Natsume regained his composure again and continued to command the battle.


Time flies by, like a white horse passing through a gap.

day after day.

Natsume took a mimetic q, looking for opponents on this plain, changing a group every day, and the battle never stopped.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed.

Another morning.

The sun was shining, even a little dazzling, and the warm sun shone down on the plains.

Natsume stood beside the rogue panda, holding a pen and a notebook in his hand, and said while recording. "Rogue panda, energy ball' 〃."


The rogue panda roared, and the palm immediately gathered natural energy, and a huge energy ball condensed.

The basketball size of this energy ball is also recently. The training effect of the rogue panda allows the rogue panda to quickly condense a basketball-sized energy ball, which takes about the same time as the normal-sized energy ball before. The speed of condensing natural energy has also increased a lot.

Looking at this energy ball, Natsume's face did not hide the joy, and immediately said. "Next, rogue panda, you have to perform compression training to compress this energy ball and make it smaller, but the energy contained in it cannot be less, you know?"

Such a big energy ball, to be honest, if it is not compressed, the rogue panda really has no ability to swallow it in one bite. Well, the energy ball is too big, and the mouth of the rogue panda is too small.

Therefore, compression is also very necessary to train.


The rogue panda scratched his head with the other hand, nodded and let out a cry, and immediately tried.

But soon, as the rogue panda tried to compress, the energy ball suddenly dissipated.

Obviously, the compression failed, and the natural energy in the energy ball began to collapse and return to nature, and it needed to be re-condensed.

"Rogue panda, come on, keep training, I'm optimistic about you." Natsume encouraged the rogue panda by touching his head.

He himself recorded the training of the rogue panda and some changes in the energy ball. Naturally, it is impossible to continue to stay here, but he intends to continue to take Mi Miu Q to find a suitable opponent to fight.

After all one more day here today.

Tomorrow he is going to leave and go back to Yangcheng to take the college entrance examination.

After the college entrance examination, the national competition will start again, and when it is almost over, he will also start going to college.

Thinking of this, Natsume couldn't help shaking his head, feeling a little emotional.

"Misima q, ready to find an opponent to fight." Natsume shouted.


In the Poké Ball, the red light flashed, Mi Mi Q voluntarily ran out of the Poké Ball and flew around Natsume.

Touching Mi Miu Q's head, Natsume looked into the distance, looking for a suitable opponent.

There are quite a few elves on the grasslands. In the past few days, he and Miyu Q are basically fighting each other every day, with no duplicates. Of course, the elves of these groups do not have general attributes.

".'Which elves should we be looking for today?"

Natsume thought while rubbing his chin.


Mi Miu called out, sat on Natsume's head, and pointed in one direction.

Xia Mu turned his head to look, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "That's a good elf tribe."

In the distant sky, flying elves circled, looking for an opportunity and preparing to hunt.

Most of them are Evil + Flying Vulture Na.

Although the evil type restrains the ghost type, it is much better than the general type, at least it can let Natsume come to know the face (Wang Hao) against the unfavorable attributes in advance, and supplement the experience.

Therefore, after seeing those vultures, Natsume didn't hesitate too much, and went over with a mimetic q.

These vultures are not tame elves, they all have the word 'vulture' in their names, and you can imagine the temperament of vultures. This kind of elves will only show their gentle side in the face of vulture girls. , Vulture girl is the form of Vulture Na before evolution.

Therefore, after Natsume approached, without any hesitation, Mi Miu q launched an attack directly.

"Miqua Q, shadow ball!"

"q~ clothes"


Ask for support.

Flowers, collections, evaluation tickets, automatic subscriptions.

Another [*] words, the legendary elves are about to be subdued, please support. .

Chapter 149

Another day passed by inadvertently, like the passage of fingertips.

The next morning.

Natsume woke up from his deep sleep, opened the zipper of the tent, and felt the cool breeze blowing across his cheeks, he couldn't help feeling emotional. "I'm going back."

