The two of us were so busy that we had to wait for the next mission.

"Nothing happened. What about you guys?"

Ji Yun shook his head calmly, and then asked back.

"I didn't get much either. I saw a lot of elves, but I didn't like any of them."

Chen Yujie shook his head.

Wang Chengzhi: "Me too."

"Hehe, I'm different. I captured a Pidgeot. When it evolves into a Pidgeot, I'll have a cool riding elf."

Li Jiaqi said excitedly.

"That's not bad."

Ji Yun nodded, and then thought about it. Should he consider Pidgeot?

"That's right. Today we saw the rescuers riding Pidgeot. They looked so handsome."

Li Jiaqi said with a smile.

"Rescue? Did someone get into trouble today?"

Ji Yun asked.

"Hey, there was a fool in the next class today. He was so arrogant that he didn't listen to advice and insisted on going to the core area."

"As a result, I don't know how he angered a rice spoon snake halfway, and then he couldn't beat it."

"Anyway, the crazy rice spoon snake chased him all the way, and no one knew what he did."

Li Jiaqi explained.

"I heard that he himself didn't know what angered the rice spoon snake."

Chen Yujie also smiled and took over the conversation.

"It's just bad luck."

Wang Chengzhi commented.


After listening to the three people's narration, Ji Yun's eyes twitched.

That rice spoon snake, couldn't it be the one that was beaten down by the big jaw ant...

The next day, Ji Yun teamed up with Zhang Chuyao again to enter the reserve, and then like the first day, except for the battle, there was no other gain.

However, Pikachu and the Mandible Ant were upgraded.

In the next few days, Ji Yun almost visited the entire core area. In addition to continuing to level up, he did not find a single Pokémon that suited his taste.

The potential was too low. He did not even meet a Pokémon with quasi-king potential.

"This won't work..."

After returning to the dormitory again, Ji Yun frowned.

"No, the third Pokémon can't be delayed any longer."

He has a plug-in to gain experience in battles, which means that if he gets Pokémons earlier, he can catch up with his predecessors earlier.

"Tomorrow, let's go to the breeding house in the city to have a look."

Ji Yun sighed silently, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zhang Chuyao to explain the situation.

The other party quickly replied.

[Yao: It doesn't matter, I will team up with Xinxin and the others tomorrow]

[Yao: It's a pity that we are not in Beijing, otherwise I would take you directly to my father's breeding house]

The next day, early in the morning.

After Ji Yun went out, he first went to the breeding house in the Elf Academy, and then went to several breeding houses around the Elf Academy.

After a morning, Ji Yun still didn't meet a satisfactory elf.

The one he saw with the highest potential was a small elephant with the potential of a quasi-king.

Unfortunately, in Ji Yun's eyes, this potential was barely acceptable, but for ground-type elves, he already had a large-jawed ant.

In the end, Ji Yun chose to give up.

After lunch, Ji Yun took a car to the largest breeding house in Jinling.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you?"

As soon as he entered the door, a female shopping guide came to Ji Yun and asked.

"I need a elf."

"Excuse me, what kind of elf do you need? Or what type of elf do you need?"

"Can I see them all?"

"No problem, please come this way."

Then, under the guidance of the shopping guide, Ji Yun checked the elves in the breeding house.

In this breeding house, all the elves for sale are raised in a simulated environment. Walking inside is like walking in a botanical garden.

There are other customers inside who are choosing elves.

Ji Yun looked all the way and found that the elves here are generally better in qualifications, and elite elves account for a large part.

But, that's it, he still didn't find a high-qualified elf.


At this moment, Ji Yun paused and turned his head to look at a house outside the window.

"Excuse me, what is the house over there used for?"

Ji Yun pointed at the house and asked.

"That's the sales area for unknown elf eggs."

The shopping guide explained:

"Our store will purchase elf eggs from various channels, and there are often some eggs that cannot be identified as elves."

"And these elf eggs will be sold there uniformly, also

It is commonly known as the gambling egg area. "

"I'm going to take a look over there."

After listening to the salesperson's words, Ji Yun was slightly happy.

When he was adventuring in the secret realm during the summer vacation, he saw the elf eggs with his own eyes.

And the system panel directly displayed what kind of elf egg it was and its attributes.

Gambling eggs? In front of his plug-in, there is no gambling!

And, most importantly, just now, his waveguide suddenly produced a slight fluctuation, and then he sensed that a weak waveguide force was coming from that house!

The elf that can use waveguide... Could it be it!

On the way to the gambling egg area with the salesperson, Ji Yun was full of expectations.

After entering the gambling egg area, Ji Yun saw a huge glass counter.

One after another, the elf eggs were placed in cylindrical incubators and displayed on the counter.

Ji Yun glanced over and found that most of the elves in the eggs were of ordinary qualifications, and only a few were of elite qualifications.

Then Ji Yun walked along the sensed path, pretending to observe each egg.

Finally, his steps stopped in front of a white Pokémon egg with blue spots.


[Level: Hatching]

[Gender: Male]

[Characteristics: Psychic Power]

[Individual Values: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (28), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (28), Speed ​​(31)]

[Potential: Champion]

Fuck! 4V, champion potential!

With the characteristics of psychic power and the potential of a champion, it's no wonder that it can spread the power of wave before it's born.

After seeing the panel of this egg, Ji Yun's eyes widened slightly, and his heart seemed to slow down a beat. His excitement was like the rising tide, surging and surging, unable to be contained.

The next second, Ji Yun clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and his facial muscles trembled slightly. He tried to suppress his emotions and not let others see his excitement.

Then, he took a deep breath, tried his best to control himself, and said in a calm tone:

"This is it, how much is it? "Sir, the eggs here are all 200,000 yuan each. After the purchase, no matter what kind of elves are hatched, it has nothing to do with our store." "Are you sure you want to buy it?" After hearing Ji Yun's words, the shopping guide was delighted, but he still patiently explained. In the ordinary breeding houses, the elves that have been hatched, except for some special elves that start at millions, generally cost between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands. For example, the Pikachu on Ji Yun's shoulder, if you buy a Pikachu in the breeding house, it is only about 30,000. Although it is also a test of eyesight and betting on potential, at least you already know what kind of elf it is. Therefore, for most people, using 200,000 yuan to bet on an uncertain egg is a very risky gamble. But Ji Yun is not one of them. "Sure, I want this one." Ji Yun nodded and said firmly.

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