There are two rounds of review in the orthodox gorgeous competition.

The first round is to review the gorgeousness of the elves' skills.

The second round is a battle.

Therefore, many high-level gorgeous contestants have good combat capabilities.

The exhibition match is different.

The exhibition match focuses more on the cooperative performance between people and elves.

Taking the characters in the elf world as an example, Xiaoyao from Hoenn is a traditional coordination trainer.

Carlos's Salina is a gorgeous performer.

Performers do not need to have strong combat strength, they are more like an idol group.

Therefore, some people think that gorgeous performers are all vases.

However, in recent years, with the continuous development of exhibition matches and the improvement of rules, more and more people have begun to recognize exhibition matches.

Some people even think that exhibition matches are the real gorgeous competitions.

Because if you want to watch a battle, then the national competition is enough to watch.

People who like gorgeous competitions advocate visual beauty.

Therefore, Shen Man gave such an evaluation.

Soon, the first round of review of a total of 20 contestants was over.

The ranking of the contestants appeared on the big screen in the middle of the stage.

Unfortunately, Ye Ling did not make it into the top six.

However, she also got a good result of seventh place.

The second round of review was not held today.

When all the performances were over, the audience began to leave.

Natsume looked at the clown fish in the pool beside him and asked,"How was the performance today?"

The clown fish swung its tail and looked at Natsume.


Chouchouyu also wants to participate in such a competition

"Do you want to participate in a gorgeous competition?"

Ugliano nodded.

Natsume looked at Ugliano and thought: If I can't draw the beautiful scales, Ugliano might really be able to evolve into Milotic in the process of participating in the gorgeous competition.

Thinking of this, Natsume looked at Ugliano and smiled,"Then when we go back tonight, ask"Zero Five Three" to think of a set of silky little combos, and we will practice it"

""Master Natsume."

Ye Ling walked towards Natsume, a little frustrated:"I didn't make it to the second round of review."

"I let you down"

"How could that be? Your performance was amazing."

Natsume put the Uglius into the Poké Ball and said,"Besides, it's amazing that you can get such a high score in your first competition."

"Let's go, I'll treat you to a meal."

Ye Ling said quickly:"How can that be? I'll treat you."


Ye Ling didn't seem to be affected by the loss of a game.

Her mood was still very stable.

Ye Ling and her Bulbasaur brought Natsume and Gardevoir to the commercial street.

Longhu Commercial Street was very lively, with many people and elves.

The midday sun filled the wide street.

The streets were lined with green trees and tall buildings.

The glass curtain wall was shining in the sun, reflecting the dazzling light.

"Today's gorgeous contest is very exciting."

The boy with a round silk spider on his head was holding a bottle of drink and chatting with his friends.

"Yes, but the most surprising thing was taking a photo of Dragonite.

The boy who replied was followed by a caller dog.


The caller barked and tried to get into the crowd.

"Don't run around, or you'll get lost."

People gathered in groups of three or five, walking through the streets with the elves around them.

""Mom, I can't walk anymore."

A child pulled his mother's clothes.

"There's really nothing I can do with you."

His mother took out the Poké Ball and said,"Come out, Cat Boss!""


""Boss Cat, thank you for your hard work."

Boss Cat lay down and let the child climb on him.

The child happily hugged Boss Cat's neck:"Boss Cat, let's go~"

Under the shade of the tree in the middle of the street, there is a reclining chair that looks like Snorlax. There are many tourists sitting here to rest.

They put their big and small bags on it, or chat with friends around them, or look at their mobile phones.

"Dongdong Rat, let's rest here."

The girl with a backpack sat down on the recliner with a Dongdong Rat.

In her hand was a bowl of grilled cold noodles.

"Dongdong Mouse, open your mouth~"


Everything on the street looks very harmonious

""Natsume, it's so lively here."

Jirachi floated over the street.

It looked at the bustling street and spun around happily.

"Welcome to Lava Worm Hot Pot Restaurant. We use the flames of lava worms...."

The electronic billboard of the hot pot restaurant next to Jirachi was playing an advertisement in a loop.

Jirachi made a face at the billboard and then returned to Natsume's shoulder.

Natsume looked at Jirachi and smiled,"Because the event just happened, everyone came here to play.""

""Boss, how much is this tail?"

Ye Ling came to a stall and asked the stall owner who was selling fried skewers.

""Five yuan a bunch, absolutely authentic Slowpoke tails."

The stall owner introduced enthusiastically.

Slowpoke tails will break and fall off naturally.

