“Well, she’s smiling so happily.”

A smile appeared on Nha Yi’s face.

Crouch down and try to touch Larulas.

Unexpectedly, Lalu Lasse actually shrunk back and avoided Bud Yi’s hand.

Bud Yi’s expression was stunned.

“My family Lalu Lasi is afraid of life, I’m sorry ha.”

“It’s okay.”

Bud Yi stood up and had a good impression of Gu Qiu.

The person is handsome, so big, and the voice is good.

And the most important thing is that it can make Larulas so close, it is estimated that it is also very good for the elves.

“By the way, you just ran so fast, because of it?”

“Ah, oops, the assessment is about to begin.”

Bud Yi’s face changed drastically, cast an embarrassed expression at Gu Qiu, and ran away again.


Gu Qiu shook his head and didn’t care.

It is natural that we can meet again.

“Larulas, let’s keep going.”


The Deep Ash Taoist Hall was not far from here, and Gu Qiu arrived at the door of the Deep Ash Taoist Hall about five minutes later.

Looking at the door of the Deep Gray Taoist Hall, it seems that there are many people at the door.

Gu Qiu looked closer with doubts on his face, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This time the luck seems to be good.

Unexpectedly, I ran into the final exam of the freshman of Deep Gray University.

There are no restrictions on people entering the entrance of the dojo.

It’s just that there are more police officers in charge of order security, and there are a few more staff at the entrances and exits, registering information about people entering and leaving.

Avoid some outlaw beds.

The freshman class of Deep Gray University has a thousand people.

The assessment is divided into two days and eight sessions.

Basically, the assessment is divided into eight time periods, which is not easy to cause overcrowding.

After all, there are many local residents, social figures, parents of students, etc. in Deep Gray City who will come to watch the strength level of freshmen in Deep Gray University.

Many dark gray local media departments have also been mobilized.

In this regard, Deep Ash University and Deep Gray Dojo did not stop it.

“Just look at the level of these freshmen.”

Deep Ash University is one of the top ten colleges in the Kando area.

However, the ranking in the top ten colleges is relatively average, in the position of about seven or eight.

The strongest university is Quartz University.

It is located on the quartz plateau, which is the most core and prosperous place in the Guandu region.

Quartz University is also the university that everyone dreams of.

Even Gu Qiu had quite an idea about Quartz University.

There are basically the best and top students over there.

The faculty is also exceptionally strong.

The four titled kings have served in Quartz University, including the champion Yulongdu.

“Please register your information.”

Gu Qiu walked to the information registration office and looked at the information registration form.

The main thing is to show the identity information in the purpose of filling in.

Gu Qiu took out the certificate of the ordinary trainer.

In this world, a trainer’s certificate is something like an ID card.

The above information cannot be falsified, it is all true.


The staff glanced at it casually, ordinary trainers, and there was no reaction.

The information said that Gu Qiu’s current identity was a senior in high school.

“I’m here to challenge the dojo.”

Gu Qiu said softly, the staff’s expression was stunned, and his face was strange.

He didn’t say anything sarcastical.

The quality is relatively good.

“If you want to challenge the owner of Xiaogang, go and line up over there.”

“There are a bit of a lot of people today, and the time schedule of the owner of Xiaogang Pavilion is relatively tight, you may need to wait for a while.”

“No problem.”

Gu Qiu nodded.

Gu Qiu searched for information.

Xiao Gang: This is a good reputation.

Generally, if someone challenges him to the dojo, he will generally not refuse, nor will he let the members of the dojo fight for him.

He believes that every challenge should be dealt with seriously, no matter who the opponent is.

“Your current words are in tenth place.”

“Today happens to be the time for the final exam of the freshman of Deep Gray University, you can go to see it first, and I will notify you when it is your turn.”

“Thank you.”

Others are polite, and Gu Qiu naturally will not play arrogantly.

Everything is according to the rules.

Gu Qiu’s personality is like this.

If you follow Gu Qiuchong , Gu Qiu will not have any good face.

Gu Qiu held the card number of the challenge, which said the number 12, and it seemed that he had completed two battles.

Gu Qiu walked into the Deep Gray Taoist Hall.

The entire Dark Gray Dojo is extremely lively.

All sides are people, densely packed.

Especially in the audience, there are basically people.

On the stage, there are more than a dozen pairs of battlefields.

In the very center there is a battle field that is not used.

According to Qiu’s guess, this venue should only open when the regular dojo challenge is held.

Gu Qiu’s gaze saw Xiao Gang.

He was fighting a young man in a ring next to him.

Gu Qiu walked over and heard the referee’s voice.

“A three-on-three battle will follow, when all the elves on one side have lost their combat effectiveness, the other side wins, and now the battle begins.”

The young man directly summoned a small fist stone.

The level is level 21, the qualification is inferior, and it is very ordinary.

“Is your elf also a small fist stone full of rock hearts? It’s good, it’s really scrappy. ”

Xiao Gang’s eyes were almost squinted, and he was wearing gray clothes.

“Xiaogang Pavilion Master, I am your fan, and my dream is to become a powerful rock trainer like you.”

The young man looked adoring, and when he spoke, the whole person also looked extremely excited, and it could be seen that this was an iron fan.

(ps: The big ones don’t give it, Mu has a plus.)

But don’t stop me today, I want eight more!!!

The cute little Shirona Town House, when she was a child, she was really cute to the point of explosion! )

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