As the first round of fierce competition came to an end, the atmosphere on the scene gradually heated up.

Ling Yu, Xiaozhi, Shinji and Dakoto successfully advanced to the top 32 with their outstanding performance and became the focus of everyone's attention.

Then, Ling Yu met Xiaozhi and others in the audience.

They congratulated each other on their successful advancement and chatted happily for a while.

Then, the second round of competition kicked off, and the tense and exciting atmosphere filled the whole venue again.

When the second round of competition officially began, Ling Yu's eyes were sharp and he quickly locked his second round opponent - an ordinary passerby trainer.

Facing an opponent who was much weaker than him, Ling Yu sent out the powerful Charizard. Charizard easily completed the feat of one through three with a crushing momentum, and won the victory of this round without suspense.

At the same time, Xiaozhi was not to be outdone. He cleverly used the power advantage of Snorlax and also achieved a brilliant record of one through three.

Finally, Naoji also showed extraordinary strength and successfully passed the test with a score of one through three.

In this way, they made great progress all the way and successfully advanced to the third round.

However, in this crucial round, Lingyu encountered Xiaozhi's friend, A-Tun, and a fierce battle was inevitable.

A-Tun was the famous"fine brother" in the Pearl Arc. His popular catchphrase——""Fine, fine" is even more impressive.

According to the original schedule, this round should have been a duel between him and Shinji, but due to the unpredictable butterfly effect, Lingyu unexpectedly ran into this tough opponent.

And Shinji, by chance, met an ordinary passerby. As for Xiaozhi, as always, just like in the original book, he successfully matched with his friend Kaoping.

With the end of the first two fierce games, today's game also came to an end.

Then, Lingyu and Xiaozhi and his group rushed to the outside field to gather.

Xiaozhi saw Lingyu at a glance, waved to her to come over, and said with concern:

"Lingyu, your opponent this time is my close friend, A-Jun. He is definitely a first-class trainer, so don’t be careless!"

Xiaoguang and Xiaogang, who were standing behind Xiaozhi, also echoed in unison:

"Xiaozhi, Lingyu, come on!"

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely do my best!"

Ling Yu responded to everyone confidently.

After hearing their words, Ling Yu's eyes flashed with excitement, and he couldn't wait to respond.

At this moment, Xiaozhi's opponent in this round, Kaoping, suddenly emerged from Xiaoguang like a ghost, with an extremely uncomfortable and vulgar smile on his face, staring at Xiaoguang, and said in a frivolous tone:

"Well, I will do my best."

Xiaoguang was caught off guard when she saw Kaoping suddenly appear in front of her. She was so frightened that she trembled all over. In panic, she quickly hid behind Xiaozhi like a frightened rabbit.

Seeing Kaoping coming, Xiaozhi enthusiastically introduced this good friend to Lingyu.

However, Kaoping ignored them and announced loudly:

"I have carefully planned a strategy to deal with Xiaozhi. This is a unique trick that no one else can imitate! Only I can perform it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Xiaoguang and asked in a somewhat joking tone:

"Hey, do you want to know? If you beg me, I can consider telling you alone~"

Faced with Kaoping's straightforward teasing, Xiaoguang suddenly looked embarrassed and replied awkwardly:

"No need……"

After hearing Xiaoguang's refusal, Kaoping came directly to Xiaoguang, with a friendly smile on his face, and said softly:

"Don't be so reserved. Come on, put your ear closer."

However, Xiaoguang was frightened and took a step back.

Unfortunately, she bumped into Ah Xun who was running, causing Ah Xun to fall to the ground without any defense.

Ah Xun was seen touching his head and sitting on the ground, shouting:

"Ouch! It hurts! What happened?"

Then he quickly stood up and angrily shouted at Xiao Guang:

"You dare to bump into me who is about to participate in the competition? Fine! No discussion!"

Faced with Ah Xun's rebuke, Xiao Guang did not show any fear or retreat, but immediately retorted:

""Please understand the situation. It was you who rushed here recklessly!"

Seeing that the quarrel between the two was getting more and more intense and about to get out of control, Xiaogang hurried forward to persuade them.

After the two stopped quarreling, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, and then enthusiastically introduced Ah Xun to Lingyu.

At this time, Ah Xun cast his eyes on the opponent in the third round in front of him - Lingyu, and said to him with a firm and fighting look:

""So you are the one I want to challenge next! I heard that your Charizard is very powerful, but I will not give up easily! I will definitely go all out and defeat you completely!"

After saying that, Ah Xun clenched his fists and showed Ling Yu his determination and belief to win.

