(The last four elves of Darko have not been made public. The remaining four elves of Darko in my book are all made up by me.)

The next morning, Lingyu got up early and signed in.:

【Ding——Congratulations to the master for winning 10 magical candies.

He gave 5 of the 10 candies to Garchomp and 5 to Metagross.

In this way, Metagross reached level 86 and Garchomp reached level 80.

And the levels of all Ling Yu's Pokémons are Charizard level 61 (up one level in the previous game.) (Ultra King Primary) Greninja level 60 (Ultra King Primary), Lizard King level 60 (Ultra King Primary), Banglas level 60 (Ultra King Primary), Metagross level 86 (Master Intermediate), Gardevoir level 80 (Master Primary), Garchomp level 80 (Master Primary), Darkrai level 90 (Level 1 God Primary), Mewtwo level 90 (Level 1 God Primary), Rayquaza level 90 (Level 1 God Primary).

Seeing that the Pokémon he had carefully cultivated had become so powerful, Ling Yu felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

Standing on the field, facing today's powerful enemy Darko, Ling Yu thought to himself:

"We must defeat him no matter what! Although we already know that his first two Pokémon were Darkrai and Latios, we know nothing about his subsequent Pokémon. But it doesn't matter, as long as the opponent does not send out a first-level god, I will be invincible with my own strength!"

With a firm belief, Lingyu and Xiaozhi and others stepped into the competition venue together.

With the referee's order, the first fierce battle officially kicked off-Lingyu vs. Dakodo!

Facing this strong opponent known as the Divine Beast Man, Lingyu did not show the slightest fear, but stared at the other party calmly, as if the person in front of him was not the legendary Divine Beast Trainer.

At the same time, Dakodo also keenly sensed the powerful aura emanating from Lingyu's body. He knew that the young man in front of him also had his own Divine Beast partner.

Without much hesitation, Dakodo made a prompt decision to summon the first battle Pokémon Darkrai, and a fierce battle broke out.

After seeing Dakodo's Darkrai, Lingyu used the Data Eye to check his information:

【Name: Darkrai】

【Race value: 600】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Trick, Dark Hole, Evil Wave, Shadow Ball, Shadow Clone, Surprise Attack, Strange Wind, Hypnosis, Nightmare, Dream Eater, Curse of the Night, Lightning Flash, Trick, Freezing Ray】

【Level: 80 (Champion Level)】

【Qualification: Level 2 God】

【Attribute: Evil】

【Personality: Timid】

【Features: Nightmare (inflicts damage to sleeping opponents)】

【[Carrying items: None]

After seeing that Darko's Darkrai was only level 80, Ling Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

He threw the Master Ball in his hand forward without hesitation.

In an instant, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed, piercing the void like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, a huge Darkrai, even bigger than Darko's Darkrai, appeared in front of everyone!

This new Darkrai exuded a palpitating aura, as if it was the real king of darkness!

The already lively atmosphere in the audience was pushed to a climax at this moment, and people cheered excitedly.

Darko, who was standing on the opposite side, was full of astonishment and surprise.

He stared at Ling Yu with wide eyes, and he never thought that the other party actually had such a powerful Darkrai, whose momentum seemed to be far better than the one he carried.

This sudden change surprised Darko, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

So he put away his arrogant expression and became serious.

Ling Yu raised the corner of his mouth and said softly:

"Darkrai, use the wave of evil!"

Darkrai's eyes suddenly glowed with strange red light, and then a strong dark energy gushed out of his body like a surging wave.

It quickly gathered into a heart-pounding black energy wave, and slammed towards Darkrai of Darkrai with a thunderous force!

Faced with such a sharp and fierce attack, Darkrai was not panicked at all. He immediately ordered his Darkrai to use his special skill - Shadow Clone.

He tried to confuse the opponent by creating multiple phantoms and avoid this fatal blow.

However, Lingyu's Darkrai was obviously prepared. With its keen insight and accurate judgment of the battle situation, it easily saw through the opponent's plan.

At that critical moment, Lingyu decisively ordered:

"Now, activate the Dark Hole immediately!"

As his voice fell, endless dark power suddenly poured down like a flood that broke through the dam, and in an instant, the entire battlefield was completely engulfed.

At this moment, Darkrai of Darko fell into an unprecedented predicament. It was pitch black all around, and there was no way to escape.

Helplessly, it could only watch itself being ruthlessly drawn into the huge bottomless black hole...

Seeing that the first battle was a victory, Lingyu would naturally not miss this excellent opportunity to pursue the victory. He issued another order:

"Darkrai, continue to use the dream-eating skill!"

After receiving the master's instructions, Darkrai did not hesitate at all, opened his mouth and suddenly sprayed out a mysterious purple light.

This purple light, like a smart elf, quietly penetrated into Darkrai's dream world, and then began to frantically devour the latter's beautiful dream.

Seeing this, Darkrai hurriedly shouted:

"Darkrai, wake up!"

Accompanied by a slight vibration, the body slowly rose from the ground, as if it had gotten rid of the shackles of the earth.

In this way, it can effectively avoid the threats and attacks from ground-attribute moves.

At this moment, a suffocatingly powerful wave of evil swept towards Darkrai of Darko like a surging torrent.

This force was extremely fierce and hit it hard, causing considerable trauma in an instant.

Seeing his beloved pet injured, Darko was horrified and hurriedly commanded Darkrai to perform the shadow clone technique, trying to disrupt Lingyu's vision and take the opportunity to escape from the predicament.

However, Lingyu has a pair of magical data eyes, and these tricks have no effect on him.

Through the data eye With insight, he easily identified the location of the real Darkrai.

Then, Lingyu decisively ordered his Darkrai to use the Shadow Ball skill, locking the target on the fourth Darkrai.

The dark and deep shadow ball cut through the void and headed straight for the target at an astonishing speed. As expected, Lingyu's Darkrai hit the target accurately.

With a scream, the hit Darkrai fell to the ground in pain. At the same time, the other clones gradually dissipated like phantoms.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more critical, Darkrai made a prompt decision and decided to replace the injured Darkrai and summon his next Pokémon-Latios.

" Latios, debut!" As Darko shouted excitedly, a huge blue and white Pokémon that looked like a jet suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Its appearance was like a bright lightning that cut through the sky, bringing new variables to the entire battle situation.

After Lingyu saw Latios appear, he used the Data Eye to check Latios' information.:

【Name: Latios】

【Race value: 600】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Auxiliary force, Dragon Dance, Help, Self-regeneration, Telekinesis, Tailwind, Dragon Breath, Exchange of Venues, Cleansing Light, Mind Hammer, Dragon Wave, Healing Wave, Simple Beam, Psychic Power, Power Sharing, Parting Gift, Mind Transfer, Final Impact】

【Level: 80】

【Qualification: Level 2 God】

【Attributes: Dragon, Super Power】

【Personality: Naive】

【Features: Float (floats from the ground, thus not being attacked by ground-attribute moves)】

【[Carrying items: None]

After seeing Latios's message, Ling Yu's face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes were fixed on his opponent, as if he wanted to see through the opponent's tactics and weaknesses through the screen.

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