Something big happened in the Dragon Nation Pokémon Alliance!

Not to mention the death of a champion-level trainer, even if something happened to a national-level trainer, it would cause a national shock.

But tonight, three such big shots died.

The top leaders of the alliance immediately held a brief meeting.

The normal process of the Dragon Nation Alliance meeting is that the champions will first discuss the general direction.

With the general direction, the details will be discussed by the national pavilion masters and the kings.

Just like the meeting about Jirachi.

The five champions talked first.

After they finished talking, the champion meeting came later.

At this moment, in the imperial capital, in a very quaint little wooden house

"Granny Wu is dead, what do you think?"

Wang Chong, the champion of the Central Region.

He is the top leader of the Trainer Association.

No one answered.

Wang Chong couldn't help but said to the old man who was sitting in a rocking chair, wearing a vest and holding a Monini and feeding her,"Mr. Zhang, can you go back and feed it again?"

Zhang Han, the champion of the Eastern Region.

He is the top person in charge of the secret realm and distorted space in the Dragon Country.

Zhang Han rubbed Monini's little face, raised his head and said lightly:"My original proposition was to let nature take its course."

"If the power of God was so easy to master, I would have done it long ago."

"Granny Wu is dead, just find someone to replace her"

"You are the one who manages these things, just make the decision."

Mr. Li sat aside and took a sip of his teacup:"Recently, there are signs of Lugia in the Atlantic Ocean, and our forest rangers are going to investigate."

"Don't ask me to handle the follow-up matters."

Wang Chong sighed.

"Then let's hold a battle of kings"

"Whoever wins will be the Western Conference champion and will be responsible for managing and coordinating the conference."

Wang Chong said,"In addition, there are Wang Tai and Tian Mo, what about them?"

Mr. Li continued to drink tea.

Zhang Han lowered his head and smiled at Monini in his arms:"Baby, open your mouth~"

"So good~"

Wang Chong looked at the two speechlessly and then said:"Wang Tai let him die in half a year. Before that, find a Ditto to take his place."

"After half a year, the National Fighting Gym Leader will be re-elected."

"If Tian Mo says so, then announce to the public that you are exploring a secret place."

Mr. Li put down his teacup and said,"I have no objection."

"Finally, it's about Natsume."

Wang Chong looked at the three people in the room with a headache and asked,"What do you think of Natsume?""

Old Master Li said,"It was Jirachi who did it, what else can we do?"

"Li Jing, do you think Jirachi is really asleep, or can he still sense changes in the outside world?"

The old man in a suit who had been sitting next to him without saying anything suddenly asked a very crucial question.


Liu Shilong, the champion of the South.

The highest leader of the alliance investigators.

After a moment's silence, Mr. Li said,"This is actually really hard to say."

"Many elves can fight even in their dreams, such as the skill: Sleep Talk"

"Or the absolute sleeper tree-pillow bear"

"Although Jirachi is asleep, if something happens on the farm, who can be sure that Jirachi will not do something in his sleep?"

Liu Shilong said calmly:"If Xia Mu can wake up Jirachi, then our Dragon Country is equivalent to having one more god."

"The most important thing is that since Natsume's Dragonite has the strength to fight against Charem head-on, Natsume's future achievements will definitely not be lower than that of the king."

"So my opinion is, let's see what Natsume thinks next."

Wang Chong listened to this and thought:"In this case, let the president of Linhai City talk to Natsume first."

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first, and you can preside over the next meeting."

Zhang Han stood up and said to Wang Chong:"There are still a lot of elves waiting to be fed at home."

Li Jing yawned:"I am old, and I can't stand the night."

"Gone and gone."

Wang Chong looked at the three people who disappeared from the conference room one after another and sighed:"Times have changed after all."..

Pokémon Farm.

Song Yan helped Long-eared Rabbit sweep the shattered glass into the trash can.

She stood at the window and looked outside.

The night was thick.

Dark clouds covered half of the moon.

From time to time, people rode flying Pokémons towards this side.

Song Yan's Desert Dragonfly and Rotom flew into the sky and blocked all the trainers and their Pokémons outside the farm. The previous battle on the farm was too loud.

Especially when Dragonite used Z-moves to fight Charem.

The energy fluctuations that illuminated the entire sky radiated to all the surrounding cities.

With such a big commotion, naturally many people would want to know what happened here.

Zhao Feng is such a trainer.

He is from Linhai.

