The big milk cans looked at the pasture in front of them and jumped on it excitedly.

They curled up their bodies and rolled around happily in the grass.

The big milk cans looked very happy.

Natsume looked at the big milk cans and smiled,"Big milk cans, you will live here from now on.""


After placing the big milk tank, Natsume looked around the farm and thought about where to put the frozen stone.

After thinking for a while, Natsume decided to ask Glaceon for his opinion.

"Ice Eevee, where do you think it would be best to put the frozen stones we brought back?"

Ice Eevee looked around.


Ice Eevee pointed to the small hill leading to the Peach Blossom Spring from the gym at the bottom of the mountain.

"Put it under this hill, right?"

Natsume thought,"It's not impossible." Natsume turned on the construction function of Farm Story.

Clicking on the underground ice cellar, the underground structure of the farm immediately appeared on the phone.

The underground ice cellar is displayed as a small square on the phone.

Natsume dragged the ice cellar icon to the bottom of the hill.

Natsume pulled the edge of the ice cellar, changing its shape to make it fit the underground structure better.

At the entrance of the cave, Natsume set it next to the bamboo forest hot spring.

Natsume built a staircase and a slide from the entrance to the underground passage.


700,000 elf coins deducted.

The farm successfully has an underground ice cave.

Under correct circumstances, the subsequent use of the ice cellar requires electricity.

However, with the existence of frozen stone, there is no need to consider the subsequent expenses.

Because frozen stone itself will emit cold air.

In winter, when a heavy snow falls, frozen stone can automatically replenish the consumed energy.

Natsume put away his phone and said to the elves around him:"Let's go and see the underground ice cave on the farm"


Ice Eevee and the others followed Natsume towards the bamboo forest.

""Bai Bai~"

The lily root dolls were attracted by the water flow beside the bamboo forest.

In the sunlight, the river water here is like a silver ribbon, flowing slowly beside the green bamboo forest.

The river water is clear and sparkling.

The bamboo leaves sway gently, and the breeze blows.

The leaves fall on the water and the lotus leaf boys on the water.

The lotus leaf boys looked at the lily root dolls who followed Natsume here curiously.

These lotus leaf boys have been living quietly in the farm.

Although Natsume has not formally conquered them, they have become familiar with the elves in Natsume's farm.

Miss Skirt bent down, squatted by the water, and stretched out her hand to stir the water.

The sunlight passed through the gaps in the bamboo leaves.

The mottled light and shadows sprinkled on Miss Skirt.

At this moment, Miss Skirt was like an elf girl who really lived in a fairy tale forest, beautiful and romantic.

Natsume thought Miss Skirt was very beautiful at this moment

"It seems that everyone likes this place very much."

Natsume walked to Miss Skirt and said


Miss Qun'er looked at Natsume and smiled sweetly.


The Lily Root Dolls had already spread out in all directions.

They had decided to make this their living area, so they had to explore around.

Natsume led everyone into the bamboo forest.

At this moment, there was a cave entrance next to the hot spring pool.

There were stairs leading down next to the cave entrance.

Infernape and Heracross followed Natsume down the stairs and came to a platform.

There were two paths under the platform.

The first path was to continue walking up the stairs normally.

The second path was much easier.

Natsume sat on the smooth ice.


Natsume slid down the ice stairs all the way to the bottom.


After watching Natsume slide down smoothly, the two long-eared rabbits waved to Natsume below.

Natsume stood up and said with a smile:"Come on!""


Two long-eared rabbits sat on the slide one after the other.


Natsume opened his arms and successfully hugged the long-eared rabbit that pounced on him

"Jirachi wants it too~"

Jirachi said, and leaned forward



Windy Dog shouted excitedly.

After Windy Dog saw Jirachi go down, he immediately jumped up.

Heracross and Infernape also sat on the slide one after another.

"Hey, hey, slow down."

Natsume quickly put down the long-eared rabbit in his arms, and then caught the sliding Jirachi.


Natsume looked at the wind speed dog behind him, and Heracross who was sliding down with the wind speed dog, and immediately dodged to the side with Jirachi.


The wind speed dog fell to the ground.

""Jia Huo~"

Heracross then lay on top of the Wind Speed Dog.


Infernape controlled its body in time and jumped forward.

Infernape successfully stood on Heracross' back.


The fierce fire monkey did a somersault and landed nimbly.


The wind speed dog lying at the bottom cried out in frustration.

Natsume stood by and said seriously:"Wind speed dogs, you are already big kids."

