"The Six Tails have successfully advanced to the overlord level, and the Penguin Group has gained another master-level combat power!"

"There is a super large sandstorm in the Tianhai Desert, and it is suspected that the wild fierce bite land shark has advanced, and many elven hunters have already gone there! This area is a moderately dangerous area, so please pay attention to people nearby!

"There are streamers shining in the polar regions, some people have seen dreams in meteors, and the price of polar tourism has skyrocketed!"

"A small secret realm has appeared in the Changpan Forest, and the high-level elf trainer Sky Wings has already set off! The secret area is extremely dangerous, please be careful and safe, and don't rush there!"


In the cafeteria, on the huge screen, a fat Keding with a snow-white hat and a pink microphone in his hand are playing news.

On the silver-white dining table, Lin Jiuyou was watching the news intently.


"The talent test is about to start, please rush to the playground within half an hour!"

A white wave flew above Lin Jiuyou's head and spun, making a crisp sound from its mouth.

This is a school-specific communication tool, the messenger Bobo.

"Is it time for the annual talent test again?"

Lin Jiuyou stretched his waist and reluctantly took his gaze off the screen.

Lin Jiuyou is a traverser.

In his previous life, he enjoyed the blessings of 996 every day, and on a whim at night, he wanted to go to KTV to comfort the injured young lady and give a little dedication to the barren them.

However, in KTV, before Lin Jiuyou could hold the hand of the young lady, there was an accident.

Lin Jiuyou was electrocuted.

I don't know which one broke the circuit in the KTV!

Lin Jiuyou became the first victim!

At the moment when the current was scurrying, Lin Jiuyou had only one thought in his heart:

the money was still there, but the people were gone!

Just ask what to do?

When Lin Jiuyou woke up, he found that he had come to a new world.

This world is extremely similar to Blue Star, both culturally and linguistically. However, the biggest change took place fifty years ago.

Fifty years ago, the world changed.

Countless spatial cracks crossed the sky, and many secret realms and spirits appeared in this world. In the beginning, various countries didn't care about secret realms and elves.

However, when someone comes back from the secret realm, they bring with them the elves who can make a contract!

A gem with a self-healing effect!

A tree fruit that strengthens your physique!

An elixir that can prolong life!


Suddenly, the world went crazy!

Secret realms, resources, and elves have attracted the attention of the world!

Countless nations began to explore the secret realm, and the elves began to study. The major countries have put the struggle between each other, focusing on the secret realm, and turned it into a competition for the secret realm, a competition for treasures, and a competition for elves!

At the same time, schools in various countries have been reformed, and the training of trainers has become a top priority.

Lin Jiuyou, who came to this world, directly became an orphan. His parents disappeared and disappeared on the way to find his grandfather, leaving him with only a pendant.


"The talent test is about to start, please rush to the playground within half an hour!"

Seeing that Lin Jiuyou didn't move, the wave above his head spun around a few more times, urging.

"That's it!"

"That's it! Go now!

Lin Jiuyou took out a few light blue seeds from his pocket and handed them directly to Bobo on his head.

This is the seed of orchid vanilla, one of Bobo's favorite foods.


Seeing the bob of food, his eyes lit up, and he directly swooped down and ate the food in Lin Jiuyou's hand.

At this time, Lin Jiuyou also touched Bobo's feathers with his hand, which was soft and tenacious, and felt as smooth as silk.

Feeling Lin Jiuyou's touch, Bobo only raised his head and shouted twice, without making any other movements.

This is because Bobo has been tamed, and if he is touched like this in the wild, he will immediately attack.


"If you have money, you can go all over the world, but you can't move an inch without money!"

"When will I be able to have my own elves?"

Lin Jiuyou looked at Bobo with a melancholy look.

Bobo gave Lin Jiuyou a roll of his eyes and continued to enjoy the food brought by Lin Jiuyou.


"Number 137, talent test!"

When Lin Jiuyou came to the school playground, the talent test had already begun.

In the center of the playground, on a high platform, a semi-bright long column crystal is suspended.

A fat boy stepped up to the high platform and gripped the crystal hard.

The next moment.

The crystal glowed red, and an apparition of a fireball appeared above it.

"Low-level talent, fire affinity!"

The headmaster made a magnetic sound.


"It's fire affinity again!"

Lin Jiuyou heard the people around him discussing.

"This is the first low-level talent?!"

"I don't know, can there be high-level talents in this talent test?"

Questions were raised.

Since the appearance of the secret realm, after the people of this world were able to contract elves, people have found that talent is extremely important for cultivating elves, good talents can get twice the result with half the effort, and can make their elves grow rapidly, and poor talents will even hinder the growth of elves.

To date, talents have been divided into low-level talents, medium-level talents, high-level talents, epic talents, legendary talents, and god-level talents.

However, as far as Lin Jiuyou could see, the top was a high-level talent, and he hadn't even seen a shadow of an epic-level talent.

Similarly, elves are divided into multiple levels, elves of levels 1-20 are awakened elves, levels 20-40 are transcendental, levels 40-60 are lords, and levels 60-80 are monarchs....

At this moment, the crowd let out an exclamation.

"Advanced talent!!"

"A high-level talent has appeared!"

Lin Jiuyou also saw the abnormality on the high platform.

The crystals glow with a deep yellow glow!

Above the head of a girl in a pink dress, with black hair and white skin, a blue ocean appeared, and a whale the size of a thumb swam in the ocean.

"Advanced talent, heart of whale song!"

At this time, even the headmaster's voice was a little high.

"The Heart of the Whale Song?"

"The heart of the whale song with the same talent as the master elf envoy of the Ten Thousand Beast King?"

"The Liu family is about to take off!"

Everyone looked at Liu Mengru on the high platform, revealing a look of envy.

The master elf made the King of Ten Thousand Beasts have the heart of the high-level talent Whale Song, and he contracted the Roaring Whale to directly sit on one side and suppress the secret realm.

Even if Liu Mengru can't reach the achievement of the King of Longevity, but a high-level elf envoy, there is no difficulty for her.

"I heard that there is also a high-level talent in the school next door, I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker compared to Liu Mengru?"

Someone is curious.


With the test of one person after another, although no high-level talents appeared again, several intermediate talents appeared, which shocked everyone.

"No. 756, talent test!"

At this time, Lin Jiuyou's ears heard the principal's voice again.

The people around him also let go of a passage, allowing Lin Jiu to walk up to the high platform.

Lin Jiuyou didn't hesitate and walked up directly.

He was also curious, what was his talent?


Two steps.


When Lin Jiuyou walked up to the high platform and held the spar.


The hedron is shocked!

Colorful appeared!

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple!

Flashes of light flickered, and then the crystals went black!!


"What's going on?"

"Why do crystals change like this?"

"Is there an epic talent?"

Watching the changes in the crystals, many people are excited.

"Can we witness miracles?"

Someone has already taken out the camera.

However, the headmaster frowned, he knew that when an epic talent appeared, Crystal Pillar was not like this.

Could it be that the crystal pillar is broken?

The headmaster had this thought in his heart.

Lin Jiuyou ignored the cheers of the crowd.

The moment he touched the crystal.

Countless data streams, combinations, transformations appeared in front of his eyes!

Cracked Empty Seat!






Elves after elves emerged, disillusioned.

Then, an illusory screen appeared in front of him.

Five big golden characters are shining!

Genie Simulator!

Lin Jiuyou looked at the big words on the screen, and there was only one thought in his heart:

This is my golden finger?

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