The two of them were very close.

Here, Ji Yun and Lucario followed Regirock into the canyon.

Then, after walking a distance, Regirock led them into a cave.

In the cave, there was a dim tunnel, and the tunnel was full of crystals emitting blue light.

After entering the cave, Regirock continued to move forward, and Ji Yun and Lucario followed silently behind.

After a while, a dazzling light came.

At the exit in front, the bright light outside formed a sharp contrast with the dim cave, which seemed a bit dazzling.

Ji Yun squinted his eyes and followed behind.

The moment he stepped out of the cave, the light was no longer dazzling, and everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

In front of me, there is a vast underground space.

Above, a huge crystal is embedded in the top, shining, making the entire underground space look like daylight.

Below, there are waterfalls, streams, lakes, grasslands, and woods, like a beautiful natural painting.

In the stream, ammonites and spiny ammonites are resting.

On the grass on the shore, tentacle lilies and cradle lilies are swaying.

In the woods, many ancient feather insects and ancient armor can be seen.

In the sky, several fossil pterosaurs are soaring.

In the distant sky, a group of blue birds and Qixi blue birds can be seen flying.

"This is right below the World Tree."

Lao Lu's voice sounded in Ji Yun's mind.


At this time, the dot on Reggie Locke's face lit up a few times, and then he turned and walked towards the winding mountain path on the side.

Ji Yun hurriedly followed.

After a while, they entered another tunnel.

In this way, Ji Yun and his companions followed Regirock through the tunnel, and their position was constantly moving upwards.

Not long after, after walking out of a cave again, the main body of the World Tree appeared in front of Ji Yun.

Looking up, the World Tree looked like layers of stairs surrounded by white clouds.

"You, follow me."

At this time, Zygarde's voice sounded.

It jumped off Regirock, and then jumped towards the upward road.

Seeing this, Ji Yun hurriedly followed.

On the way, Ji Yun looked at Zygarde jumping in front of him, and finally couldn't help but speak:

"Um, may I ask what's the matter with you looking for the brave man of the wave guide?"

"You will know when you get there."

Zygarde replied lightly while jumping.

Hearing this, Ji Yun was speechless, and then asked again:

"Then... do you know the mark on my body?"

"I have seen Darkrai before, and it said that I have the mark of a certain existence on my body."

After hearing Ji Yun's question, Zygarde suddenly paused, stopped, and turned to look at him.

After a moment, Zygarde's voice sounded again:

"I do know that mark, but I can't tell you."

"When the time comes, you will know it naturally."

After saying this, Zygarde turned around and jumped forward again.

Later, after hearing Zygarde's words, Ji Yun raised his eyebrows.

Although it did not answer him directly, he had heard a detail.

The existence that Zygarde could not reveal casually can only be an elf with a higher status than it.

And among the elves, the status can be higher than Zygarde...

Thinking of this, Ji Yun's face was a little strange.

Could it be that alpaca...

Ji Yun thought silently as he followed Zygarde.

After a long time, under the leadership of Zygarde, Ji Yun and Lao Lu finally arrived at the inside of the World Tree.


At this time, a clear voice suddenly echoed in the tunnel.

Then, an elf that looked like a pink kitten flew out from the corner.

It flew in front of Ji Yun and Lao Lu, and then flew around them for a few circles, as if looking at Ji Yun.


[Level: Lv.100]

[Attribute: Superpower]

[Feature: Synchronization]

[Gender: Genderless]

[Potential: God]


Looking at the little cutie in front of him, Ji Yun's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He finally saw this fantasy beast whose genes contained the information of all elves...

At this time, Dream suddenly flew in front of Ji Yun and got close to Pikachu's face

, and looked at it curiously.


Seeing this, Pikachu looked at the dreamy one in front of him with some confusion.


Then, Dream showed a cute smile, and then directly pulled Pikachu's hand and flew away from Ji Yun's shoulder with it.


Pikachu was a little confused when he was suddenly carried away.

Then, Dream landed on the ground with Pikachu, and then a light suddenly lit up on Dream's body.

The next second, the light dissipated, and an identical Pikachu appeared on the ground.


Ji Yun's Pikachu tilted its head.


Dream also tilted its head.



"Pika Pika!"

"Pika Pika!"

Laughing, surprised, changing face, no matter what expression and action Pikachu made, Dream, who turned into Pikachu, directly reproduced it.


Then, both Pikachus smiled sweetly and started playing.

After seeing this scene, Ji Yun was somewhat surprised.

He seemed to remember that Dream seemed to like pure hearts very much.

Ji Yun, who was present, did not think that his heart was pure.

Lucario and Zygarde were both elves who had experienced many storms, and it seemed that they could not be considered to have pure hearts.

So, the only one who met this requirement was Pikachu? !

At this time, Zygarde's voice sounded:

"Okay, stop playing, and finish the business first."


Hearing this, one of the Pikachus who was playing stopped, tilted his head, and then the light on his body lit up again, turning back to Dreamy.


Then, Dreamy and Zygarde took Ji Yun and the others forward.

Soon, they came to the depths of the World Tree and came to a spacious place.

In an instant, a huge tree-shaped crystal came into Ji Yun's sight.

Above the crystal, there was a green light band that was constantly transmitting energy.

Comparing it with the animation in his memory, Ji Yun instantly understood that this was the heart of the World Tree!

But... there seemed to be a problem with the transmission of this energy?

Looking at the intermittent energy, Ji Yun was a little confused.

"What is that?!"

At this time, Lucario noticed something.

Ji Yun turned his head and saw a pair of gloves hanging quietly in front of a crystal as tall as a person.

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