"You have to learn to play by yourself."


Windy Dog stood up and pushed Heracross off his body.


Heracross scratched his head stupidly.

Natsume let Jirachi go and took out the frozen storage ball.

"Jirachi, help me break it."

Natsume said to Jirachi who was lying on his shoulder happily.


Jirachi waved his hand.


The storage ball exploded instantly.

A huge frozen stone fell into the empty underground ice cellar.

As soon as the frozen stone appeared, the temperature in the ice cave dropped significantly.

Natsume looked around and thought:"Although the underground ice cave has been successfully built, it feels a bit empty." Natsume took out his mobile phone again.

Farm Story-Underground Ice Cave-Decoration and Construction.

Natsume simply built a few igloos, ice bridge slides, and icicles.

There are also some colorful lights hanging on these ice sculptures.

Natsume clicked to cast.

The ice cave turned into an ice and snow park in seconds.

Natsume nodded with satisfaction:"It looks much more comfortable this way"


Glaceon moaned softly.

Glaceon used the Snow Scene.

For a moment, the entire ice cave was filled with snowflakes.

The colored lights on the ice sculptures flashed with dreamy lights.

The lights and snowflakes echoed each other.

Windy Dog climbed to the topic on the side and started playing happily.

Infernape reached out and grabbed a snowflake that floated over his head, watching it melt in his hands


It was the first time that the fierce fire monkey saw such a scene.

Jirachi took out the ice sculpture he made in Daxingling and flew to an ice house.

Jirachi placed the Jirachi ice sculpture that Natsume gave him on it.

"Natsume, doesn't it look nice here?"

Natsume looked around and really felt like he was in a world of ice and snow.

Natsume nodded and smiled,"It does look nice."


Jirachi said happily:"Jirachi is going to make an ice sculpture for everyone~"


Ice Eevee said it would help.

Natsume looked at them and said,"Okay"

"Then I will look forward to your achievements."

Kirlia will also follow Jirachi and Glaceon to make ice sculptures.

"Wait a minute, Kirlia."

Natsume took out the experience candy rewarded by the Milk Tank quest.

"This is for you."

Kirlia took the experience candy that Natsume handed to her and ate it directly.

【Kirlia took the experience candy that provides a lot of experience points】

【Kirlia's level increased by 21...25...Level 27..28】

【Kirlia learned new skills: Life Drop, Magic Leaf, Exchange of Venues]

Natsume looked at Kirlia's new skills and thought:"Is it because he used it too much when he took me with him to teleport?" He even learned to exchange the venue."

"Kirlia, how about we go to the battle field and try out your new skills?"

Natsume suddenly remembered that he had never fought with Kirlia before.


Kirlia agreed happily.

Kirlia also wanted to try out her new skills.

"Infernape, Heracross.

Natsume called them to his side.

The reward for the Miltank mission was three experience candies.

Natsume gave the remaining two to Infernape and Heracross.



Infernape and Heracross took the experience candy and ate it.

【Infernape uses the experience candy, and its level increases by 20...Level 25..27】

【Infernape has learned a new skill: Flame Wheel. Detailed Attack can penetrate the barrier formed by the skill.

This skill is still very useful for Infernape.

【Heracross used the experience candy and its level increased to 25...Level 28..30】

【Heracross has learned new skills: Double Return, Tile Breaking】

"How do you feel?"

Natsume asked, looking at Infernape and Heracross.


Infernape felt the increased strength in his body and excitedly punched the air.

Infernape felt that he was now strong enough to knock his former self away with one punch.


Heracross is in a similar state.

Infernape and Heracross both want to have a fight.

Natsume said,"Then let's go to the gym at the foot of the mountain together."

"Rotom, how many challengers are there today?"

"Loto, there are four challengers with more than two gym badges today."

"Besides them, there are some amateur challenge enthusiasts."

After listening to Rotom, Natsume thought: With the four of you, my battle mission [Trainer's Journey] can be completed.

Natsume said hello to Jirachi and the others:"You guys can play here."

"Kirlia, Infernape and I are going to the gym at the foot of the mountain.

Jirachi waved his hand:"Okay~" Natsume looked at Kirlia and said:"Let's go."

Kirlia's mental power became stronger.

At this time, this mental power enveloped Natsume and Infernape at the same time. Natsume and Infernape appeared in the gym's battlefield in an instant.

""Master Natsume!"

There were many tourists around the gym.