After listening to Ah Xun's words, Ling Yu smiled and replied:

"You are also very good, so please give me more guidance in this competition."

Xiaozhi also asked Ah Xun:

"Ah Xun, where are you going in such a hurry?

Ah Xun replied:

"Go to Shinji."

Then he said arrogantly:

"The two of us are the strongest among the contestants of the tournament. These two candidates for the championship are finally going to meet each other. This is impulsive news for the first place."

After hearing what Ah Jun said, Xiao Zhi and the others felt a little embarrassed. After chatting for a while, they went to the computer room of the Pokémon Center together to check the information of each player. When they first arrived at the computer room, they saw Shinji already checking the information in it.

Then after they chatted for a while, Shinji left, and the others continued to check the information.

Ah Jun checked the information of Ling Yu for a long time, and only showed a very powerful Pokémon, Charizard.

So he gave up the idea of checking the information.

The same was true for the information of Darko that Kaoping was looking up, and only found a Darkrai.

Darko, like Ling Yu, has fought all the way to the present with only one Darkrai.

Not only that, he has only used one Darkrai to defeat 8 gyms. So they think Darko is very powerful.

But with Xiao Zhi's encouragement, everyone was very excited.

And Ling Yu was also looking forward to the match with Darko.

In this way, time came to the second day.

Ling Yu He and A Xun started their game.

The competition venue also became a rock venue.

A Xun's first Pokémon was Armorbird. Seeing this, Ling Yu directly released Charizard.

He didn't want to show more of his Pokémon, but saved them for later use. Now one Charizard was enough.

Then Ling Yu checked the information of Armorbird and found that Armorbird was only level 47.

Faced with such a weak Pokémon, Ling Yu directly let Charizard use Jet Flame to quickly resolve the battle.

Before A Xun could react, he saw that his Armorbird was killed by Charizard in seconds.

So he released the second Pokémon - Emperor Nabo.

With the appearance of Emperor Nabo, Ling Yu once again used the Data Eye to check the information. Unexpectedly, it was level 50. Unfortunately, it was not enough in front of Ling Yu.

So Ling Yu directly let Charizard use Jet Flame on Emperor Nabo. Charizard spewed out raging flames from its mouth and rushed straight towards Emperor Nabo.

A Xun commanded Emperor Nabo to dodge the attack flexibly

""Use the water cannon!"

Ah Xun commanded.

Emperor Nabo immediately fired a powerful water cannon at Charizard.

However, Charizard easily flew into the air and avoided the attack of the water cannon.

After circling in the air, it launched another jet of flames.

Emperor Nabo had no time to dodge and was hit by the flames.

But he did not fall down, but aroused a stronger fighting spirit.

Ah Xun gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Use all your strength to give it the final blow!"Emperor Nabo concentrated his energy and used the destructive ray.

Powerful energy was ejected from the mouth of Charizard and hit Charizard.

Charizard dodged it nimbly, then pounced on Emperor Nabo with a thunderous force, knocked him to the ground with its wings.

Then it took advantage of the victory and used its dragon claws on Emperor Nabo who was lying on the ground, and then stirred up a large cloud of smoke.

As the smoke dissipated, it was Emperor Nabo who had lost his ability to fight who was lying inside.

""The Emperor Nabo lost his ability to fight, Charizard won!" the referee announced.

Seeing that he had lost two elves in a row, Ah Xun could only send out his last elf, Shavarang.

As soon as Shavarang appeared, he rushed towards Charizard with great momentum.

Ling Yu calmly ordered:

"Use Dragon's Fury!"

The fire-breathing dragon then gathered powerful energy in its mouth, and a dazzling beam of light shot straight at Shawarang.

Seeing this, Shawarang quickly dodged sideways, but was still hit by the aftermath of Dragon's Fury, and his steps staggered.

Ah Jun was startled and hurriedly shouted:

""Shawarang, use flying kick!"

Shawarang adjusted his posture, leaped up, and kicked Charizard with both legs like a gust of wind.

Charizard flexibly flicked its wings and avoided the kick.

However, Shawarang's attack did not stop. It launched several flying kicks in succession, as fast as lightning.

Ling Yu calmly commanded:

"Charizard, use air slash!"

Charizard flapped its wings, creating several sharp wind blades, whizzing towards Shawarang.

Although Shawarang tried his best to dodge, he was unable to dodge all of them and was injured in many places.

However, he still stood stubbornly and refused to give up easily.

So Lingyu made up with a jet of flame to send him away directly.

So Lingyu advanced to the semi-finals with his strength.

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