Sword dance can greatly increase one's attack power.

This Farfetch'duck can sword dance. If Farfetch'duck's sword dance is stacked, it will be difficult to deal with.

At this moment, the ground shook violently!


The sword dance of Farfetch'd was interrupted directly. Its body lost its balance on the shaking ground and fell to the ground.

Stomping, ground-based skills.

After Sandshrew absorbed the ground-based secret treasure, the power of all the ground-based skills it knew was increased.

With one step, the surrounding ground began to shake.

"Sandsand King, sandstorm!"


Sandshoveling let out a low roar.

In an instant, the surrounding area was covered with flying sand and rocks, and the sky was full of yellow sand!

The sandstorm enveloped Sandshoveling and Farfetch'd.


It seems that Farfetch'd has never seen such a skill before.

It lost its sense of direction for a moment in the sandstorm.

The weather has a huge impact on a battle.

Therefore, many powerful trainers have developed various tactics based on the weather.

"Sandslash, High Speed Star!"

Sandslash was completely unaffected by the sandstorm.

High Speed Star quickly shot towards Farfetch!


The Farfetch'd's eyes condensed, and he waved the onion in his hand and slapped it towards the high-speed star.


This Farfetch'd's fighting style was obviously the head-on type.

Natsume thought about it and had an idea in his mind.

"Sandslash, run to Farfetch'd and use Dig!"


Sandshovel immediately dived underground.

Farfetch'd looked at a hole that appeared in the sandstorm-ridden field, and jumped down without hesitation, dragging his onion.

Natsume immediately laughed:"He really jumped!"

"Sandshoveler jumped out and used Stomp!"

After Farfetch'd jumped down, Sandshoveler quickly dug out from the other side.

It stood in front of the hole it dug out and used Stomp!

Boom! Bang!

The hole collapsed instantly.

Farfetch'd was buried underground.

"Be careful, this Farfetch'd should not have completely lost its ability to fight, be prepared for another stompling!"

Natsume looked at Sandsand King and warned him.


The Sandshrew nodded seriously.


At this moment, the ground suddenly exploded, and the soil splashed.

The Onion Duck just climbed out from below, panting, dragging its onion, and the Sandshrew was already standing in front of it.


Farfetch'd looked up, and Sandshrew's big foot stepped on its face.



Rotom flew out immediately.

"competition is over!"

"The arrogant Farfetch'd lost his ability to fight, and the handsome Sandslash won!"

Rotom announced the result very emotionally.

Arcanine and the others were very happy with the result and cheered.

Ding Dong.

Natsume looked at his phone.

Li Xiaohe: Mr. Natsume, what is the sandstorm on your farm?

Natsume: Wait a minute.

"Sandshrike, please disperse the sandstorm."

Sandshrike waved his claws, and the sandstorms around him dissipated immediately.

In the sky, a toucan slowly landed.

Li Xiaohe walked out of the car under the toucan, looked at Natsume with a smile and said,"Why is it that when I come to your place, it is either raining or there is a sandstorm?" Natsume smiled and said,"I can only say that you came at a bad time."

"If you don't mind, wait a moment."

"I'll take care of the Onion Duck's wound first."

Li Xiaohe glanced at the Onion Duck lying on the ground and nodded slightly:"Of course, you go first."

Natsume came to the Onion Duck and used the power of Changpan to heal the Onion Duck's wounds.


The Farfetch'd slowly opened his eyes and looked at the Sandshrew in disbelief.


Sandslash pointed at Haxorus and called to Farfetch'd.

Sandslash said:"I am the weakest here. You can't even beat me, and you still want to challenge Haxorus?"

Farfetch'd immediately showed an expression of doubt about life.


Fat Onion Duck asked Sandshrew how he could be so strong


Sandshovel pointed at Natsume.

Farfetch'd glanced at Natsume.

Farfetch'd suddenly realized that this Sandshovel had won against him only under Natsume's command.


The Onion Duck is flexible and slides down in front of Natsume.


The Farfetch'd's head hit the ground and he loudly requested Natsume.

"You want to be my apprentice?"

Natsume looked at the onion duck in front of him and found it very interesting.

Natsume thought, with it, the farm will definitely be very lively in the future.


Onion Duck nodded seriously.


Natsume smiled and said,"But the training here is very hard."


Onion Duck patted his chest.

Onion Duck, not afraid of hard work!

"In that case, then come in."

Natsume took out the Poké Ball, and Farfetch'd held his own onion and took the initiative to pat it.

Shake~ Ding!

Farfetch'd was captured!

"Come out, Onion Duck"


Natsume released the Onion Duck again

"Let's move freely."

"Rotom, you show Farfetch'd around."

Rotom looked at Farfetch'd with disdain and said,"Okay,"



Hero and Windy Hound didn't seem to want to get along well with Farfetch'd, and turned around and ran to the side.

"It seems that learning how to get along well with everyone is the first lesson you have to learn, Onion Duck"


The Onion Duck put the onion on its back and responded indifferently.


Buzz Bat yawned.

Natsume rubbed Buzz Bat's head and said,"Go to the house and sleep."


Li Xiaohe stayed by the side and watched all this and said:"Mr. Xiamu looks like a very gentle person."

Xiamu looked at Li Xiaohe and smiled:"Thank you very much"

"Let's take a look at the food first."

Natsume took out the storage ball.

Wangwang Valley had harvested 1,200 kilograms of food.

Because there were more and more elves on the farm, Natsume kept 200 kilograms for himself.

Natsume took out 200 kilograms of the 300 kilograms of rolling beans.

"How is it?"

Li Xiaohe grabbed a handful of Wangwang Valley and watched them slip through his fingertips:"Great!"

"This is a quality issue!"

"There are also rolling beans!"

Li Xiaohe looked at Natsume with a strange expression:"Mr. Natsume, these are not your food reserves from last time, right?"

Natsume smiled:"It doesn't matter."

Li Xiaohe nodded:"Wangwang Valley is still 500 yuan per catty"

"This batch of Wangwang Valley, 500,000 yuan, was taken away"

"As for the rolling beans, can I charge 300 yuan per pound?"


"That's sixty thousand."

"The total is 560,000 Elf Coins"..

Farm diary.

Trigger new task [Reclaim ten acres of wasteland (8/10)】

【Mission rewards: Time accelerator (ten acres of land, three months) * 1; one year's worth of peach tree seedlings * 100; magic candy * 1]

Unfinished mission: [Battle Diary: Three Consecutive Wins (1/3)] The current Pokémon on the farm: Haxoruba, Sandslash, Arcanine, Viper; Rotom; Houndoom and four Dalupes; two Curls, Buzzbat; Farfetch'd;

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