

Finally, the various instruments in the main control room lit up and started to operate, and Xiao Mao finally breathed a sigh of relief, after all, there are still many injured people waiting for help in the Pokémon Center~

"OK, my mission here is completed! I hope Nazi and they don't wait in the Pokémon Center in a hurry......

" "Now, it depends on Xiao Zhi Xiao Gang if they can dredge the sewers and restore the river," but Xiao Mao is very confident in this, after all, the protagonist can still solve it?

On the contrary, he was still worried that Nazi and the others were in a hurry.

"Ash,I hope you like the strong love of stinky mud!Call you kid before I think of a bad idea.,Hehe~

" There's a "bad fate" stinky mud between Ash and grandpa.,Xiao Mao thought a little badly.。。

"Sure enough, I'm still a little generous~"

In the end, Xiao Mao was still a little unhappy with Ash's radical actions before, but now that I think about it, I don't blame Ash, he's still a child, and he has experienced too little.

It will mature in the future.

If Ash really can't figure it out, then he won't get so many trainers and Pokémon of the Legend of the Divine Beast to recognize him in the future, he is a pure heart, but he just drilled the tip of the horns

~ Now he is still a child, and it is normal to do some extreme things

, "I don't need to change anything for this, I am me, I am a mediocre talent if I am not envied, why should I be ashamed because I am excellent~".

This is Xiao Mao's final conclusion, and he praised himself again in his heart, but he also thought about parting ways with Xiao Zhi and them after Heiyun City.

He estimated that after this incident in Black Cloud City, Ash would be able to grow a little more, so he wouldn't have to worry about him getting into the horns, and he would be able to leave with confidence.

It's fun to travel with the trio of Xiao Zhi, and it's really worry-free, "Gang Mom" is properly arranged, but Xiao Mao is really a little uncomfortable~ I always feel like a third party.

"Bah, bah~ What do you want? Xiao Ye is not a third party? I just don't want to be with Xiao Zhi and put too much pressure on Xiao Zhi~

" Xiao Mao suddenly felt that he was a little criticized, a person was thinking about these haves and not, and he was really stunned, this is still people's "wild" electric Pokémon territory.

"Hey, hey~ I'm done with business, and the next thing is the treasure hunt that I like to see~"

Where a large number of wild electric Pokémon live, there should be a lot of electric props and various crystals, think about the goose plucking Xiao Mao's eyes and start acting.

"Look, what did I find? a small generator that can charge electric Pokémon.

Xiao Mao looked at an electronic instrument in front of him with some surprise and said, in fact, this thing is also available in the Damu Research Institute, but how can there be the fragrance of a white prostitute that he paid for at his own expense~

The son of the electric shock monster, the electric shock monster, was released.

"Hey Yi-" After the two electric plugs on the power monster's head were powered on, he was very excited under the baptism

of electricity, "Bilibili

~" The kid's excited two arms began to rotate and wave, like wheels, and began to wander in the ocean of electricity, very happy, and he didn't forget to start the charging trick

~"Well, thick and fine, this kid is not so stunned

~". Seeing that he didn't lose his mind because of the pleasure of charging up, and he still knew that he was assisted by a trick, Xiao Mao nodded with satisfaction, his strength was almost not afraid, but he was afraid that his mind was bad.

For a while, the golden electricity surged, and it seemed that this place had become a sea of electricity, and the electric monster was wandering in the ocean of electricity, constantly receiving baptism, and the breath was constantly enhanced.

As time goes by, the charging has also come to an end, and the power monster exudes a white glow, and Xiao Mao was very surprised when he saw it, it, this is evolution.


The newly evolved vicious electric shock beast has become a lot more wild and high-profile, wantonly venting its powerful electricity and breath, and the golden current surges, with the two fangs.

His eyes were full of war intent, and it seemed that at this moment, the wild Pokémon from the unmanned power plant came to beat him in groups.

"Maybe I should be as brave and domineering as the electric shock beast, the man is always cowering, why are you worrying

so much?" Seeing that the electric shock beast dared to be so arrogant in this unmanned power plant fed by a strong enemy, venting his strength and emitting a provocative aura without any scruples, Xiao Mao was a little envious.

Don't say it, it's really bluffing, no wonder Ma Zhishi said that this guy is a vicious dog who guards the door, and he is indeed very fierce.

The electric plug power monster has finally evolved, and it is one step closer to Xiao Mao's pet electric shock monster.

"There is already a bit of the atmosphere of the Thunder and Lightning King~"

The black lightning stripes on the abdomen of the electric shock beast, and there are such black electric shock stripes on the body, just like a tiger, and two fierce fangs are exposed, a fierce one.

There are two conductive organs on his head, helping him store electricity, and there is a V-shaped black line on his forehead~


They are happy, but some people are unhappy, the start of the backup line, and the unfamiliar current breath of the electric shock beast that is wantonly vented, finally attracted the attention and anger of some existences. . .

Breaking into someone else's territory, and being so presumptuous, the owner of this place was angry, so he left his lair in a flash, and stood in the air.

"Gaa~(Who is it?Break into my territory~)"

Suddenly there was a powerful thunder and lightning, and an angry question, and there was a strong sense of oppression in the voice.


Thunder~" "Thunder~" Raiqiu.

"Dididi~" little magnetic monsters, three-in-one magnetic monsters.

"Yi~" Thunder Elf....


The wild Pokémon of the unmanned power plant trembled when they heard this, and their "lord" was angry!!

it seemed that a stranger had broken in, which made this adult unhappy

, which was terrible?!! it was because this lord had designated this place as his own private territory and ordered them to attack the approaching humans and other foreign Pokémon, which caused this place to become a forbidden area.

The lightning bird can control thunder and lightning and change the weather. This makes the lightning bird often revered as the god of thunder.

"Ga (who the hell is it?hurry up, get out of here)~" -

the angry cry of the lightning bird came again, and a strange sense of oppression and a terrifying thunder and lightning breath spread throughout the unmanned power plant.

The "........." wild Pokémon trembled, but they didn't dare to respond, knowing that going out at this time was a punching bag.

This adult is overbearing and abnormal.,Now I'm angry.,I hope it's good not to be angry with them.,The wild electric Pokémon sighed helplessly.,But they didn't think about leaving here.。。

In fact, it is understandable that the place where the lightning bird lives, the traces left behind and the mysterious breath of electricity are comprehended, which is enough for these mortal pets to change their lives against the sky and achieve a leap in strength.

And there is the protection of the god of thunder here.,It's much safer and cleaner than other places.,There's a lot of the same kind together.,It's a paradise.,Anyway, the adult is just venting his anger.,In comparison,Leaving is a stupid act.。。

Xiao Mao was really embarrassed at first, disturbing the rest of the lord who came here.

The more this cry was scolded, the more unpleasant it became. You listen.

"Quack~ (Damn ants...)

"Get out of here and accept the punishment of the gods

~" "Hey, hey~Shrinking turtle...... Dare to provoke...... Don't dare to come out, do you...... Guts rats

...... ""Damn it...... Ant...... Enough for me to get

out-" "Get out-" "Get

out-" "Come


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