Peach Blossom Spring-Farm


The Dairubis gathered together and howled towards the sky.

The buzzing bat was awakened by the Dairubis's long howl.

It flew out and saw that the Hakron was landing in the yard.


The buzzing bat immediately flew out of the house happily.

"Chuan Chuan~"

At this time, the Sandsand King also ran over from the ground.


As soon as Hackron landed, the two curly ears immediately jumped into Natsume's arms.

Natsume caught the curly ears and smiled,"You are very energetic, Curly Ears"

"Welcome home, Rotom~"

Rotom flew in front of Natsume, spinning in circles.

Natsume put down the curly ears and said,"We also want to welcome our new friends."

Natsume took out the Poké Ball:"Everyone come out."


The Poké Balls opened one by one


Bubble Chinchilla looks a little nervous


Windy Dog lifted the Bubble Squirrel up and let it stand on its neck.

After two days of getting along, the Bubble Squirrel has completely fallen in love with this gentle big dog.


Buzz Bat landed on the head of Windy Dog and greeted Bubble Squirrel.

Buzz Bat and Bubble Squirrel were similar in size, which made Bubble Squirrel feel much more relaxed.


The Farfetch'd is coming!


Farfetch'd was still the same.

It challenged Arcanine with great momentum to fight!

Natsume took a look at Farfetch'd's level.

When Farfetch'd first came, it was level 36, and now it has risen to level 37.

Obviously, the forced training device is very effective.


Arcanine refused to fight.

Houndoom barked at Farfetch'd at this time.

Houndoom was originally going to accompany Farfetch'd for combat training.

This surprised Natsume.


The Onion Duck nodded and looked at the Babysitter Bug.


The babysitter said hello to Onion Duck in a friendly manner.


Onion Duck hooked his finger at the nanny bug.


The babysitter scratched his head and looked at Natsume in confusion.

Natsume looked at the Onion Duck helplessly:"You guy, don't make things difficult for me."


Onion Duck's eyes were firm.


The babysitter looked at Farfetch'd and thought for a moment, then accepted Farfetch'd's request for a fight.

Natsume looked at the babysitter and said,"If you don't really want to fight, that's fine."


The babysitter smiled gently.

It didn't mind playing with Farfetch.

In the open space.

Houndoom and the others all gathered beside Natsume, looking at Farfetch and Babysitter.

Natsume said to Houndoom beside him:"Speaking of which, your relationship with Farfetch seems to have improved." At the beginning, Houndoom didn't like Farfetch.

But just now, Houndoom actually took the initiative to offer to play with it.


Houndoom looked at the determined Farfetch'd and explained.

Houndoom said that Farfetch'd would get up very early every day to start training.

And he would train all day long.

He was hardworking and serious.

So Houndoom began to admire Farfetch'd.

Natsume listened to Houndoom's words and looked at Farfetch'd on the battlefield thoughtfully.

"Rotom flew in the middle of them and said,"The battle begins!"


The Farfetch'd used Lightning Flash and quickly rushed towards the nanny bug.


The nanny bug slightly turned sideways and slashed at the Onion Duck with a knife.


The Onion Duck fell to the ground instantly.

"Onion Duck."

Natsume said at this time:"Take off the compulsory training device you are wearing."

Onion Duck shook his head and then stood up again.


Farfetch'd took off the compulsory training device he had been wearing.

After watching Farfetch'd take off the compulsory training device, Natsume said to Babysitter Bug,"Babysitter Bug, be careful!"

"The strength of Farfetch'd is still very strong."

Babysitter listened to Natsume's suggestion and nodded.

The two sides distanced themselves again.

Babysitter looked at Farfetch'd seriously. Farfetch'd stood there and jumped after taking off the compulsory training device.

Farfetch'd suddenly found that his body seemed to be much lighter.


The Onion Duck once again waved the onion and rushed towards the nanny bug.

At this time, the Onion Duck, like a sharp arrow from a bow, quickly approached the nanny bug.

Dancing and swinging wildly!

""Bao Pu~"

The babysitter was startled by the sudden burst of speed of Onion Duck.

Fortunately, Natsume had reminded him before, so the babysitter immediately used protection.

A barrier rose around the babysitter's body.


The Onion Duck, waving the onions, continuously whipped the protective barrier!

Bang, bang, bang~

Crack, crack, the barrier shattered.

However, Onion Duck's skills were also released at this moment.

The babysitter was able to reach level 47 naturally in the wild, so its actual combat experience was naturally not bad.

At the moment when Onion Duck finished its skills, two leaf blades condensed on the hands of the babysitter!

Leaf blade!

The babysitter waved the leaf blade in its hand and slashed at Onion Duck.


The two sharp blades accurately chopped on Onion Duck's body, and Onion Duck flew out instantly.

The babysitter's level reached 47.

Although the attributes are not worrying, the level difference between the two sides is a full ten levels after all.

After rolling on the ground twice, Onion Duck stood up again with an excited look on his face.


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