs.

"Oh, then let him be my sparring partner this time." Jiang Qing showed a little interest.

Although this battle club is the top in Lancang City, there are several quasi-king sparring coaches, and even the king-level sparring coaches occasionally I will come here to sit in charge, but there is no steel-type sparring teacher.

Those Quasi-Kings and King Jiang Qing have all fought against them, and they have gained a lot.

"Okay, this is his information, Mr. Jiang

, you can take a look at it first." The staff handed Jiang Qing a tablet with basic information on this new quasi-king trainer.

Name: Wu Yan

Age: 45

Trainer Level : Steel type quasi-king.

Elf: Big Steel Snake 65, Self-destruct Magneto 63, Big Mouth Baby 60, Big Eagle 59, Cat Boss 59, Straight Bear 55.

After reading the information, I can only say that it is a very ordinary training for the quasi-king. At home, there are only three steel-type elves. I think that the quasi-king is mainly steel-type. There are only three steel-type elves, which is obviously not enough. However, it is also understandable that compared to the fire-type elves, the steel-type elves have Among the elves with attributes such as water type and grass type, the number of elves is relatively small.

Jiang Qing’s family even monopolizes two steel type elves in Xia Kingdom, one is Metagross, and the other is Boscodora.

The former is a steel-type quasi-god, and the latter is a steel-type fortress. These two elves are also one of the strategic elves of Xia Kingdom. They can exchange their unique elves with other countries to increase the number of elves the country has. The diversity of elves can also be studied at the same time.

Not long after, the staff member who had just left came to Jiang Qing with a middle-aged woman with a respectful look.

Jiang Qing, the Quasi-Celestial King, thought it was very ordinary, but For an ordinary worker like him, that is someone to look up to.

"You are the challenger this time." Wu Yan raised her head and looked at Jiang Qing quite proudly.


The other party's tone made Jiang Qing frown slightly.

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