[The ground is not flat, sharp rocks are towering, and deep cracks suddenly appear, which is extremely dangerous. It took your glittering tyrannosaurus for more than half an hour to make it close to the triangular altar in the center of the island. The

triangular altar is not large, covering an area of only three square meters. The semi-circular base, the indiscernible texture carvings, and the sculptures that have been corroded to the point where they cannot see any physiognomy are unusually rudimentary, and there seems to be nothing strange about them.

[However, your glitter tyrannosaurus is not careless. Instead of touching the altar directly, your Flash Tyrannosaurus throws a stone at the altar to test the altar's reaction.

[A thumb-sized stone, directly hitting the dilapidated altar, nothing happened.] Your glittering tyrannosaurus is still not careless, and continues to probe.

[An hour later, your flash tyrannosaurus is tired, and the altar still doesn't have any reaction, and you can't see a trace of danger. After resting for a while and regaining your strength, your glitter tyrannosaurus finally touches the altar in person.

[The body gently touches the altar, and your glittering tyrannosaurus touches the broken altar, and there is no special feeling, as if it is touching steel. Seeing that there was no reaction from the altar, your glittering tyrannosaurus was ready to leave, and the moment he turned around, a mutation happened!

[The altar is roaring, and the space is distorted in an instant. A faint white mist unfolded, covering the surrounding space of 100 meters. Your glittering tyrannosaurus has been swept into the white mist! 【

Ascending to the roof, ninety-nine steps, blood transformation. It is rumored that those who reach the highest level will deify their bloodlines. However, as the epochs change, nothing can resist the erosion of time. At this time, there are only 35 steps to the roof. [

Your Flash Tyrannosaurus entered the platform and landed on the lowest floor. The jade-white steps, like mirrors, can illuminate the shadow of your glittering tyrannosaurus. Although it is a step, your glittering tyrannosaurus feels like a world, and the huge steps stand tall in the air, as if there is no end in sight.

[Your flash tyrannosaurus looked up and saw a black shadow falling from the sky!] [

The appearance is very similar to a shark, the background color of the whole body is dark blue, there are two protrusions on the head, there is an inverted five-pointed star-shaped macula on the tip of the nose, there are sharp teeth in the mouth, and there are two white bone spurs on the upper arms and thighs, which are extremely hideous! [

Your Flash Tyrannosaurus has met his opponent - Fierce Bite Land Shark, a feeling in the dark that let your Flash Tyrannosaurus know that only after defeating this Fierce Bite Land Shark can you enter a higher level! ] [

In an instant, a fierce battle began.] 【

Your Flash Tyrannosaurus has been attacked by the quicksand hell that bites the land shark!】 Countless pieces of yellow sand are flying, trapping your Flash Tyrannosaurus in the quicksand, and countless sands are flying, and your Flash Tyrannosaurus is hurting. [

At the moment of attack, your flash tyrannosaurus directly used the water cannon, and the huge water column bombarded, and the fierce bite of the land shark was also touched by the water cannon without checking! ] [

With a heart-to-heart blow, the fierce bite land shark received a huge amount of damage! ]

[However, in the next moment, the blue light on the Fierce Biting Land Shark flashed, and after eating the orange orange fruit, the life was worth recovering, and the combat power was restored again, and the skill dragon claw was used!

[With its sharp claws and terrifying momentum, the fierce bite of the land shark is like a rocket, rushing directly towards your flash tyrannosaurus.

[In the face of such a situation, your flash tyrannosaurus did not hesitate, and directly used the whirlpool and tornado, and used its own combination technique: waterspout, several huge waterspouts rose into the sky, directly involving the fast-approaching fierce bite land shark. 【

Water jet, wind blade cutting!】 The biting land shark is trapped in a waterspout and has been subjected to a terrible attack. The waterspout, which is extremely restrained, makes it impossible for the Fierce Bite Land Shark to move forward, and the dragon's claw fails! [

While the Fierce Bite Land Shark was trapped, your Flash Tyrannosaurus launched a fatal blow again, with a flash of lightning and a collision!

[Extreme speed and terrifying power increase the power of the impact several times! The dark shadow flickered by, and your glittering tyrannosaurus successfully slammed into the body of the biting land shark! 【

The Fierce Bite Land Shark loses its combat effectiveness, and your Flash Tyrannosaurus wins!】

[At the moment when your Flash Tyrannosaurus wins, the Fierce Bite Land Shark melts directly, turning into a stream of blood and water, and directly merges into your Flash Tyrannosaurus's body! 【

Gentle power flow, your flash tyrannosaurus feels like it has returned to its mother's body, warm and comfortable!】 【

Your Glitter Tyrannosaurus Level Up!】 【

Your Flash Tyrannosaurus Water Cannon Skill has successfully advanced from proficient to proficient!】 【

Your Flash Tyrannosaurus Dragon bloodline has increased by five percent!】 【

Your Flash Tyrannosaurus Earth Resistance is increased by 5%!】 【

Feeling the increase in strength, your glitter tyrannosaurus has stepped to a higher level.】 On the second step, your glittering tyrannosaurus meets an opponent Blastoise!

【After a fierce battle, your Flash Tyrannosaurus has paid the price of serious injuries to defeat Blastoise!】 After the victory, the Blastoise disappears, still turning into blood and being absorbed by your Glitter Tyrannosaurus! Your glitter tyrannosaurus, level up,! Your glitter tyrannosaurus has learned the skill of begging for rain!


【On the eighth step, your flash tyrannosaurus has finally met an insurmountable opponent - Tornado, a legendary Pokémon with flying attributes!】 【The

incarnate tornadocloud hair is white, wavy, green ears, pointed beard, two long purple sharp horns on the forehead, and the lower body is wrapped in white clouds, which is both powerful and domineering.

[Even if your Flash Tyrannosaurus encounters a tornado cloud that is not complete, your Flash Tyrannosaurus is still not the opponent of Tornado, whether it is speed or attack power, it has been crushed by Tornado! [

Transform into a streamer tornado, using a skill hammer.] The massive arm hammered out, and the terrifying force sent the air to roar. Your glitter tyrannosaurus wants to dodge and uses its ability to flash with lightning. [

However, the absolute speed gap keeps your flash tyrannosaurus from getting out of the tornado's attack range.] Your glittering tyrannosaurus has been hit hard by an arm hammer and has fallen from the sky, losing its combat effectiveness!

[Your glitter tyrannosaurus is dead!]

[At the end of the simulation, your Flash Tyrannosaurus entered the Ascending Platform, climbed the eighth step for the first time, and directly faced the attack of the Divine Beast Tornado, and you can keep four of the rewards

] [Skill: Water Cannon

] [Material: Bite the Teeth of the Land Shark*2

] [Skill: Tornado

] [Special: Earth Resistance Increases by 5%!] [

Skill: Asking for Rain]

[Material: Tornado's Beard*3].

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