Because he planned to go out tomorrow, he wanted to go to bed early.

He had just taken off his clothes and lay in bed when he suddenly heard a loud bang. Zhao Feng looked out the window and was surprised to find that the sky was bright.

Zhao Feng turned on his phone and clicked on his Moments.

The Moments were already flooded with the commotion outside.

Posts are constantly updated

"Friends, did you hear that? Is it an earthquake?"

"I was so scared, I thought it was a meteorite falling."

"Damn, my chandelier was shaken down and almost fell on my head. Fortunately, my cat reacted quickly."

"Does anyone know what happened? What the hell is that huge beam of light?"

"I don't know why all my Pokémon just ran out, and they're all staring at that beam of light."

Someone excitedly said,"Jirachi, it's definitely Jirachi! The legend of Jirachi is true!"

Zhao Feng turned off his phone, and he looked up in the direction where the beam of light disappeared and muttered,"That seems to be Natsume's farm, right?"

Now there is no one in Linhai City who doesn't know Natsume and his farm and gym.

"No way?"

Zhao Feng was thinking about this and didn’t go to sleep.

He said to the Motorcycle Lizard lying by the window:"Let’s go and take a look!"


" Gaa...

"Let me go over and take a look."

A trainer sitting on a gull tried to get through.

""Ha, Mo."

The Desert Dragonfly seemed to be in a dilemma, not knowing whether to take action or not.


The Monarch Snake glanced at the sky calmly.

Crazy Plant!

The huge vines grew rapidly and leaped into the sky.

The vines wrapped around the body of the gull and slammed down to the ground mercilessly.


The ground shook as the crazy plant hit.

The gull fainted instantly.

The trainers gathered here looked at the gull that was knocked unconscious, and their hearts jumped.

This power was too terrifying.

The originally chaotic scene suddenly became quiet.


President Lin of Linhai City walked out from the crowd.

"I know everyone is worried about what happened."

"We are already investigating the specific matter. You can follow the official website of Linhai City Trainer for follow-up information."

"We will make an announcement"

"So, everyone should go back tonight."

After President Lin's men began to control the situation, coupled with the powerful deterrent power of the farm elves, the trainers who came to join in the fun left one by one.

"Chairman Lin."

Zhao Feng knew Chairman Lin.

He sat on the motorcycle lizard and asked,"Is the noise just now really related to Jirachi?"

"By the way, I remember that Natsume had a Jirachi next to him. I thought it was Ditto at first."

"That Jirachi can’t be real, right?"

President Lin shook his head and said,"I don’t know much about this either. Anyway, you can read the subsequent announcement."

After President Lin finished speaking, he walked away from Zhao Feng.

President Lin said to his Magic Wall Doll,"Magic Wall Doll, please help evacuate the crowd."


The Magic Wall Doll nodded slightly, and then half-invited and half-forced the trainers who were still unwilling to leave to leave.


Dragonite's voice rang out in the sky.

Natsume and Dragonite landed in front of the farm hut.

"Rotom, President Lin is here."

After seeing Natsume coming back, Rotom immediately flew to Natsume's side and reported what had just happened:"Someone tried to break in just now, but was knocked unconscious by the Monarch Snake."

Natsume:"I know."

""Natsume, are you okay?"

Song Yan came out of the room with a concerned look on her face and asked Natsume.

Natsume shook his head slightly:"Nothing's wrong"

"Just brought back some Pokémon."

As Natsume said this, more than forty Poké Balls appeared in front of him.


All the more than forty Poké Balls opened.

There are twenty Eevee here.

There are also the entire family of Grass-types, such as Sprout, Smurf, and Venusaur.

The total number of them is ten.

In addition, there is a Bulbasaur among the Grass-type Pokémon. The

Ground-type Pokémon are several Sandshrews and Diglett.

The Grass-type and Ground-type Pokémon are the Pokémon that can most intuitively experience the changes in the earth.

The average potential of these Pokémon has reached the elite level.

The highest potential of Bulbasaur is the quasi-king level.

The focus of this laboratory is Jirachi.

Natsume guessed that the future fate of this batch of Pokémon should be as the first batch of test subjects.

The original plan of Biotechnology was to develop the Fossil Park as a key scientific research base.

However, the base had not yet been fully built, and it was wiped out by Natsume.

The Pokémon that Natsume had just brought out of the laboratory looked a little uneasy.

They looked nervously at the gathered farm Pokémons.

""Just now."

