Secret realm?

The best elf?

Listening to the words of the head teacher Qiu Qianqi, Lin Jiuyou's face showed a strange expression.

Lin Jiuyou had heard something similar not long ago.

However, it was in Zhou Tianyi's mouth.

The head teacher Qiu Qianqi didn't care about Lin Jiuyou's expression.

After pouring out the first tea and re-pouring the second tea, he took a sip of the tea and said comfortably

, "There are many ways for trainers to obtain spirits, but there are two main ones - shop purchase or secret exploration."

"The elves in the store, as long as you have money, can buy them, and the quality is guaranteed to a certain extent, but the upper limit is not high. At most, ordinary channels can buy elves with a bloodline of the Commander level.

"Secret realm exploration, sometimes you will encounter some special secret realms, these secret realms will produce extremely precious elves, and even suspected extinct elves!"

"Every time this kind of secret realm appears, it will cause great turmoil!"

The head teacher, Qiu Qianqi, looked at Lin Jiuyou.

"It just so happens that such a secret realm has been discovered in the past few days."

"Moreover, you should be familiar with the place where this secret realm is located."

After taking another sip of tea, Qiu Qianqi sold a pass to Lin Jiuyou.

A secret place to produce elves?

Where am I familiar?

Lin Jiuyou touched his chin, a place he was familiar with, and a secret realm appeared?

In this city, Lin Jiuyou's most familiar place is the school.

Other than that, it's Yaya Lake.

As a veteran angler, he has made many fishing friends at Yaya Lake.

His first elf, the little carp, was also caught from the Yaya Lake.

You can't have a secret realm in Yaya Lake, right?

Lin Jiuyou shook his head.

"I really don't know!"

"Head teacher, don't play dumb riddles for me."

Lin Jiuyou smiled bitterly.


"This time, I finally stumped your kid."

Seeing Lin Jiuyou's deflated appearance, the head teacher also laughed.

During this period of time, Lin Jiuyou's performance was really outstanding!

He almost thought this guy knew everything!

Lin Jiuyou saw the head teacher's hand wave, and the magic wall puppet folded his hands.

The next moment.

A telekinetic wall appeared, isolating Lin Jiuyou from the head teacher in the middle.

"What I have to say next is very important and cannot be leaked."

"You have to remember with your heart."

The head teacher Qiu Qianqi's expression was serious.

Lin Jiuyou also sat down and listened carefully.

"A few days ago, something abnormal happened to Yaya Lake, and a new secret realm appeared."

"A secret realm hunter brought out a king-level elven egg from inside!!"

"However, the news that came out of his mouth was even more shocking, that is, he saw the overlord-level elven eggs, as well as the suspected king-level elven eggs!!"

"As soon as this news came out, it caused turmoil in the entire surrounding area."

The head teacher Qiu Qianqi's voice was low.

"According to my news, according to incomplete statistics, there are already dozens of trainers who have fallen because of this storm, and there are even high-level trainers among them!!"

"Only now has the situation around me calmed down a little."

Qiu Qianqi took a sip of tea.

Then, open your palms.

The air was condensing, and a silver-white battle tower appeared in Qiu Qianchi's palm.


Qiu Qianqi asked Lin Jiuyou.

"This is the secret realm that appeared in Tooth Lake this time, the War Tower."


Lin Jiuyou felt that this name seemed to have been heard somewhere.

However, Lin Jiuyou didn't think much about it, and continued to listen to the introduction of the head teacher.

"Yes, the new secret realm of Yaya Lake is the War Tower."

"Ninety-nine-story battle tower, survival of the fittest."

"Every time you beat a tower, you'll get a reward!!"

"If it weren't for the rules of this secret realm, which can only be entered by junior trainers and below, I would have wanted to break through."

The head teacher Qiu Qianqi felt a trace of pity.

Only junior trainers and below can enter?

Such a rule is indeed weird.

There are rules for secret realms!

Each secret realm is like a world, not only has a unique geographical appearance, its own style of ecosystem, but most importantly, it has unique rules!

You need a voucher to enter the secret realm, but you need to follow the rules to survive in the secret realm!

Different secret realms have different rules, and some are normal, for example, you can't fight in secret realms. However, there are more bizarre and cruel rules, such as entering the secret realm, you must walk with your hands, otherwise, you will be killed by the terrifying beast! Or in the secret realm, you must stop for a minute every half an hour, otherwise, there will be a part of the limb out of thin air.

The weirdness and abnormality of the rules are also the most terrifying part of the secret realm.

Moreover, high-level secret realms often have more than one rule.

The newly appeared Secret Realm Battle Tower in Yaya Lake can only be entered by people from junior trainers and below.

This rule is not too outrageous.

At the very least, there are no bloody and inappropriate requests for children.

Lin Jiuyou silently recalled the information about the secret realm in his heart.

"This time, if you enter the battle tower and want to get the right elven egg, you must pass at least the tenth floor!"

"Got it?"

Qiu Qianqi asked Lin Jiuyou.

The tenth floor?

It doesn't seem to be very difficult?

Lin Jiuyou flashed such a thought.

At this time, the head teacher Qiu Qianqi spoke again.

"Do you think it's easy to get through the tenth floor of the Tower?"


"Not really!!"

The head teacher Qiu Qianqi seemed to see Lin Jiuyou's mentality.

"Now, the highest record for the battle tower is fifteen floors!"

"The one who set this record is a high-level trainer who has lowered his cultivation through special techniques!"

"Even he, with the strength of a junior trainer, can only beat the fifteenth floor, and he has paid an extremely heavy price."

"Now, do you still think the tower is simple?"

The head teacher Qiu Qianqi's voice was low.

As the best student in his class, he didn't want Lin Jiuyou to have any accidents.

In the secret realm, a little negligence may lose life.

"Got it!"

"I'll do my best!"

Lin Jiuyou nodded.

Throw away your careless thoughts.

"That's it!"

"I've finished talking about the secret realm!"

"So, are you going to the secret realm now, or tomorrow?"

The head teacher, Qiu Qianqi, asked the most important question.

"Now, of course!"

Lin Jiuyou immediately spoke!!

The first time he explored the secret realm, he couldn't wait!!

War Towers?

I don't know, this time, how many floors can I climb to the battle tower?

Able to break records?

PS: There's one more chapter, read it tomorrow morning!

By the way, thank you Qian Xuan ♥ and the clown of chaos for the gift, love you, Mo Da!!

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