Listening to the system’s explanation, Zhou Yuan couldn’t help but raise his lips.

Because he knew his guess was correct.

Of the remaining two opportunities, one was really related to the elves.

As for the blue opportunity, according to Zhou Yuan’s understanding of the system.

The qualification of the Miblim in front of him should be around the Overlord.

It seems not as good as the King or the Champion.

But it is already very good among the elves.

Otherwise, Miblim would not be one of the opportunities.

“You two are new students taking the entrance exam, right?”

“I wonder what you would like to eat?”

Zhou Yuan was looking at Mi Blim here, and suddenly, a soft voice came to his ear.

A woman in her thirties, with a smile on her face, walked up to Zhou Yuan.

Judging from the other party’s dress, she seemed to be a waitress in this restaurant.

Although Zhou Yuan’s attention was attracted by Mi Blim.

But facing the woman’s question, Zhou Yuan quickly came back to his senses and said,”Excuse me, is there anything you can recommend?”

Hearing this, the woman smiled. She roughly recommended several restaurant specialties to Zhou Yuan and Geng Zhi.

Since Zhou Yuan and Geng Zhi were accompanied by many elves.

Geng Zhiyou was a local tyrant, and he waved his hand to indicate that all these specialties were wanted.

For such a big customer, the woman was naturally in a good mood.

She said wait a moment and hurried into the kitchen to get busy.

As for Mi Blim on the side, she took the initiative to take out the plate and chopsticks and placed them next to Zhou Yuan and Geng Zhi.

Seeing this, Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

“Could it be that this Miblim is the spirit of the restaurant owner?”

Just when Zhou Yuan was wondering, the woman who went into the kitchen quickly returned.

Seeing Miblim taking the initiative to help get the tableware, she also smiled kindly.

“Thanks for your help, Miblim”

“Let me do this!”

As she spoke, the woman took the tableware from Miblim’s hand and helped to put it on the table.

As for Miblim, she didn’t say a word the whole time.

This didn’t look like a woman’s spirit.

This made Zhou Yuan a little confused.

Thinking about this kind of thing was very brain-burning, so Zhou Yuan chose not to think about it, but asked directly

“”Sister, is this Miblimu the spirit of the restaurant?”

Zhou Yuan was tall and handsome.

Although the woman in front of him was not bad looking, she was older after all. When she heard Zhou Yuan calling her sister, she was naturally overjoyed.

All of a sudden, she started chatting with Zhou Yuan.

From the chat, she learned that the woman’s name was Guli, and she opened the restaurant in the forest.

As for Miblimu, she was not the spirit of the restaurant.

Instead, she was the wild spirit of this forest.

“”Sister Guli, why is this Miblim here?”

Zhou Yuan was surprised to learn this.

He couldn’t understand why a wild elf would be in the restaurant. Isn’t it because elves like Miblim are naturally timid and don’t like to interact with humans?

“This little guy!”

“Don’t think she is a social phobia”

“But she seems to be born to join in the fun”

“About two months ago, this little guy squatted next to my restaurant every day and watched customers come in and out.”

“You know there are a lot of people and she’s not very agile, so she could easily get stepped on.”

So , I invited her to the restaurant.

“This little guy comes every day during the day and stays until dark.”

“It was as if the atmosphere of this restaurant made her feel very comfortable.”

“Sometimes, when I am too busy, she will help me.”

“But she is quite socially anxious, and even doesn’t talk to me very well.”

Listening to Guli’s story, Zhou Yuan looked at Miblim with some surprise.

It was obvious that he had not thought that this Miblim was so strange.

But when you think about the fact that she is socially anxious and likes to join in the fun… there seem to be many such people among humans. After roughly figuring out Miblim’s situation.

Zhou Yuan also nodded, and didn’t talk more with Guli.

Although Geng Zhi has a carefree personality, he naturally saw that Zhou Yuan seemed to be very interested in Miblim.

So, he smiled and said,”Old Zhou, do you like this little guy?”

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan nodded in agreement

“Well, I really like this little guy.”

Although there are system reasons, it does not prevent Zhou Yuan from thinking that Miblim is cute.

“So how do you plan to capture her?”

Although this is in the wild, capturing a Pokémon is not like in the games and animations made by those big companies.

You just throw the Poké Ball after the battle to capture it.

The Poké Ball in the real world only has the function of storing Pokémons.

It does not have the function of brainwashing Pokémons.

So many people learn to defeat Pokémons and capture them in games, but in the end the Pokémons are still unconvinced. There are many cases in real life.

Moreover, forcing Pokémons to be captured is an illegal act.

This fan Blim is a bit socially anxious.

This is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

“have no idea for now”

“Let’s take it one step at a time!”

“I’m hungry, let’s eat first!”

Seeing Sister Guli serving the dishes, the hungry Zhou Yuan chose to eat first.

Regarding this decision, Baby Tyrannosaurus said,”Boss, you are wise.”

“Come, baby Tyrannosaurus and swamp jump fish, these are yours.”

Although Zhou Yuan and Geng Zhi ordered a lot of dishes

, most of them were for elves.

It is true that there is food for elves in this world.

However, most elves sneer at that kind of food.

Like humans, they prefer to eat more delicious and fresher food.

The restaurant opened by Sister Guli tastes quite good.

Although it is not particularly amazing, you will definitely want to eat a second bite after taking a bite.

Especially the little guy Baby Tyrannosaurus.

A braised pork elbow is not enough.

He���He kept asking for another one.

Sister Guli was kind-hearted, and she gave Baby Tyrannosaurus a big pork elbow.

Zhou Yuan could only say that Sister Guli was kind-hearted.

This little sweet talk made Guli feel very happy.

Although there were few people on Zhou Yuan’s side, the presence of Baby Tyrannosaurus was very good at livening up the atmosphere during the meal.

So everyone on Zhou Yuan’s side was laughing and talking happily.

At this moment, Miblim, who had been lying on the front desk of the restaurant, was also attracted by the rich joy that was overflowing from Zhou Yuan’s side.

The small eyes under her hair kept looking at Zhou Yuan.

As Miblim looked at Zhou Yuan and his group.

Zhou Yuan didn’t notice much.

Baby Tyrannosaurus, the social bull dragon, did notice it.

When he saw Miblim looking at him, he narrowed his eyes, picked up a chicken leg and came to Miblim.


The chicken leg was placed in front of Miblim.

The baby Tyrannosaurus called out.

This guy was inviting Miblim to eat delicious food together.

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