"What wishes have you made for other people before?"

Jiang Qing felt very depressed when he saw that Jirachi had passed all the wishes he had thought of before, so he asked his predecessors what wishes they had made.

In this way, he You can borrow the experience of your predecessors

"Let me think about it."

Jiraqi looked thoughtful. Jiang Qing was not in a hurry. After all, this happened a thousand years ago. Jiraqi couldn't think about it carefully.

"Oh, I remembered, the last wish was for his ex-girlfriend to live happily."

Jiang Qing:⊙⊙

"My last wish was to find someone who loves me."

Jiang Qing:(?`?)

"Going up is to get your ex-girlfriend to come back to you."

Jiang Qing:?)

""And the last one is the last one." Before

Kiraqi finished speaking"Zero Four Seven", he was stopped by Jiang Qing, whose face was full of black lines.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to listen anymore."

Jiang Qing waved his hands with a sad look on his face.

His expression started with Jirachi saying the first person's wish, from confusion, to madness and now hitting the wall, if not for Jirachi With that serious look on his face, Jiang Qing even wondered if the other party was playing a trick on him.

The three people in front of them were in an era where they would be sentenced to death if they didn't talk to their girlfriends.

Jirachi is the God of Wishes, I don't know. I thought it was Yue Lao and Cupid.

It made all kinds of wishes, and it was about love and love. It was simply disgusting. I’m afraid these three are all mentally ill. This pattern is only the size of a little finger.

Jiang Qing’s face was full of headaches. , I wanted to learn from it, but in the end, I almost made myself depressed.

Jirachi obviously didn't know how much his words had affected Jiang Qing, and made him depressed.

""So Jiang Qing, what wish do you want to make?" Jirachi said expectantly.

Jiang Qing is its friend, and of course it hopes that it can help Jiang Qing fulfill his wish.

"Although I can't make you immortal, I can increase your lifespan by two thousand years. In this case, we can meet twice."

It wakes up once in a thousand years, and it can indeed meet Jiang Qing twice in two thousand years.

"Then after you wake up, can I make a wish to live for two thousand years?"

Jiang Qing felt that he had raised a smart question. If it works, can't this be a BUFF card? This is equivalent to immortality in disguise.

As for a thousand Whether Jirachi's sleeping meteorite will be found in the next few years is still unknown.

"No, your human lifespan is only two thousand years at most," Kira prayed.

Sure enough, his clever method won't work.

Jiang Qing sighed slightly, but when he thought about it, it was possible to live for two thousand years.

If he could Living for two thousand years, compared with the lifespan of his elf - well, it seems that no one can compare.

And if he really lives for two thousand years, his elf strength will be so terrible.

But now his original You can already live to about 500 years old, and there are many treasures that can increase your life span. Together, you can live for more than a thousand years.

So if you wish to live for two thousand years, the price/performance ratio does not seem to be very high.

System Mall There are also life-extending drugs in it, and even things that can lead to eternal life, but the points required are too scary.

In comparison, if you wish to live for two thousand years, the price-performance ratio does not seem to be very high.

"Then Jiang Qing, do you want to make this wish?" Kira prayed.

Jiang Qing, who was about to open his mouth, suddenly thought of something and asked curiously:"If I don't make a wish, can you always exist and don't have to sleep?"

Jiang Qing Jirachi's words made Jirachi very different, and then said:"If I said yes, would you not make a wish?"

Jiang Qing nodded matter-of-factly:"Of course."

In fact, he owns the system, as long as he has enough points, he can In fact, all the things mentioned can be obtained.

It just requires a lot of points. However, according to his current lifespan, as long as he completes the daily tasks every day, he can buy at least one of them before he dies.

As a first-level God, Jirachi could feel that when Jiang Qing said this, he was not lying, but really coming from the heart.

He could really give up this wish in exchange for letting himself exist. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People are selfish.

A treasure can stab a couple in the back and turn brothers against each other.

Not to mention its wishes are much more important than the treasure.

Even Jiang He can't realize the wishes that Qing mentioned before, but it can bring Jiang Qing at least three world treasures....

Although it cannot turn Metagross' qualifications into color, it can make the elves under the champion become champions, starting with at least five.

But Jiang Qing didn't say any of this.

Jiang Qing: I actually didn’t expect these.

However, as long as he has a treasure hunter and visits all the top secret places in Xia Kingdom, he can always find a few of the world's treasures.

There is also the promotion of his elf to the champion. For Jiang Qing, this is only a matter of time.

"Forget it, I won't make a wish."

Jiang Qing shook his head. If he didn't make a wish, Jirachi would not have to sleep. Then if it follows him from now on, wouldn't he be directly invincible?

Jirachi is also a first-level god after all.

"Actually, I'm joking, even if you don't make a wish, I will fall asleep." Jirachi smiled forcefully.

It didn't want to fall asleep. After a thousand years, when it woke up again, everything had changed. Jiang Qing should be dead by then.

Jiang Qing: Maybe I won’t die

"Then there is nothing that can keep you from sleeping, and I won't even make a wish." Jiang Qing frowned.

Every time Jirachi is killed by Dean Xu, no matter how big or small the other person's wish is, it will use up the energy it has accumulated for thousands of years.

So. It will need to sleep for thousands of years to reabsorb energy for use the next time it makes a wish.

But this time Jiang Qing will not make a wish, so the energy in its body will not disappear, so why does it need to sleep for 3.7 years.

Jirachi meets Jiang Qing I feel so touched that I care about myself so much.

"If there is a love stone, then as long as I don’t use too much energy, I don’t need to fall asleep"

"The stone of love? , what is this?" Jiang Qing asked.

When asking, he was still rummaging through the system mall to see if there was such a stone.

"The Stone of Love is a stone that contains the emotions of humans and elves. It only occurs when humans and elves die one after another, and the relationship between them is extremely deep. At the same time, the elves are wearing stone props."

"In this case, there is a very small possibility of the birth of the Stone of Love."

Here Jiang Qing also found the Stone of Love in the system mall.

The Stone of Love: a stone full of emotions (already owned).

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