In the wild where Slowpokes live, you can pick up many such tails.

Slowpoke tails are dried and then boiled in salt water to make a side dish, which is a home-cooked delicacy in many coastal areas.

""Master Natsume, these are for you."

Ye Ling handed the fried Slowpoke tail to Natsume and the Dragonite beside him.

"Thank you~"

Natsume took it and took a bite.

Natsume thought the stall owner must be bragging.

Because the taste is not much different from starch sausage

"This is delicious~"

Jirachi seemed to like it very much, with oil stains all over his mouth.


Kuailong squeezed in front of the stall and called to the stall owner, then pointed at the mushrooms next to him.

"Do you want a bunch of mushrooms?"

The stall owner looked at Kuailong nervously.


Dragonite shook his head and gestured with his hands.

Natsume walked up to the stall owner and said,"This guy wants to eat everything, so you should fry everything here."

"Then put it in a small basin"


Kuailong nodded repeatedly and looked at the stall owner expectantly.

The stall owner immediately said happily:"Okay~"

""Master Natsume, I know a delicious Pokémon restaurant. Let's go there together later."

Natsume nodded slightly:"No problem."

The two chatted, and Dragonite's fried mushrooms were already fried.

Dragonite held his fried mushrooms and followed Natsume and Ye Ling, eating as he walked.

Dragonite said, this is happiness.

Natsume and his party walked through the crowd, bought some street snacks, and came to the Pokémon restaurant that Ye Ling mentioned.

In the restaurant, there is an activity area full of ocean balls.

Many Pokémons are playing in it.

As soon as Jirachi, Dragonite, and Ye Ling's Bulbasaur entered the restaurant, they ran into this area.

Natsume, Gardevoir, and Ye Ling sat down at the dining table next to the window.

Here you can see the huge natural lake.

""Master Natsume, do you know that according to legend, this lake was created by Jirachi?"

Ye Ling sighed as she looked at the lake through the window.

Natsume was a little surprised.

Is this place also related to Jirachi?

Natsume looked at Ye Ling and asked,"Where did this legend come from?"

Ye Ling explained,"I only learned about it when I went to the Longhu Museum before."

"There is a mural in the museum that is said to be thousands of years old."

"The mural showed Jirachi floating in the sky, and something like water gushing out from the ground."

"I heard from the museum staff that a long time ago, people here believed that this lake was the source of life given to them by Jirachi."

Natsume listened to Ye Ling's words and looked at Jirachi.

Jirachi followed a group of elves, climbed onto the diving platform above, and then jumped down together.

They looked like they were having a lot of fun.

Tomorrow is the last day of the Seven Nights.

According to legends and historical records, Jirachi will fall asleep again.

Natsume's understanding of Jirachi, in addition to the legends of this world, is the movie about Jirachi in his memory.

At the end of the movie, Jirachi returned to the Fans area, bid farewell to Xiaozhi and his party, and fell asleep again.

Of course, Natsume has wondered whether Jirachi will return to the Qingshan District and fall asleep again like before?

Also, what happened here before?

Why did the Millennium Comet give Jirachi energy?

There are currently no answers to these questions.

Farm Story has not yet given any clues.

However, Natsume believes that there is always a reason for everything, and there must be a solution.

"Master Natsume?"

Ye Ling waved at the thoughtful Natsume.

Natsume came back to his senses and said,"Sorry, I was a little distracted."

"Have you ordered?"

"Take a look."

Ye Ling handed the menu in front of her to Natsume.

Natsume took the menu:"Gardevoir, is there anything you want to eat?"

Gardevoir turned her face and moved closer to Natsume.

Ye Ling looked at Natsume and Gardevoir and thought: They are just like a couple.

Everyone ate food and chatted, and the afternoon time was slowly passing like this...

Three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Haoli Fighting Equipment Center.

The facade of this store is a Haoli carrying a gold belt. After

Natsume and Ye Ling finished their meal, they separated from her.

Ye Ling planned to go back and study about the exhibition match.

Natsume came here to buy training props for the farm.

The space in the store is very large, and there are many people visiting.

Natsume looked at the Pokémon in the crowd and found that the Pokémon around them were of high level. They were basically between 35 and 45.

Of course, this is normal.

Because those who come here to buy things are basically professional trainers or people who run training gyms.

"Natsume, there are a lot of Jirachi eggs there."

Jirachi pointed to a row of golden eggs in the middle of the venue.

Natsume took a look and explained to Jirachi:"This should be an in-store activity"

"If you spend a certain amount of money, you can smash the golden egg once."

