Qingshan District, Forest Ranger Base Central Control Room

"These are the information I have."

Zhang Fan told Gao Xiang his guess.

Gao Xiang immediately said to the staff beside him:"Help me retrieve all the records related to Natsume."


A Porygon appeared on the staff's computer.

Porygon is also known as the 3D Dragon.

Porygon's body is entirely made up of programs, and its appearance looks like a building block.

Porygon is an artificial Pokémon that was successfully created using the most advanced science and technology for Pokémon research.

It is an electronic elf created by humans.

Because Porygon can transform its body into digital data, it can convert its entire body back into program data and enter the electronic space, and it has the ability to move freely in the electronic space.

In addition, since Porygon does not need to breathe, people also expect it to evolve into a Pokémon that can fly into the universe.

Unfortunately, this idea has not been realized so far.


"That's not right."

The staff member suddenly made a surprised sound.

He turned to Gao Xiang who was standing behind him and said,"Master Gao, there is something wrong with Master Natsume's farm."

Gao Xiang stepped forward and asked,"Wrong? How do you mean?"

The staff member tapped the keyboard and pulled up four pictures on the computer screen to show everyone

"This is a photo of a farm taken by a man named Zhao Fan"

"The photo next to it was taken by a man named Wang Dong."

"The third picture was taken by a girl named Ye Ling"

"The fourth photo was taken by a tourist who went to the farm dojo in Linhai City this morning.

Gao Xiang asked,"Is there anything wrong with these photos?"

The photos show various landscapes and farm fields.

The photographers have excellent skills. Just looking at the photos, you can feel the pastoral atmosphere.

"If you just look at the photos, there is really nothing wrong with it, it is a very ordinary pastoral style."

The staff member said directly:"But what if I say that from the photos taken by Zhao Fan to today, the time span of these photos is only one month?"

Gao Xiang was stunned:"One month?"

Forest ranger Zhang Fan suddenly said:"It's those crops!"

"The crops in the fields are not growing at the same speed."

"Moreover, judging from the pictures, these crops may have already had a good harvest."

Zhang Fan's colleague was surprised to hear this and said,"How is this possible?"

"How could a crop like Wangwanggu mature in just one month?"

The staff magnified the details on the pictures and said,"But that's the truth."

"It only took Natsume a month to turn a piece of wasteland into a fertile farmland."

"As far as I know, no human being can do this."

"How did the owner of the Natsume Pavilion in Linhai City do it?"

Gao Xiang stared at the photos and said,"There are things that humans can't do, but elves can."

"Xerneas, the legendary king of fairies who can share eternal life"

"Celebi is the guardian of the forest who brings life to the forest and travels through time and space.

Gao Xiang looks at the pictures on the computer and tells those ancient legends.

"He can also raise his right hand to make flowers bloom and grass green. He can wave his left hand to make the fields fertile and the crops abundant. He is the king of abundance, the bud king."

"And Jirachi, who awakens once every thousand years to breathe life into the earth"

"These elves have the ability to bring life back to the wasteland."

Zhang Fan looked at Gao Xiang and said,"So, the Jirachi on Natsume is very likely to be real?"

Gao Xiang nodded slightly:"Not very likely"

"I think it's definitely true."

"Natsume has just graduated from high school."

"An ordinary high school student, in just one month, has acquired gym-level strength and turned the wasteland into a pastoral land."

"This is totally unexplainable."

"But if Jirachi helps, then everything makes sense."

Zhang Fan muttered to Gao Xiang,"Indeed, if Jirachi is here, then everything can be explained."

"I used to think that his ability to heal elves was due to his ancestors' elf bloodline, but now it seems that it might have been given by Jirachi."

Some elves and humans have no reproductive isolation.

Naturally, there will be hybrids of humans and elves.

Zhang Fan looked tangled and said,"That...In fact, I personally feel that Natsume is not a bad guy.

Gao Xiang glanced at Zhao Fan and said,"No one says that Natsume is a bad guy."

"Besides, I think we all made a mistake at the beginning."

Zhao Fan looked at Gao Xiang in confusion and asked,"What did you make wrong?"

Gao Xiang said,"Maybe, it wasn't Natsume who took Jirachi away."

"But Jirachi chose Natsume."

The staff in the control room were stunned for a moment when they heard what Master Gao Xiang said.

At this time, a staff member said:"It is indeed possible."

"According to records, Jirachi will awaken next to a person with a pure heart."

"Jirachi will choose his own guardian."

Zhang Fan looked at Gao Xiang and asked,"So how should we deal with this matter now?"

