"This is all a misunderstanding, I was just joking.

Luo Fa immediately admitted his mistake, and he was even more worried.

He was afraid that Gu Dahai would arrest him, and he didn't want to go to jail.

"Sorry, I filmed everything. I will hand over your actions to the police station."

Gu Dahai held the camera in his hand.

As a gym trainer, he could certainly wrongly accuse ordinary people.

Luo Fa was desperate.

He didn't know where the information was leaked, letting Gu Dahai know what he had done. He even ambushed here on purpose.

But he knew that he was finished today, and Gu Dahai would never let him go.

""Electric Beast, thunder."

Gu Dahai didn't waste any words. He first took down Luo Fa and then locked him up.

He dared to sneak attack his son. This is simply courting death, and he will make Luo Fa regret it for the rest of his life.

The electric beast exploded.

Thunder spread all over the field, and all of Luo Fa's Pokémon were killed instantly.

How can a gym-level Pokémon resist a champion-level electric beast?

If it weren't for the fear of killing the Pokémon, the electric beast would definitely explode with all its strength. He dared to bully his little master. This is simply courting death.

After the thunder and lightning, Luo Fa's Pokémon were collectively killed, and Luo Fa knelt on the ground in despair.

He lost.

Gu Yuxuan knocked Luo Fa unconscious with a shovel.

Gu Dahai was stunned.

This move is so skillful, has his son practiced it?

"Son, when you went out before, did you knock anyone out? Why do I feel that you are so skilled?"

Gu Yuxuan rolled his eyes at Gu Dahai.

What do you mean by practiced? It's just that Luo Fa was too weak to be beaten. He was knocked out by a shovel.

Forget it, there is no need to explain. He can't wait to find the essence of the rock.

His Kokodora has been waiting.

Gu Yuxuan picked up Luo Fa's backpack, rummaged through it, and soon found a stone.

There was light flowing on the stone.

"Rock essence, this kid is really lucky. I just saw him collecting rocks and thought it was his hobby."

Gu Dahai had to admire that he was really lucky, it was simply cheating.

He saw Luo Fa picking up the stone before and was still curious about Luo Fa's purpose.

It turned out to be rock essence, but now it's all for his son.

Thanks to Luo Fa for sending a head thousands of miles away.

"Son, put the things away, then I will call the police and send him to jail.

Although this is stolen property, it should be handed over.

But the rock essence is very rare, and Gu Yuxuan has a Cocodora, which is just right.

He can only take the stolen money against his conscience.

Just regard it as Luo Fa's compensation for Gu Yuxuan's mental damages.

"Dad, send him in to pick up soaps and find some with special hobbies."

Gu Yuxuan was very grateful to Luo Fa for giving him a rock essence.

In order to thank Luo Fa, he sent Luo Fa to pick up soaps, which was worthy of Luo Fa's gift.

Gu Dahai:"……"

A good or bad son, but he likes it, so he should send Luo Fa to pick up soap.

Half a day later, Luo Fa was sent to prison, and Gu Yuxuan and Gu Dahai went home together.

Su Fenfang knew that someone was following Gu Yuxuan, and she was very concerned.

Even though Gu Dahai was a superstar, Su Fenfang was still worried and kept waiting at the gate.

Until Gu Yuxuan and the others came back, Su Fenfang finally couldn't help it and ran to Gu Yuxuan.

Then she grabbed Gu Yuxuan's clothes, looked left and right, as if she wanted to make sure if Gu Yuxuan was okay.

"Son, are you okay? How is the person who followed you now?"

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine. The person who followed me has been sent to prison to pick up soap."

"What do you mean by picking up soap? You are so young and you are just daydreaming. Go back."

Su Fenfang was angry and grabbed Gu Yuxuan's ears, but she loved Gu Yuxuan very much in her heart.

""Mom, this is not what I said, it was Dad who said that he would help me get revenge."

Gu Yuxuan covered his ears, although it didn't hurt much.

But for his own sake, he could only betray Gu Dahai, anyway, his father was there to be betrayed.

"You scumbag, you framed me."

Gu Dahai wanted to whip out the Seven Wolves and beat Gu Yuxuan hard. He learned to frame others at such a young age, and he framed his own father.

"Come and have a good talk with me. Did you teach your child bad things?"

Su Fenfang pulled Gu Dahai's ears until they turned red.

The attitude towards her husband and son was completely different.

Gu Yuxuan felt sorry for Gu Dahai, but this was Gu Dahai's fate. Who made Gu Dahai unlucky?

In the room, Gu Yuxuan released Kokodora.

As soon as Kokodora came out, he excitedly jumped into Gu Yuxuan's arms.

Because it was not long after it was born, Kokodora could not fight yet and could only stay with Gu Yuxuan.

Gu Yuxuan thought about it. Now Kokodora has not passed the newborn stage, so it is not convenient to feed him rock essence.

After the newborn stage, he can use rock essence to shorten the growth time of Kokodora.

The newborn stage of Pokémon is very short, only one week.

A week... After the semester, he can train for another week before school starts.

For now, Kokodora will be given Xuanji Energy Cubes to lay a good foundation for Kokodora.

The potential of Pokémon is important, but training is equally important, and malnutrition cannot be cultivated.

In addition to Xuanji Energy Cubes, a large amount of steel and rock are also needed.

Kokodora's growth requires excellent steel and rock, which are indispensable.

Fortunately, Gu Yuxuan's family is very rich, and ordinary people can't afford to support a big eater.

If he raises another Yukira in the future, he can already imagine that he will have to prepare a lot of food a day.

But if he is really given a Yukira, he will naturally refuse.

Who doesn't want a quasi-god?

"Kokodora, come here, let me hug you."

Gu Yuxuan picked up the coquettish Kokodora.

The evolved Boskodora was very domineering, but the young Kokodora was very cute.

Kokodora lay in Gu Yuxuan's arms and rubbed against him happily.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed, and Kokodora successfully passed the newborn stage.

This means that training can continue, and rock essence can be used to cultivate Kokodora.

Gu Yuxuan began his own cultivation.

(Continue to beg for flowers for support. The more flowers, the more updates.)

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