"Hello sir, please pay the fee first to enter the secret realm. "

Following the guidance of the staff, Chu Xuan came to a self-service payment machine.

Compared to the Green Realm in Star City, the level of the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm is one level higher, and the fees that need to be paid are also much higher.

After paying a full 5,000 elf coins, Chu Xuan was able to enter the secret realm of the Hidden Dragon Canyon.

Stepping through the portal of the secret realm, a familiar sense of the world and the earth was coming.

When I opened my eyes again, I had already arrived in the secret space.

The view is greeted by a lush forest.

There are streams flowing through the forest, and on both sides of the vast forest are cliffs more than 10,000 feet high.

The secret land of Hidden Dragon Canyon is about 800 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide.

Throughout the panorama, it is quite long and narrow.

Most of the people who live near the entrance of the canyon are novice and ordinary-level elves, and occasionally there are some elite-level elves.

The deeper you go into the canyon, the stronger the elves you distribute.

Legend has it that in the deepest part of the Hidden Dragon Canyon, there is a powerful dragon elf.

Hence the name of the secret realm.

It's just that no one has ever seen the true face of the rumored elf, so many people are skeptical of this claim.

After finding a place where there was no one, Chu Xuan changed into a costume and moved towards the canyon.

The strength of the elves living in the periphery is quite average, which also means that they have been patronized by an unknown number of trainers, and the probability of being able to find good things is extremely low.

I stayed here for ten days and half a month, and I didn't know if I would be able to buy an evolution stone.

Wealth and danger are sought.

If you want to have enough gains, you must go to the depths of the secret realm.

With an eagle and a fire dinosaur on his side, Chu Xuan quickly advanced towards the depths of the secret realm.

As for the Tyrannosaurus, because it was too big and it was not so convenient to act on the ground, it was placed in the Poke Ball by Chu Xuan.

Some of the elves he met on the road were frightened and fled away by the slightest breath released by Bi Carving.

The journey was very smooth.

Halfway, there are visible resources, and Chu Xuan will also delay a little time to stop and collect.

Accumulate a lot, accumulate armpits into a fur, and also obtain resources worth more than 5,000 elf coins.

It's a good sign, after all, I just came back to the secret realm not long after.

And that's just the inadvertent harvest of the Hidden Dragon's Secret Outer Circle.

I have to say that the resources contained in the B-level secret realm are more than those of the C-level secret realm.

If you are in the secret realm of the green field, if you are unlucky, you may not be able to get more than 5,000 elf coins in the inner circle for a day.

This also made Chu Xuan look forward to the next harvest.

As Chu Xuan deepened, after about half an hour, he came to the junction area where most of the elite-level elves were distributed.

As the name suggests, the Junction Area is an area where the outer periphery of the main life novices and ordinary level elves meet, as well as the inner perimeter of the main living hall level elves.

When he arrived here, Chu Xuan was not as relaxed as the outer area of Fang Cai.

Although most of the people living in the border area are elite-level elves, it is not excluded that there are hall-level elves haunting.

Moreover, there are quite a lot of elves living in the secret realm of the hidden dragon.

In addition to the common grass attributes, insect attributes, general attributes and the like.

The relatively rare ghost attribute also has many groups distributed here.

Ghost attribute wild elves are feared by many trainers.

In addition to the eerie appearance and skills that are somewhat infiltrating, many ghost-attribute wild elves also like to attack trainers directly.

If you don't take precautions and are attacked by the ghost elves, it will be quite dangerous for the trainer!

Before coming, Chu Xuan and Bidiao had done their homework, so they were not careless because of their Daoguan-level strength.

The eagle has been flying within 10 meters above Chu Xuan.

As for the fire dinosaur, it was tightly attached to Chu Xuan, looking around vigilantly.

In addition to searching for valuable resources, guard against enemies that may appear at any time.

Although it is only normal and advanced, it does not provide much help in combat.

But with careful observation and keen perception, it can quickly warn Chu Xuan when he discovers the enemy's situation.

It's just that in this way, Chu Xuan's search speed in the border area is naturally not as fast as in the peripheral area.

But the speed is not good, the quality is to make up.

The resource density of the junction area is significantly higher than that of the peripheral area.

Even though the search speed had dropped by more than half, Chu Xuan still found resources worth no less than thirty or forty thousand elf coins.

It was only a few hours after entering the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm, and the resources harvested were worth half an evolution stone, which made Chu Xuan quite satisfied in his heart.

At this rate of making money, in a few weeks, you will be able to gather enough resources for the Tyrannosaurus and Fire Dinosaur to be upgraded to the gym level.

After reaching the gym level in strength, compared to an elite-level trainer, the speed of making money can be several times faster!

Take the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm as an example, normal elite-level trainers are cautious when searching for resources in the border area, and they don't dare to make the slightest movement.

The area and scope that can be searched are already limited, and the chances of finding valuable items are not high.

And if you find valuable resources, you may not be able to beat the wild elves who protect the resources.

Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if you defeat the wild elves who protect the resources with great difficulty, you can't rule out the possibility of being cut off by other wild elves.

Not as high as the C-level secret realm, the density of elves in the B-level secret realm is high and scary.

If the battle drags on a little longer, it may attract other wild elves to check it out.

And once that happens, let alone earn resources.

There are no missing arms or legs, which can be regarded as good luck.

Therefore, for elite level trainers, even if they come to the junction area to explore, and encounter valuable resources.

In the case of not being sure to quickly defeat the wild elves of the guardian resources, they will basically give up.

The speed of making money is naturally not satisfactory.

Gym-level trainers, on the other hand, don't have as many worries as they do.

You just need to ensure that you don't get attacked by the old six like the ghost elves, and the trainer itself.

There are basically no rivals in the border zone.

When encountering valuable resources, there is no need to look ahead and backward at all, think too much, and just grab it.



Two days later, Chu Xuan, who was collecting a newly discovered orange fruit in his backpack, suddenly heard a roar in the dense forest in the distance.

Along with the roar came the vibration of the ground and the dust.

"Isn't there any precious props unearthed?

Chu Xuan put away the orange fruit and quickly rushed to the roaring place.

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