Jirachi immediately said:"Jirachi wants to smash the golden egg~"

Natsume smiled and said:"No problem"

"I came here today to spend money"

"Hello, do you want me to introduce our trainer equipment to you?"

A staff member walked towards Natsume and the others.....

Natsume nodded slightly:"Thank you for your help."

"You are so polite. Please come this way first."

The staff took Natsume to a small room.

Inside the room, there was a rotating machine and a wrist.

The staff introduced:"This machine can automatically lock the position of the elf."

"Once locked, it will output electric current, wind blade, water jet and flame to attack"

"Wrist Power, let's demonstrate it."

Wrist Power was ready.

The staff turned on the machine.

The jet device on the machine quickly turned and aimed at Wrist Power.


Sparks shot out.

Wrist Power quickly moved.

The machine's jet device moved synchronously with Wrist Power's position, followed by another water gun spray.

Wrist Power once again dodged the water gun attack and quickly ran closer to the machine.

The staff explained:"This is a simulated battle in which the elf breaks through the opponent's long-range skill attack, then rushes to the opponent and counterattacks."


Wrist Power punched the machine.

The machine stopped attacking.

The staff explained to Natsume:"In addition, this machine can also adjust the frequency of attack according to the speed of the elf."

"Trainers can also improve the reaction of Pokémon by adjusting the Pokémon's position."

"For example, the trainer can let his Pokémon stand ten meters away from the machine to dodge."

"If you can adapt to a distance of ten meters, then reduce it to five meters, then one meter, so that your elf's reaction ability can be continuously trained."

"The current price of this machine is 80,000 Elf Coins."

The staff member added:"Our store is currently holding a Jirachi Millennium event. If the purchase amount reaches one million, you can smash a golden egg once."

"The gifts in the golden egg include elves, cash discount coupons, and various prizes that can be chosen from the machines in the venue."

Natsume nodded slightly:"I see."

Natsume was quite satisfied with this machine.

To put it simply, in the elf battle, you only need to do two things to win.

The first point: avoid all the opponent's skills.

The second point: let your skills hit the opponent.

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, the heavy sound of hitting attracted Natsume's attention.

The staff immediately introduced:"That is a close combat boxing machine"

"This is the favorite fighting training prop of many fighting elves."

"Please follow me."

The staff took Natsume forward.

This boxing machine was mounted on the wall.

The body looked a bit like an octopus.

A fast boxer stood in front of the machine.

There were many mechanical tentacles above the machine, smashing down at the fast boxer.

The fast boxer dodged the tentacles and quickly punched the machine with his fists.

"Gardevoir, I think the Onion Soldier will definitely like this machine."

After watching it for a while, Natsume smiled at Gardevoir standing beside him.

Gardevoir nodded in agreement.

"Let's just take these two."

Natsume said directly:"The first type is ten, and the second type is also ten."

The staff member said enthusiastically:"Okay, then we will sign the order first."

"After signing the order, let's go smash the golden eggs."

The 20 machines cost a total of 1.3 million Elf coins.

After paying, they will arrange the delivery today and it is expected to be delivered to the farm tomorrow morning.

"Mr. Natsume, let's smash the golden eggs."

The staff member completed an order and was obviously very happy.

He handed a small golden hammer to Natsume.

Natsume took the small golden hammer and handed it to Jirachi, saying,"It's up to you, Jirachi."

"No problem~"

Jirachi happily carried the small golden hammer.

Jirachi did not use mental power to cheat.

Jirachi followed his feeling and swung the small golden hammer at a golden egg on the corner of the table..


The golden egg shattered.

Natsume and Jirachi looked inside together.

There was a mobile phone inside the golden egg


The phone floated up. It was a mobile phone Rotom.

The staff immediately said,"Wow, this is the first prize!""

"Natsume, this Rotom can sneak into all machines and can use all the equipment in our store."

"I didn't expect that your Pokémon would open it."

Natsume looked at this Rotom.

This Rotom is at level 25, and has gym-level potential.

Judging from the data, it's pretty good.

Natsume smiled and said,"It seems that I'm lucky today."

"Rotom, please give me more advice in the future."

Jirachi was happy:"Jirachi won the first prize~"

The affairs of the farm gym are basically handled by Natsume's own Rotom.

Now, with the addition of the second Rotom, the one at home can be much more relaxed.

The mobile Rotom waved his hand:"Please give me more advice, Rotom"

"It's almost time."

Natsume looked at Jirachi and Gardevoir beside him and said,"Let's go back to the farm."

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