
Behind the field, a vine snake poked its head out and looked at the Wangwang Valley.

Among all the grass-type starter Pokémons, vine snakes are probably the most numerous in the wild.

Because vine snakes have extremely high IQs, they have a certain aversion to stupidity.

If they meet an immature trainer, they are likely to choose to leave alone.

Moreover, vine snakes that can abandon their trainers are not too bad in talent.

Such vine snakes can survive naturally in the wild, and the offspring they reproduce are even stronger than those bred by humans.


The Teng Teng snake touched its stomach.

It was a little hungry, but it knew that all these Wangwang Valleys belonged to that human.

This Teng Teng snake was obviously very proud.

Therefore, it did not allow itself to steal.


Just then, three more little Rattatas ran out from the side.

They opened their mouths and bit off the rice stalks, dragging them away.


The vine snake tilted its head as it looked at them, then looked at Natsume and the others who were fighting in front of it, and immediately had an idea.


A vine whip was thrown out from the vine snake.


The vine whip hit a little Rada hard, knocking it to the ground.

The rice stalk in its mouth also fell out.


The other two little Rattatas turned their heads angrily and looked at the vine snake.


The vine snake curled its lips in disdain.

In front of it, flying leaves gathered.

The vine snake used magic leaves!

The magic leaves gathered together, and then split into two strands and hit the two little Rattatas respectively.



The mole came over quickly after hearing the noise, and looked at the vine snake warily.


The Vine Snake threw three Rattatas in front of the Sandshrew, and then pointed the Vine Whip at Wangwang Valley.

The Sandshrew looked at the Teng Teng Snake, scratched his head, and looked back.

Natsume and the others had already dealt with the Rattatas in front of them. Natsume walked over here, looking at the Vine Snake that suddenly appeared in front of him with some surprise.

【Name: Vine Snake】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Level: lv15】

【Features: Contrarian】

【Individual stats: HP (30), Attack (28), Defense (28), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (30), Speed (31)】

【Skills: impact, glare, whip, tight binding,】

【Inherited skills: Magic Leaf, Green Grass Field】

【Potential: Quasi-king】

"This Vine Snake has great potential, and it's a dream special."

Natsume looked at the Vine Snake's data in surprise.


At this time, Fujiten Snake looked at Natsume and pointed at Wangwang Valley.

Natsume looked at Fujiten Snake and asked:"You want to exchange a piece of Wangwang Valley by fighting, right?"

""That's right."

The vine snake nodded.

"No problem."

Natsume smiled and said,"But there is still a little bit left to cut."

"Can you help me guard it for a while?"

Vine Snake thought about it and agreed.

So Vine Snake and Caterpie, one on the left and one on the right, guarded the Wangwang Valley together.

There were no accidents afterwards, after all, it was only a hundred square meters of land.

Soon, Wangwang Valley was harvested.

【Tip: You have completed a harvest.】

【Mission Reward: Evergreen Power is issued】.

【Issued task: Reclamation of one acre of land】

【Mission Rewards: Seeds of Rolling Beans; 3 Experience Candies that provide a lot of experience; Secret Technique - Sunny Day]

Natsume listened to the system's prompts, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the changes in his body.

Natsume could feel a very strange energy in his body.


Two Spearows flew across the sky.

They landed beside the open space.

Natsume suddenly realized that he could understand what the elves wanted to express through their calls.

The two Spearows smelled the scent of Wangwang Valley.

But unfortunately, they were too late.

【Hint: You have completed the defense of Wangwang Valley】

【Mission rewards: Experience candy*3 has been issued; Dragon Gem has been issued】

""Cha-nai~" the vine snake called out to Natsume.

It came to ask for its"salary"


At this time, Fujiteng Snake suddenly showed a puzzled look.

Fujiteng Snake suddenly found that the human in front of him seemed to make him feel that he could completely trust him.

This is the power of Changpan.

Super strong affinity, the ability to communicate with elves, and the power of healing.

Natsume handed two ears of grain to Fujiteng Snake:"Thank you, Fujiteng Snake."

Fujiteng Snake reached out to take it, then picked the Wangwang Valley off and threw it into his mouth like eating candy beans.


Natsume looked at Snake and invited:"Snake, do you want to stay in my farm?"

Snake not only has good talent, but also has the skill of green grass field.

Green grass field can make a place full of vitality and restore the health of elves.

If the elves are proficient in using green grass fields, they can even make the land more fertile.

In this way, even wasteland will be suitable for sowing.

Therefore, Natsume didn't want to let Snake go just like that.

Snake showed a slightly hesitant expression when listening to Natsume's words. Natsume looked at Snake's expression and smiled:"Come to think of it, the figure I saw in the house before was you, right?"

Snake glanced at the house behind him and nodded.

"Then you can stay here for a few days and make a decision later."

Teng Teng Snake thought about it and thought it was a good idea, so he agreed to Xia Mu's invitation.

""Just now~"

Natsume was relieved when he saw that Fujito Snake temporarily agreed to stay.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

Natsume took out the experience candies.

Natsume gave two to Caterpie.


Caterpie opened his mouth and ate both experience candies.��

【Tip: Caterpie's level has been upgraded to level 18】


Katie shook his head. The energy flowing into his body made Katie feel inexplicably excited.

"What's wrong with the Houndoo?"

Natsume looked at the Houndoo and asked

""Ah~ Huh~"

Growlithe's breathing began to get heavier.

Fire energy suddenly gathered around Growlithe's mouth.


A scorching flame condensed and sprayed into the sky!

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