However, just in case, the World Championship officials decided to inform the contestants about this secret realm.

If anyone has nothing to do and wanders here, and loses their life when they enter the secret realm, their World Championship officials are afraid that they will not be able to eat and walk around.

A country with few teams that can survive until now is weak.

If these countries find them because their seed players disappear or die, it will be a headache.

Natsume, who had just woken up, immediately became interested when he heard the news that Li Long conveyed to him.

The game is not over yet, but their game is over.

After that, there may be a day or two of rest time. During this time, I enter a secret realm that has just appeared, but it is a very good choice.

"Don't you want to go in and see?"

Seeing the smile gradually appearing on Xia Mu's face, Li Long felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Natsume is the hope of the ** team. If he goes in for a while and can't come out, he will lose completely.

"Oh, it seems that we have been together for a long time, and you can read my mind' 〃."

Natsume said in surprise.

Before he even opened his mouth, Li Long said his thoughts, which is called tacit understanding.

"I tell you, this is absolutely impossible, you can't go in."

Li Long didn't even think about it, and directly refused.

Just kidding, what if you can't get in and out of an unexplored secret realm?

If someone has entered this secret realm, they will know the situation inside.

Even if there were a group of champion elves inside, Li Long would not refuse.

But now this is a completely unknown secret realm!

"Oh, you are really, isn't it a secret realm? Is it possible that you can stop me from letting me out?"

Natsume pouted and returned to his tent.

"Li Long, look..."


Li Long refused directly without listening to what Xiamu said.

A few hours passed, and Natsume Ruanmo soaked Li Long ten or twenty times.

Li Long finally let go.

"Let's talk about it first. After entering, the situation will come out immediately. Our elves are not as strong as you, and it is impossible to save you."

Li Long looked at the secret realm in front of him, and he was still faintly worried in his heart.

The official staff of the World Championship was also staring at Natsume at this time.

After this secret realm appeared, Natsume was the first player who wanted to enter the secret realm.

After the other players heard that the secret realm appeared, they could not wait to hide away.

Natsume is the only one who wants to enter the secret realm and take a look.

"Don't worry, I have three of them. Even if you are worried about my elf, you have to worry about the three of them, right?"

Natsume squinted at the backpack and said.

Li Long sighed, very helpless.

The reason why he agreed to let Natsume in is because Emperor Yan and the three of them.

If it wasn't because of Emperor Yan and the three of them, even if Natsume had been working hard for a year, he wouldn't agree.

In the end, Natsume still entered this secret realm.

He is the only one, and he is the only human being in the entire secret realm.

After feeling her feet on the ground, Natsume opened her eyes.

But when he opened his eyes, Natsume felt uneasy.

This secret place is so weird.

Everywhere you look is desolate.

There are many trees around him.

But the trees are not green, but a blackened color.

It seems to have been burned.

There was not even a single leaf on the ground, and although it was ground, the color was similar to that of a tree.

It was also a blackish color, and it was not the blackness of the black earth, but the blackness like burnt.

After walking a distance, Natsume didn't see a single elf.

But I saw the dead bones!

Bone of the elf!

".'What the hell is going on in this place?"

Natsume looked around suspiciously, and released the Vulcan Moth at will.

As I explored this secret realm, the sense of unease deepened.

It was as if he was being targeted by some predator.

After the Vulcan Moth was released, the Vulcan Moth also had a feeling of unease, sticking tightly to Natsume.

"Did you feel it too?"

Natsume asked while touching the head of Vulcan Moth.


The Vulcan Moth screamed vigilantly and looked around.

At first, I just felt it myself, and it may be that there is a problem with my own feeling.

But Vulcan Moth also has this feeling, so it is definitely not an illusion.

After walking for half an hour, Natsume finally walked out of the woods.

Outside the woods, blocking Natsume's face is a huge pit.

The size of this pit is comparable to that of a basin.

The pit is round as a whole, and the edge has a very gentle arc, as if it was dug out by a huge bowl (Wang Qianhao).

Natsume slowly walked down the basin with Vulcan Moth.

There are no plants in the basin, only some rubble, but it is strange.

Natsume, who was walking with vigilance, was suddenly stirred by something, and his body staggered and almost fell.

Looking down, I saw a white stone tripping me.

"What kind of stone is this, how can it be this texture?"

Natsume leaned down and touched the stone lightly with his hand.

Scrub at will to remove some of the soil around the stone.

As the soil and gravel around the stone were gradually cleared away, Natsume was shocked by the neighbors!


Quickly standing up and looking around, Natsume released the desert dragonfly without any hesitation, sat on the desert dragonfly and set off towards the exit.

Can't stay in this place!

If you guessed correctly, the corpse of an elf is buried in this pit! .

Chapter 442

"What the hell is this place?"

Natsume secretly said that he sat on the desert dragonfly.

First, the woods that were drained of life, and the ground that was equally dry and blackened.

The big pit up to now, and the dead bones in the pit.

The edge of this big pit is so smooth, it is definitely not caused by ground movement.

Only powerful elves can use the same powerful moves that can cause this.

His Vulcan Moth can also cause this effect, but it must be done with all his strength, and it is even slightly inferior.

Up to now, he has not seen a single living creature, plus that deep sense of crisis.

Natsume can be sure that there are definitely powerful creatures in this secret realm.

The creature might just be Champion, but more likely Legendary, or even higher.

Now he has not encountered the creatures here, which is a relatively good situation.

It's just that Natsume just sat on the desert dragonfly and left the big pit, and an elf came to the middle of the big pit.

The elf's nose kept twitching, sniffing the breath of living things in the air, and the figure disappeared again.

But the elf did not leave, but went to hunt down the living creature Natsume.

Its moving speed is too fast, even if Natsume watches this elf move here, he can only see the afterimage.

Natsume, who was sitting on a desert dragonfly running wild, suddenly felt the Poké Ball in his chest hot.

Immediately afterwards, the Vulcan Moth, which had just been put away, broke free from it.

Just after coming out of the Poké Ball, Vulcan Moth looked directly behind.

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