The Monarch Snake glanced at them.

The elves looked at the Monarch Snake and immediately lowered their heads.

The pressure from the Monarch Snake was too strong.

They even felt that the Monarch Snake was more terrifying than the Dragonite standing next to it.


The king snake had no interest in these guys.

The king snake came to Natsume's side.

"Monarch snake, thank you for your hard work."

Natsume stroked the Monarch snake's cheek and then took out the earth film and the purity pendant.

"You should absorb the energy in these two secret treasures."

The monarch snake nodded, then rolled up the two secret treasures and began to absorb the special energy in them.

【The Monarch Snake used the Ground Membrane, and the Monarch Snake's understanding of the field skills has become deeper.】

【The level of the Monarch Snake has been raised to level 60..62..65】

【Monarch Snake has learned a new skill: Awakening Power】...

【The King Serpent uses the Pendant of Purity. The King Serpent will no longer be reduced in combat.】

【The level of the Monarch Snake has been raised to level 66..69】

【The individual value (attack) of the Monarch Snake has been increased to 31 points】

【The potential of the Monarch Snake has been promoted to the champion.

The data of the Monarch Snake has changed.

【Name: Monarch snake】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Level: lv69】

【Features: Contrarian】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Leaf Storm, Crazy Plant...Hold on, awaken the power】

【Inherited skills: Magic Leaf, Green Grass Field】

【Potential: Champion】

【Absorbing Secret Treasures: Big Root, Miracle Seed, Grass Seed, Ground Film, Purity Pendant】

"Only one level left, the last magical candy can finally be used."

Natsume looked at the data of the monarch snake and took out the last magical candy he had.

""Just like that."

The monarch snake took Natsume's magic candy and put it into his mouth.

【The King Serpent used the magic candy, and the King Serpent's level was raised to level 70.】

【Monarch snakes have learned a new skill: the big snake stares】


An extremely amazing energy suddenly surged out of the eyes of the Monarch Snake.

The Monarch Snake's eyes swept across the elves around.

A special aura instantly spread.

Looking at the Monarch Snake's eyes, not to mention the group of new elves who had just arrived, even Houndoom and Heracross felt a sense of fear inexplicably.


Houndoom wanted to move.

But it suddenly found that it couldn't move.

Houndoom's legs softened and it fell to the ground.

Houndoom was paralyzed.


Flame Monkey subconsciously looked away, but then forced himself to look at the Monarch Snake.


Both legs of Infernape were shaking, but it still didn't look away.

This is the backbone of a Fighting-type Pokémon!

Natsume couldn't help but said as she watched this scene,"What kind of domineering color is this?"

Natsume felt that if his mental strength wasn't strong enough, he might not even be able to withstand Serpent's gaze.

Natsume said,"Serpent, control yourself a little bit."

""Just now."

At this moment, the King Serpent gave people a feeling of being powerful and inviolable.

Very few Pokémons can learn the trick of the snake's glare.

The best at this trick are the Arbok clan.

They can use the patterns on their abdomens to intimidate their opponents, making them feel scared or even paralyzed.

The King Serpent uses its eyes to release this trick.

""Natsume, I seem to be paralyzed."

Song Yan spoke weakly at this time.

Not only Song Yan, but also Ibrahimovic fell to the ground limply.


Almost the doll used its healing heart


The monarch snake then used the green grass field.

The life energy coming from the ground made everyone feel much better.


The monarch snake apologized.

It had just been promoted to the Heavenly King level, and it couldn't control its power well.


Dragonite said it was like this at first, but he got used to it after a while.


After the Sandshrew recovered, it waved to the Sandshrews and Screws brought back by Natsume.

The Sandshrew signaled them to follow it.


The screw mole and the sandshrew set their sights on Natsume.

They were all brought here by Natsume.

Natsume said that he would take them to a place where they would not be harmed.

That is why they followed Natsume here.

"Sandshrew is the leader of our farmland team."

Natsume's mood had improved a lot by now.

He smiled at the elves and said,"You can follow Sandshrew to visit our farm first."

"By the way, take a look at the environment of our farm"


After hearing what Natsume said, the leading screw mole decided to follow Sandsam King.


The Sandshrew King walked towards the farmland below the mountain.

The Sandshrews and Screws lined up and followed the Sandshrew King.


Baobaojian came over and patted a standing Venus flytrap with its leaves.

The Venus flytrap turned around and looked at Baobaojian in confusion.

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