Elf Leader

Chapter 219 Farewell and Plot

After Du Dong sat down, Jiang Jin motioned to the girl next to him:

"Let me introduce you to Suguo. I met her in Alola. Like me, she is also a traveling trainer and also likes all kinds of adventures."

Ye Li: "Hello, my name is Ye Li."

Suguo nodded: "I often hear Jiang Jin mention you! Champion of Zhejiang Province!"

Ye Li waved his hand: "That one is not worth mentioning. For a powerful trainer, it is just child's play."

Du Dong also looked at Suguo: "Hello, my name is Du Dong!"

Suguo smiled: "Jiang Jin also talked about you, a romantic and bohemian trainer!"

Du Dong couldn't help but look at Jiang Jin, why was he given such a name?

With an awkward smile, Du Dong said: "Compared to being romantic and bohemian, I prefer others to call me Teacher Du."

Then he looked at Ye Li next to him: "Really? Ye Li!"

Ye Li took a bite of barbecue and said, "Yes! Teacher Du——"

Suguo was immediately amused by them, covered his mouth and laughed.

The four of them chatted while eating, and then Jiang Jin announced to Ye Li and Du Dong: "I will set off with Suguo tomorrow."

Du Dong and Ye Li raised their heads at the same time: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Jin looked at Suguo next to him: "Of course we are going to travel! The two of us have decided to visit Jingnan City first. Then we will travel around the world."

Du Dong said in surprise: "You two are too chic! If I had known earlier, I would have stopped being a teacher and become a traveling trainer for a period of time."

Jiang Jin smiled: "It's not too late for you to do it now, we can take you with us."

Du Dong shook his head: "Let's forget it. I am just a big light bulb with you."

Ye Li: "You are quite aware!"

They chatted while eating until late at night, and then Jiang Jin took Suguo away, with Ye Li and Du Dong saying goodbye.

The three of them all knew that if Jiang Jin left, they might not see each other for a long time.

As Malanda said before, there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever. Everyone has his own way to go, and separation is inevitable.

Life is like this. Everyone seems to be together, but in fact they are busy with their own things. Think about it, everyone is actually very lonely.

After Jiang Jin left, Ye Li and Du Dong also went back separately.

Back at the rental house, Ye Li first went to the game world to harvest magical fruits, and then watered it.

After calculating that he had planted so many magical fruits, Ye Li began to like this simple planting life.

If possible, Ye Li would rather not work so hard and just get all kinds of magical fruits every day.

Because he came back late, Ye Li did not push the game plot.

Today, after seeing off two people in succession, Ye Li felt a little melancholy. He took Qilulian and the others to sit on the big tree outside the window and stared blankly at the sky.

Kirulian in her arms looked up at Ye Li's face,

He opened his arms and hugged Ye Li.

Ye Li touched it and couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth, thinking that he was not alone after all!

He looked at the walking grass next to him who was carelessly playing with the puppet bear.

Look at Celebi flying among the leaves, and Hackron doing nothing on the side.

Aren't they all accompanying me?

At this time, Kuailong also flew over, flying in the woods under the moonlight.

There is also the sharp-tooth land shark who has been staying in the elf ball. These are his companions.

A gust of wind blew, and Ye Li swayed. It was already autumn, and the weather was starting to get cooler.

After calling all the elves back, Ye Li went back to cover himself in bed, which was still more comfortable.

Classes were as usual the next day, but today everyone trained extra seriously.

You don't need to think about it to know that the Novice Cup will start again tomorrow, and everyone is holding back their enthusiasm.

Everything went as usual. Ye Li returned home in the evening and entered the game world after eating.

Today I finally have time to push the plot.

First harvest the miraculous fruits, water them, and then plant them.

After planting them all, Ye Li found that the land in Kanaz City had been planted.

There is quite a lot of land in Karnaz City. There are seven pieces of land at the bottom and six pieces of land at the top. There are thirteen pieces of land in total.

When they are ripe, Ye Li will be able to harvest forty or fifty magical fruits every day in Kanaz City, which makes him happy just thinking about it.

Then head to Shuijing City, it’s time to push the plot.

To be honest, Shuijing City has the most plots of any city.

You must first go to Sunset Mountain to drive away the fire fleet and water fleet there, and then go to the top of Fuyan Town and enter Groudon's cave to release Groudon.

Then go to Kaina City to drive away the water fleet there, and finally go to the base of the water fleet in Shuijing City.

After coming out, you can go to Green Ridge City, where the seventh gym is located.

Ye Li first went to Sunset Mountain, which seemed to be the entrance to the reverse world in one version. Ye Li went to take a look at it first.

He defeated the NPCs along the way, but what disappointed Ye Li was that there was no entrance to the reverse world above.

Sure enough, I was overthinking it, so let’s work on the plot first.

It took more than ten minutes for Ye Li to defeat all the NPCs above, and then there was a conversation between the boss of the fire and rock fleet and the boss of the water fleet and the old man and lady above.

After they left, the old lady talked a lot to Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't go to the old man because he would talk a lot. Anyway, he was just explaining Groudon and Kyogre.

Directly release Yveltal and fly to Cauldron Town. It's time to release Groudon.

Ye Li moved forward, trying his best to avoid the NPCs on the way. Similarly, because he avoided them, Ye Li didn't get many props.

Ye Li doesn't need it very much now. Those props are a bit useless for Ye Li now.

Finally, we entered the cave where Groudon was.

Surrounded by white rocks, Ye Li felt a rush of hot air as soon as he entered.

After walking in, Ye Li came to a magma pool. A giant red beast stood in the pool, seeming to be sleeping.

That was Groudon. Waves of hot air reverberated in the hole. Ye Li now wanted to throw a Master Ball over it.

However, Ye Li also knew that he was overthinking. The current Gurado could not be selected and could not fight at all.

Ye Li hadn't looked for long before a middle-aged man in red clothes walked in.

He is the boss of the Fire Rock Team.

The battle with Ye Li started before they even exchanged a few words.

If there were no Celebi and Yveltal, Ye Li would still be more afraid of him, but with the two divine beasts in hand, Ye Li would not ignore him at all and deal with them directly.

Then the leader of the Fire Rock Team took out a blue ball and released light. The entire cave was covered in blue light, and Cave Groudon slowly opened his eyes.

Groudon, who opened his eyes, jumped and disappeared in front of Ye Li and the leader of the Fire Rock Team without even looking at them.

The leader of the Fire Rock Team suddenly turned his head and looked again and again in confusion, and finally asked Ye Li: "Where is Groudon? Where did he go?"

After talking a lot, several younger guys from the Fire Rock Team came over, and then the boss of the Fire Rock Team took the younger guys away.

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