"Write a report and send it up."

Gao Xiang said to Zhao Fan:"I will go to Linhai City."


Farm Gym.

Natsume has already finished four official gym matches.

If there are passers-by who want to fight, they can go directly to the battle field to challenge Infernape.

If Infernape is tired, the patrolling Houndoom will come on the field.

Natsume sat down by the field.

In the distance, the sunset in the sky is still so beautiful.

Natsume took out his mobile phone and opened Farm Story.

【Battle Diary: Trainer's Journey (Completed)】

【Gain super powers enlightenment】

【Host's personal information has been updated]

Natsume clicks on his personal information

【Host: Natsume】

【Super Power Level: 10 (123/1324)】

【Personal Skill: Evergreen Power】

"Do I have psychic attributes now?"

Natsume thought to himself.

"Let me try to see how far I can go."

Natsume looked at the sand on the ground.

The sand was picked up by an invisible force and floated in front of Natsume.

"At this level, it's probably equivalent to learning the skill of telekinesis."

Natsume thought so.

Natsume stood up and floated off the ground gently.

But it was still not very stable.

Natsume felt that if he practiced for a while, he should be able to master the ability to fly.


Sandshrew walked towards Natsume at this time.

Sandshrew's body was dirty and covered with mud.

Natsume canceled the release of superpowers and then squatted in front of Sandshrew.

Natsume reached out and wiped off some of the mud on Sandshrew's body, then took out the ground gem.

"Chuanshanwang, this is for you."


Sandshrew took it and threw it into his mouth

【Sandslash used a ground gem, and its level increased to 33..36...40】

【Sandslash has learned a new skill: Hot Sand Land】


Natsume looked at Sandsandruff and said,"Sandsandruff, the farm has changed more and more."

"We have more and more partners"


Sandslash King is the first Pokémon that Natsume has captured.

It followed Natsume from a wasteland and has now cultivated nearly a thousand acres of land.

Although Sandslash King prefers to farm, it rarely participates in battles in normal times.

Natsume still hopes that Sandslash King can become stronger.

""Master Natsume~"

Ye Ling and Su Qianqian waved and walked towards Natsume.

Natsume turned around and looked at the two people walking towards him:"What's wrong?"

Ye Ling said:"It's getting dark, so we'll leave first."

"What else? What else?"

"You have more to say than just this."

Su Qianqian poked Ye Ling's waist with her finger.

"It's very itchy."

Ye Ling smiled and pushed Su Qianqian away, then looked at Xia Mu a little embarrassedly and said,"Actually, I participated in the gorgeous competition held in Longhu City the day after tomorrow."

"If Natsume has time, I hope he can come and watch."

Ye Ling said, taking out a ticket:"This is an invitation letter"

"The day after tomorrow."

Xia Mu took the ticket from Ye Ling.

"Okay, if nothing unexpected happens, I will go.

Ye Ling said happily:"Okay.~"

"Then we'll go first."

Natsume waved his hand:"Goodbye."

The sun set.

The tourists in the farm slowly dispersed.

Those who were riding elves sat on their elves. Those who were in a hurry called the elf Didi on their mobile phones.

They took the cable car hung by the flying elves to the city.

Most of the tourists waited for the departure at the station at the intersection.

In order to facilitate tourists, President Lin specially added a shuttle bus here.

"Chuanshanwang, let's go back to the mountain to eat together"


After the tourists left, the hustle and bustle of the surroundings disappeared.

Tranquility and peace returned here.

Natsume led everyone to the Peach Blossom Farm.

There were soft country roads here.

Walking on the muddy ground covered with fallen leaves, the sound of the wind and the chirping of the elves were in my ears.

In the night sky, the stars were shining.


The buzzing bat flapped its wings and flew from the sky

""Hey, Buzz Bat."

Natsume looked at Buzz Bat and waved.

"Already woke up"


The buzzing bat happily landed on Natsume's arm and waved its wings.

The buzzing bat seemed to be surprised by the changes in the farm.

It excitedly told Natsume how great the big milk can and their lawn were.

The ice cave underground was also very fun, but it was a little too cold.

In the farm hut, Chino Chinchilla had turned on the lights.

The warm yellow light shone through the window, looking particularly warm.


The long-eared rabbit stood at the door and waved to Natsume who was walking up.

The smell of rice floated out through the open wooden door.

"It smells so good, long-eared rabbit."

Natsume walked to the door and said with a smile:"Did you prepare dinner?"


Today's dinner was prepared by Long-eared Rabbit and Nanny Bug.