Autumn is high and crisp, and the weather everywhere is starting to cool down, giving people a sense of comfort.

The blue and white sky is full of white clouds, moving with the wind. Under the blue sky, there is a plain with tall weeds. The weeds move with the wind. Many elves can be seen early in the morning, as well as many elves. their cheerful voices.

"Early bird gets the worm."

Looking at the elves, Natsume chuckled lightly, and seeing such a picture for the first time in the morning made people feel happy.

Moving around, listening to the crackling sound of bones colliding, Natsume rubbed his shoulders, walked out of the tent to wash up, and then made breakfast for the elves.

I didn't wake up the sleeping elves. After all, I will leave today and return to Yangcheng. The elves have been training hard during this time, including Vulcan Moth.Just from now until the end of the college entrance examination, it is just a short vacation for the elves.

"If I'm young, I don't feel inferior~~"

The phone rings.

Picking up the phone, Natsume glanced at the caller ID, then answered with a smile. "Little Orange, call me early in the morning, do you miss Dad?"

"Go away, baby." On the phone, Xiao Chengzi's voice was full of helplessness. "The college entrance examination is coming soon, why haven't you come back yet?"

"Come on, I'll be back today."

"When? Do you need me to pick you up?"

"Three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay, I just went to your house to eat dinner at night, and I can also fight with you, so that you can see how good I am now."


Little Orange's eyes widened. "What do you mean by 'tsk'?"

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about whether I should release water tonight. After all, what should I do if I accidentally cast a psychological shadow on you?" Natsume teased.

"Hmph, believe you, see you at three o'clock in the afternoon anyway, bye."


Hanging up the phone, Natsume put away the phone, shook his head and laughed, continued to wash, and murmured in his heart. "Before going back in the afternoon, buy her a present in Beicheng. After all, it's my 'child'."

After breakfast.

The elves were taken back by Natsume, and the tents and other items were also packed into the backpacks, leaving only the desert dragonfly beside Natsume.


The desert dragonfly rubbed against Natsume's face, and from time to time, Natsume's face was full of drool.

Helplessly rubbed the desert dragonfly's head, Natsume rode on it, and said. "Little guy, let's go too, back to Beicheng."


The desert dragonfly raised its head and screamed, flapped its wings, jumped away, and soon disappeared into the sky.


Noon, after lunch at twelve o'clock.

North City.

"Boss, how do you sell this?" Natsume asked in an accessories store, holding a watch. The watch is a star mechanical watch, the interior is very beautiful, like the stars are flowing, and around the watch, there is a watch. The imprint of the two black and white Ibrahimovic adds a bit of cuteness.

"This is a lady's watch. I bought it for my girlfriend, right? The young man's eyes are really..." The boss is a middle-aged uncle, and is about to speak up and praise.

Unexpectedly, Xia Mu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile. "Bought it for my daughter."

"Cough cough."

In one sentence, the boss swallowed everything he wanted to say and laughed dryly. "Hehe, the boy is really joking."

Also the daughter.

You are not as old as my daughter.

Are today's young people so sentimental?

The boss muttered in his heart, but still said. "This watch is the latest ladies' watch from the Poké Ball Group. The price is [*] Pokémon. No counter-offer is allowed."

"[*]? Okay, boss, wrap it up for me."

"Got it."

Paying the money, holding the watch, Natsume took a taxi and headed to the airport.

After playing with my phone at the airport for a while, I stepped on the plane.

Looking at the white clouds and blue sky passing by the window, before I knew it, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

The plane also landed firmly at Yangcheng Airport.

Carrying a backpack and wearing a sun hat, Natsume walked out of the airport, and at a glance, he saw a bright little orange outside the airport.

After all, if nothing else, Xiaochengzi's appearance is undeniable, but her figure is also very good, but it may be because there are too many people nearby, Xiaochengzi exudes the momentum of keeping strangers away, like a cold goddess , more noticeable.

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