June 30th is the graduation date for the senior students at Imperial University. This is the same time in previous years. Basically, all the universities in Xia Kingdom have their graduation season at the end of June and the beginning of July.

At Teito University, this year’s senior graduation season is countless times more lively than in previous years.

The reason is also very simple, because Jiang Qing, the new champion of the Xia Kingdom, graduated today as a champion.

The Trainer Academy of Teito University gathers the best and most talented trainers in the entire Xia Kingdom, and the special recruitment class is the best among them.

Almost every year during the graduation season, one or two people from Teito University graduate as king-level trainers, which is already very remarkable.

And this year, four of Jiang Qing's special recruits have reached the level of king.

They are Lin Xiu, Wu Fan, Hu Yi and Miao You. Except for Hu Yi who has reached the middle stage of Heavenly King, the other three are in the early stage of Heavenly King.

Four heavenly-level graduates, that definitely breaks the record of Imperial University.

However, the four of them can only be used as foils now, and there is a more perverted Jiang Qing.

Champion-level graduates, can you fucking believe it if you tell me this?

Here in the auditorium, the president of Imperial University and the deans of each college are awarding diplomas to graduates.

Of course, this diploma is only available to students who are not trainers.

What kind of graduation certificate does a trainer need? Your own strength is the best 687 diploma.

Therefore, the Trainer Academy awards brooches representing trainer levels to graduating students.

As the senior students of the academy received their diplomas one by one, it was finally the turn of the Trainer Academy.

The dean of the Trainer Academy, Jiang Qing's second uncle, Tian Hu, was originally the vice dean, but is now the principal.

At the moment, brooches are being pinned to the graduates of the Trainer Academy. The color and material of the brooches are determined according to the level of the graduates.

Elite trainer blue brooch, made of iron.

Quasi-king trainer green brooch, made of steel.

A cyan brooch for a king-level trainer, made of gold.

The graduates of the Teito University Trainer Academy are basically at the level of Quasi-Celestial Kings, and this refers to the ordinary class.

If it is a special recruitment class, then the power will definitely be in the late stage or peak of Quasi-King.

So if you go to Teito University Trainer Academy and your strength is only in the late elite stage when you graduate, then you will be a fucking embarrassment to the school.

Even if I don’t let you graduate, it’s okay.

Tian Hu has a fierce face and a tall figure. When walking on the street, he gives people the feeling of a second-class walking gfb).

When he was putting the brooch on the quasi-king, he would still smile, but when he was putting the brooch on the elite peak, his face was so fierce that the graduates were so scared that they dared not speak.

As for those below the elite peak, give me a fucking year of retraining. If you dare to come up, I will beat you to death.

Then it was Jiang Qing's turn to be a special recruit class.

When Lin Xiu and the four kings pinned their brooches, Tian Hu grinned. After finishing pinning them, he patted the four of them on the shoulders.

"As expected of my nephew’s classmates, they are indeed the best among people," Tian Hu said with a smile.

Lin Xiu and the other four didn’t know the relationship between Jiang Qing and Tian Hu.

""My nephew Jiang Qing"

Seeing that the four of them were a little confused, Tian Hu smiled and said

"It turns out that Brother Jiang is your nephew, Dean Tian. No wonder Brother Jiang became the champion at a young age. Your teachings, Dean Tian, ​​must be indispensable."

Lin Xiu could be said to come right away.

He and Wu Fan can become The King of Heaven was also the result of Jiang Qing's help.

Later it was Shen Yu's turn. She was Jiang Qing's high school classmate and a proper woman. Although she was also a child of an aristocratic family, her family was not very big, so the family's help to her was not Very big.

She is now a trainer at the pinnacle of the Quasi-King of Heaven, and she can reach this stage all because of her hard work.

She didn't even ask Jiang Qing for help in the most difficult time.

This is a person who has her own pride. A female man.

After all the graduates of the Trainer Academy had pinned their brooches, the originally noisy venue gradually became quiet.

Because they knew that there was still one person who did not pin their brooches.

And this graduation ceremony was actually okay. It seemed that it was done for him, and they were just incidentally.

The president of Teito University, an ordinary cultural person, took the microphone and said:"Teito University has been established for more than 300 years and has produced countless literati, research scholars, and kings. level trainer"

"Many of them have become the pillars of the Xia Kingdom." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) As people get older, they talk more. After sighing for a while, the principal finally remembered today's topic.

"Without further ado, let’s invite our protagonist today, the seventh champion of Xia Kingdom, Jiang Qing"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Violent applause rang out, the sound was so loud that it almost lifted the roof of the entire auditorium.

Especially the special recruits class where Jiang Qing was in, everyone clapped their hands red.

They and Jiang Qing were classmates, even though they were classmates. Some of them have a very ordinary relationship with Jiang Qing, but they all have Jiang Qing's personal contact information.

If you encounter something that cannot be solved in the future, please ask Jiang Qing, and the other party will probably not refuse.

My classmates are champions, and I am simply awesome. It’s so overwhelming.

When someone is a little better than you, you will be jealous and you will try to catch up.

But when that person is much better than you and achieves achievements that you will never be able to catch up with in your life, you will Worship him.

Everyone worships the strong, especially martial arts professions such as trainers. They want to be strong and worship the strong even more.

The champion is the top that a trainer can reach.

More than 90% of the world None of the nine-point-nine trainers can become the king, let alone the champion. For them, the championship is an elusive existence.

As Jiang Qing slowly walked onto the stage, followed by the Jiang family The iconic silver-white Metagross.

Everyone’s eyes are on Jiang Qing and Metagross.

In the past, some people would be jealous of Jiang Qing becoming the king, and that was all because of his good family background.

But now he is the champion and wants to be the champion , it is no longer so important whether your family background is good.

If you can become a champion if you have a good family background, then all the major families in Xia Kingdom should have champions now.

"The Teito University Trainer Academy has never had a champion graduate, so there has never been a championship-level pin, but now there is one."

Tian Hu held a purple pin, the style was the same as the other three, but the color was different.

But this purple The material of the brooch turned out to be some kind of treasure. This Imperial University was very generous and was willing to give it up.

Tian Hu put the brooch on Jiang Qing's chest, then hugged Jiang Qing's neck with his right hand and shouted at the students and teachers below. Said:"This is my nephew, I'm my nephew, I just want to ask if you are awesome or not.""


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