As soon as Natsume and his friends appeared, they were immediately noticed.

In the crowd, Natsume also saw two acquaintances.

Ye Ling smiled and waved at Natsume with the camera in her hand:"Master Natsume~"

"Long time no see."

Xia Mu walked towards Ye Ling and Su Qianqian beside her:"It's you"

"And Bulbasaur."

The Bulbasaur beside Ye Ling waved his vine whip and made a heart shape to Natsume.


Natsume looked at Bulbasaur and smiled,"Thank you for your love, Bulbasaur."

Ye Ling supported her waist with one hand and looked around and said,"Master Natsume, this place feels completely different from the last time we came here."


Su Qianqian nodded and said,"We were shocked when we came here today."

Natsume smiled and said,"The changes are indeed a little bit big."

"This is not enough to say a little bit."

Ye Ling said exaggeratedly:"You have become a gym leader!"

"When we first heard about it online, we were still wondering if it was the same person."On the slope outside the battlefield, a young man who was lying on the slope with Xiao Shishi and looking at the scenery heard the noise around him and immediately stood up.

"Is Natsume here?"

He looked towards the center of the battle field.

Natsume was chatting with Ye Ling and the others.

"Finally here."

The young man stood up quickly:"Let's go, little lion."

He ran into the gym with little lion and said to Natsume:"Hello, Mr. gym owner"

"I am Chen Shan from Qingshan City. When I was fighting your Infernape, he suddenly left the battlefield...."

Rotom whispered beside him,"Chen Shan is the trainer I mentioned who wants to challenge you."

Natsume looked at Chen Shan and apologized,"Sorry, these kids are so clingy to me."

"So when they found out I was back, they all ran to pick me up.

Chen Shan shook his head slightly:"It doesn't matter."

"If it were me, my elf would definitely drop the fight and come pick me up."

Chen Shan said seriously,"Besides, I still want to have a fight with the gym leader."

"I am working hard to become a professional trainer."

"I have already obtained two gym badges, so I hope to get more guidance."

Natsume glanced at the little lion next to Chen Shan.

The level of this little lion has reached 26, which is still quite strong.

"No problem, then you can start your gym match again."

"The rules are still 2v2, is there a problem?"

Chen Shan shook his head.

"No problem."

Natsume said:"Then let's get started."

"Rotom, the gym battle is about to begin. Please stand outside the yellow line and watch~"

Rotom flew around the venue to remind the visitors and returned to the center of the venue.

At this moment, Natsume and Chen Shan were already standing in their own half of the field.

Rotom said:"The gym challenge between Chen Shan, the challenger from Qingshan City, and the Farm Gym in Linhai City is about to begin."

"The rules of the game are 2v2, and only the challenger can change the elf in the middle of the game."

"Now please release your Pokémons."

The audience around them looked at the two people on the field and discussed in a low voice.

Someone said with anticipation:"We can finally see Gym Master Natsume's gym match. Do you think Dragonite will play?"

"Please, if Dragonite is on the field, the challengers can just throw it in, it will definitely not be on the field."

In the battlefield.

Chen Shan looked at the Pokémon beside Natsume and thought: Since it was Infernape just now, it is very likely that Infernape will be on the field.

Of course, water is needed to deal with fire!

Chen Shan threw the Poké Ball in his hand:"The first game, I'll leave it to you."

"Go ahead, Mosquito Repellent!"

At the same time, Kirlia's figure flashed, and Kirlia instantly appeared on the battlefield.

"It's Kirlia?"

"It's not Infernape."

Chen Shan looked at Natsume's Kirlia and thought,"It's not easy to deal with Psychic-type Pokémon, especially those annoying teleportation monsters."

"But fortunately, my Mosquito-Repellent knows hypnosis. As long as the hypnosis is successful, I can win!"

"Let's test Kirlia's strength first, and then make a response."

Chen Shan thought so and prepared to attack.

"Xia Mu, that's what he thinks."

Qilurian used telepathy to tell Xia Mu about Chen Shan's tactical arrangement.

"Got it."

Natsume communicated with Kirlia via telepathy.

"When the attack is about to hit you, just use the exchange of venues."

Chen Shan shouted:"Mr. Mosquito Repellent, mud shooting!"

""I will!"

The khaki energy block was sprayed out by Mosquito Repellent and quickly hit Kirlia.

Just when the attack was about to hit Kirlia.


Kirlia disappeared on the spot.

This is the exchange of venues!


Mosquito-incense Jun widened his eyes.


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