When Long-eared Rabbit was about to pull Natsume back to the house, Jirachi suddenly appeared.

"Natsume, you're back~"

Jirachi's body was covered with snow.

Natsume looked at Jirachi who was covered in snow and said,"How long did you let the snow fall in there?"

Jirachi shook himself:"Not long~"

Jirachi gestured:"It's enough to bury both Jirachis."

Jirachi is 0.3 meters tall, which means that Jirachi and Glaceon covered more than half a meter of snow in the ice cave.

"Natsume, we made a lot of ice sculptures, do you want to go and see them?"

Jirachi looked at Natsume expectantly.


Natsume also wanted to see what Jirachi and the others had done with the underground ice cave he had just built.


When Natsume was about to go to the ice cave with Jirachi, a loud cry suddenly sounded in the sky.

A steel armored crow flapped its black wings and rushed towards this side quickly.

"Natsume, someone is coming."

Kirlia said.

Natsume stopped, raised his head, and set his sights on the Steel Armor Crow.

【Name: Steel Raven】

【Attribute: Flying/Steel】

【Level: lv59】

【Features: Oppression】

【Skills: Steel Wings, Brave Bird Attack, Rapid Return...Clear the fog, Yuju】

【Genetic Skill: Tailwind】

【Potential: Quasi-king]

Rotom's camera is focused on Steelix and the man on him.

"Loto, here comes a big shot."

Rotom said to Natsume,"The man on the back of Steel Crow is the flying gym leader of the Magic City, Loto Gao Xiang."

Natsume nodded slightly,"I know."


Dragonite came over holding a bunch of mushrooms.

It stood beside Natsume, eating the mushrooms, and looked at Steelix curiously with its big round eyes.


Steelix landed in front of Natsume.

Gao Xiang on the back of Steelix first looked at Jirachi for a while and then said to Natsume:"It's Jirachi, right?"

Natsume admitted generously:"Yes." Gao

Xiang didn't seem to expect Natsume to be so direct.

He was silent for a while and then said:"I am the Flying Gym Leader Gao Xiang."

Natsume looked at Gao Xiang and said:"You are very famous, I know you."

As a national-level Flying Gym Leader, Gao Xiang's reputation is naturally not small.

Even if Rotom didn't say it, Natsume could recognize him.

Gao Xiang heard what Natsume said and immediately said:"In that case, it will be easy."

"I'll be frank with you. Jirachi is in danger here. For its safety, I hope you can hand it over to me."

Jirachi was immediately unhappy when he heard this.

"It's not dangerous here, Jirachi won't go with you."

Jirachi said as he lay on Natsume's shoulder and made a face at Jirachi.

Gao Xiang ignored Jirachi's face and continued to say to Natsume:"Jirachi has a very magical power, and many people covet it."

"Besides, I think you have already felt how magical this power is."

Gao Xiang said, looking at the fields around the farm.

Natsume reached out and patted Jirachi, then said:"It's a familiar scene."


Natsume explained,"Isn't that how it's played out in many movies?"

"Obviously the protagonist has obtained a precious treasure, but at this time there are always decent people who jump out and want to help keep the treasure."

"However, it turns out that the so-called decent people can't protect the treasure at all"

"At the end of the story, the protagonist still needs to come forward." Gao Xiang frowned when he heard Natsume's analogy:"You underestimate the power of our Trainer Association."

Natsume said calmly:"What if the problem lies within the association?"

Gao Xiang was slightly stunned when he heard this.

He thought of the biotechnology company.

Last time in Qingshan District, the biotechnology spacecraft was definitely for Jirachi.

However, Gao Xiang did not really find out what the problem was.

Gao Xiang looked at Natsume and said:"Indeed, there may be someone in the association who has certain selfish motives."

"But because of this, Jirachi needs a stronger force to protect it."

"Master Natsume, I can assure you that Jirachi will successfully complete its mission under my protection!"

"I think Kirlia who is beside you should be able to sense whether I am lying or not."

Kirlia nodded slightly.

Gao Xiang really just wanted to let Jirachi return to the earth smoothly.

Jirachi hugged Natsume's neck:"Jirachi is the one who needs your protection"


Natsume touched Jirachi and said,"Don't worry, Jirachi"

"I can't bear to hand you over."

After saying this, Xia Mu looked at Gao Xiang and said,"Master Gao Xiang, I know you have good intentions."

"But there is one thing that confuses me"

"What do you mean?"

Xia Mu looked at Gao Xiang and said,"It seems that from the beginning, you think that your strength is definitely stronger than mine."


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