Thanh San District, Lam Province.

Underground caves

""Damn, this place is really big."

A man in a black jacket cursed

"Of course it is big, this is the residence of Bankiras."

His companion sat down on the ground holding the life detector in his hand:"I don't know where Bankiras hid its eggs."

Wang Cheng and Chen Shan are both trainers affiliated with a biotechnology company.

A few days ago, they assisted the company's senior executives to capture a Bankiras here.

During the battle, they found that Bankiras was protecting a Pokémon egg.

Obviously, it was its child.

Later, after a roundup, the company's senior executives successfully took the Bankiras away.

However, Bankiras' eggs are nowhere to be found.


In the dark cave, an Arbok swam back.

"How's it going, Arbok? Any results?"


Arbok shook his head.

Chen Shan stood up from the ground:"Let's continue to go inside"

"That Banguilas egg must be in this area!".

Over the Aoyama District.

Natsume flew by on his Haxorus.

Ding Dong!

The Farm Story on my phone sounded a mission reminder.

【Tip: Trigger the mission: Explore Qingshan District! After completing the mission, you can unlock the Qingshan District map】

【Mission 1: Explore the forest on the ground】

【Mission Reward: Experience Candy*3 that provides a lot of experience]

(Completion method: Please explore the forest on the ground for 12 hours and capture a forest elf)

【Mission 2: Explore the forest river】

【Mission Reward: Evolution Item Extraction*2】

【Mission 3: Explore the underground caves】

【Mission Reward: Z Bracelet and Z Pure Crystal drawn once]

Natsume opened his phone and read the new mission.

Missions one, two, and three were completed in the same way.

Natsume put away his phone and said to the Haxorus under him:"Let's land here, Haxorus"


Below, a violent explosion suddenly sounded.

Not far away, a large group of Seraphim seemed to be startled.

They flew from the forest to the sky.

Natsume looked at the group of Seraphim. There were at least several hundred of them.

The gathering together looked like a dark cloud.

"It really deserves to be the largest natural elf reserve in Lin Province."

Natsume sighed and then said to Hakron:"Hakron, let's go over and see what's going on."

"" Hak~"

Haklin responded, and then flew towards the explosion.

"Geranium, flying leaf sharp knife!"

In front of the geranium, the leaves shot out as fast as a blade


A cunning Tengu used the tree as his cover, dodging the flying leaf blades that were coming at him!


While moving, the cunning Tengu quickly approached the geranium.

In its hand, the grass energy condensed into a blade.

The cunning Tengu used the leaf blade!

"Now, Whip!"

Geranium's trainer shouted.


On both sides of Geranium's body, vine whips quickly gathered and then tied up the cunning Tengu's body.

Around Geranium's body, flying leaves gathered again!


All the flying leaves hit the cunning Tengu tied up by the vine whip.

The cunning Tengu lost the ability to fight.

Geranium's trainer quickly took out the Poké Ball and threw it at the cunning Tengu.

Shake~ Ding!

Geranium used the vine whip to send the Poké Ball to her trainer's hands, and then raised her head to look at the sky.

Geranium's trainer put the Poké Ball in his pocket and raised his head.

"Oh my god, Haxorus?"

The Geranium trainer looked at Natsume and Haxorus with some surprise.

"Friend, your Haxorus looks very strong."

Geranium's trainer took the initiative to greet him.

He was not too tall, about 1.7 meters, with dark skin.

It seemed that he often stayed in the sun.

Natsume and Haxorus landed:"Thank you"

"We just got here because we heard an explosion, so we came to take a look."

Natsume said, looking at the geranium.

This geranium is level 51, a gym-level Pokémon.

"Excuse me, are you the gym leader?"

Natsume asked curiously.

Geranium's trainer smiled and said,"Yes."

"It seems you recognized me."

"That’s right, I am Li Sen, the gym leader of the Green Vine Gym!"


Li Sen was slightly stunned when he saw Xia Mu's expression:"You didn't recognize me?"

"Then how do you know I'm the gym leader?"

Natsume said,"Because I think Geranium is very strong, so I think I might have met the gym leader." This is the first time Natsume has met a level 50 Pokémon.

Hearing this, Li Sen patted Geranium beside him and said,"It seems that you can't hide your strength at all, Geranium"


Geranium rubbed Li Sen's cheek.

Their relationship was obviously great.

Li Sen looked at Natsume and said,"Are you here to look for that Bangilas too?"


Natsume was a little curious

"That's right."

Li Sen leaned on Geranium and said,"Didn't it all break in the news?"

"There might be some banquilas here."

"So many trainers come here to try their luck."

Li Sen said with emotion:"If anyone is lucky enough to really subdue Bankiras, he may be able to reach the top in one step."

Natsume said:"I think the person who has the ability to subdue Bankiras should be a very powerful trainer."

Li Sen smiled after listening to Natsume's words:"Although it is said that, it is inevitable that some people will use various man-made weapons to forcibly detain those powerful Pokémon."

Li Sen laughed and said:"Of course"

"If my luck is really good, then maybe Bangilas will suddenly fall in love with me or something."

After Li Sen finished speaking, he turned around and rode on Geranium:"Okay, I'm leaving now"

"I wish you good luck."

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