
There is no hate.

For a person with a character like Ash, envy and jealousy may be temporary, and it is estimated that he will forget it himself for a while.

Xiao Mao stroked his hair: "Maybe I'm handsome!",

and the scene fell into calm.

Nazi smiled, it was really like what your personality said. However, he seems to be really attracted by Xiao Mao's appearance.

"Hehe~ brother, so narcissistic!"

Cortana giggled.

"Mm-hmm, it's really handsome.

Xiaoxia agreed.

A boy of the same generation, she has never seen someone who is better, stronger and more handsome than Xiao Mao, and she is definitely peerless.

That's not her cup of tea, though. When her eyes looked at Ash, she unconsciously revealed a trace of tenderness.

"Because...... Handsome, hehe~"

The corners of Xiao Gang's mouth twitched, he didn't want to comment.

"Ahhh Fight me, or I won't be reconciled. Ash

was still so hot and said his purpose.


Xiao Mao was stunned, but he didn't expect Xiao Zhi's request to be very simple!

Hackron took the initiative to step up.

This is the Valley of the Dragon, the territory of the concubine.

Since it's because of me, then the concubine will take over this battle!

Caesar is very happy.

"Oh roar~ old friends have a fight. "

People who are dozens of years old have directly become little fans, shouting Hakron come on, and incarnated as a cheerleader.

Ash is not surprised.

Pikachu was dispatched again.

"Pikachu, please.

Ash looked serious, don't think he's stupid, because he's watching Hackron swim out of the lake.

So it's definitely a water-type Pokémon.

Pikachu is electric, but it restrains water-based Pokémon.

He won the game.

Well, that's what Ash thinks.

I have brains, but not much.

"Hakron, in the future, please take care of me~"

Xiaomao is very happy.

This means that Hakron is also in the bag this time.

Hakron understands, Caesar understands, but the Ash trio doesn't. Perhaps, Xiao Gang also understood, but he didn't say it.

Caesar was reluctant to give up his old friend's choice, but he agreed.

Now that Hakron is alive, I am afraid that he has fallen into the eyes of those who care.

He's too old to protect Hackron.

He didn't want to see it again, he didn't want to see the far zone again. In the same way as back then, the disaster was devastated, and the ecosystem was destroyed.

So he didn't protect the mini-dragon back then. Now he is old and powerless, and he is old and powerless. I couldn't hold on to Harlon even more.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a new backer for Hakron. Kittens officially go to one of the most suitable.

Because this kid is from the Damu family. In this part of the Kanto region. No one dared to drink the beard of the Oki family.

He is the only grandson of Dr. Ohki. The kitten can definitely hold on to go to one more hackron.

Not to mention that this kid has a hand in cultivating Pokémon, you see. An old friend's child, the mini-dragon has become a king-level Pokémon in a few years since it was handed over to him.

Don't think that it will be easy for a quasi-god to break through to the Heavenly King level. Bloodline is both a virtue and a confinement.

Quasi-God Pokémon grow slower and more powerful than regular Pokémon. As long as it is general, as long as there is no training fee. Once you evolve to the final form, you will basically reach the quasi-heavenly king level, which is often referred to as the quasi-god level.

There is a heavenly king. But this is also a limitation. Quasi-god-level Pokémon grows fast enough and chokes enough, but although he has a high bottom line, it also means that there are great restrictions on him.

Harclond's child. In the hands of the little hat, it grew so fast, and successfully broke through the Skynet. It proves that this kid definitely has a hand in his hands, and he will never be wronged.

Caesar is worthy of old age. The way of looking at the problem is different. Quite old spicy.

As for Natsu, they are only happy for the kittens, and they don't think of anything else. It's pure, it's pure.

A vacant lot was chosen.

Ash and Shigeru stood at both ends.

"Pikachu, we've got to win. "Defeating Xiao Mao, this has become Xiao Zhi's obsession.

Ash is excited.


Pikachu in front of him prepared for the battle posture, turned his head and nodded very seriously, with a broken momentum.

"Hey, that's it, that's it. "

The two are full of fighting spirit.

"Oh one~" -

relatively speaking, Hakron was suspended in front of Xiao Mao like that.

It's a bit careless.

Xiao Gang is the referee.

"Now for the Pokémon duel between Shigeru and Ash, the duel is 1vs1, one Pokémon loses the ability to fight, and the other team automatically wins, and I declare the duel begins. "

Pikachu, a flash of lightning. "

Ash came up to strike first and attacked first.

"Hackron, we're lightning too.

Mao chuckled.

"Oh one~" -

Hackron turned into white lightning and rushed out.

Pikachu and Hakron are like two white lightning bolts, constantly colliding and fighting, well, each other is invincible.

Pikachu hurt a little.

Hackron didn't feel it at all.

On the contrary, the more you fight, the more courageous you become.

Some of them are even playful.

It's faster than Pikachu.

Molest Pikachu.

Block the road and don't let go.

"Hahaha~ Well done.

Caesar laughed.

Xiaoxia looked at Ash worriedly.

Xiao Gang sighed in his heart, this result he had predicted that Haklong's strength was not something that Xiao Zhi could contend with.

"Yo, Pikachu uses 100,000 fords.

Ash's eyes lit up as he looked at the hovering hackron.

"Hackron, we're 100,000 volts too.

Shigeru continued to give the same order.

Ash was a little unhappy.

"Xiaomao, you learn from me again.

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense. It's just that Hackron happens to be able to use these skills as well. "

How could Xiao Mao admit it, if he admitted, doesn't that mean that he admitted that he was playing with Xiao Zhi.


Ash looked at Mao suspiciously.

"Of course, look at these sincere eyes, do you think I look like I'm lying to you?" Xiao Mao pointed to his eyes solemnly.

Ash was speechless: "......"

Why didn't he believe it.

His instincts told him that Xiao Mao was fooling him.

If Xiaomao knew. will laugh and tell him that your intuition is not wrong, I am fooling you, I am learning from you, but it is a pity that you are not confident and do not insist on your own ideas, haha~

"Okay, okay." "

I believe it, keep fighting!" Ash

looked back at the battle.


Pikachu immediately gathered electricity, and then a yellow lightning bolt struck Hakron.

"Oh one~" -

Hackron immediately returned with a larger bolt of lightning.


The two lightning bolts met in the air and collided together.

Pair up on the waves.

However, Pikachu is clearly at an absolute vulnerable.

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