· 0 flowers 0 ·

Xia Mu interrupted him.

"Don't worry, it won't."

"And, I have this confidence, you can't win my game."

Roja asked.


Xia Mu shook his head and said.

"It's not a secret, mainly because your elves are too low-level."

........ ......

Roja sighed and said.

"Well, it really is a well-deserved trainer champion."

"It seems that I, the owner of the museum, are not as strong as you, no matter what."

Natsume smiled calmly and said to Roja.

"Okay, don't be so downcast, let's reconcile."

"It's good to be friends!"

Roja asked.

"I just treated you and your companions so much, are you willing to be friends with me?"

Xia Mu nodded.

"Of course."

"It's no big deal, and we don't have any deep hatred."

When Roja heard this, he immediately said with joy.

"Of course, then let's reconcile."

"Trainer Champion!" [*].

Chapter 704

Then, Roja took out a badge from his backpack and said to Natsume.

"Here, this is the representative, the badge that can be promoted directly, you defeated the owner of the Orange Gym."

"This is a big news for Juzizhou Island."

Natsume asked with some doubts.

"However, the elves you used are not very high-level elves, and the elves I played against you are not high-level, why is this still a big news?"

"It's probably not surprising at all!"

Roja smiled embarrassedly and said.

"You may not know."

"I don't have any other elves in my own right."

"It's just that because I want to participate in the competition, I think about cultivating a few high-level elves."

"But for me, so far, I can't use any high-level elves, and I don't know why."

Xia Mu said with a smile.

"It's nothing, as long as you get used to the elves more, you may just not have enough with the elves' box."

After finishing speaking, he looked at his few elves again and said.

"If today, I use a high-level elves, then you will be killed by me in seconds."

Roja nodded and said with a smile.

"I can understand that today you are also letting me, otherwise, in the first round and Pikachu's electric shock, I must have lost."

Xia Mu shook his head.

"This has nothing to do with the game. No matter what the game is, it is interesting to progress gradually, rather than just rushing directly to win."

"In that case, what's the fun of the game?"

"What level of elves means to fight against what level of elves. If elves of different levels fight each other, then it is unfair to elves, isn't it?"

Roja couldn't help being convinced by Natsume's words, he nodded immediately, and said with approval.

"You're right, Natsume."

"You really are a different trainer."

"No wonder this lady is so fascinated by you, you are indeed a very admirable person."

Then, Roja took a fancy to the mileage again and said embarrassedly.

"I'm so sorry, lady, my behavior was too frivolous just now. I didn't consider your feelings at all, let alone the feelings of the man next to you. 0"

"Fortunately, you adults don't remember villains, so forgive me."

Seeing Roja like this, Li Cheng immediately said with a smile.

"It's nothing."

"You don't have any ill intentions, besides, Natsume has already forgiven you."

Natsume on the side also said.

"My slender lady, a gentleman is eager to beg. It's normal for you to like her."

"It's really nothing, and I have the confidence to keep him from leaving me."

"I believe I have this ability."

Roja nodded immediately and said.

"Yes, I also believe that you have this ability, and you have a really different charm."

Xia Mu said with a smile.

"you flatter me."

Afterwards, put all the elves into the poke ball, and continued.

"In this case, we will stay soon, and I have already got the badge."

"Let's just let it go."

Roja nodded immediately and said.

"Okay, then we will have an appointment later.".

Chapter 705

Natsume and his party said goodbye to Roja, with the promotion badge of the representative of their victory.

Continue on to Juzizhou Island.

On the way, Li Cheng asked Natsume curiously.

"Natsume, weren't you very angry at first, did that Roja do it?"

"Why did you want to be friends with him later, so openly?"

Xia Mu smiled slightly and said seriously.

"The beauty of a gentleman as an adult, he likes you, it proves that you are excellent, and it also proves my taste."

 10 "Besides, it's not a big deal, and there's nothing to hate."

"The reason I was angry at first was just because I hated people being so frivolous."

Li Cheng nodded.

Xixi Na on the side asked with a puzzled look.

"But, why did you send such an inconspicuous elf to fight?"

Since Xixina has seen Natsume fight, she has also seen legendary elves like Vulcan Moth and Chaomeng.

So, can't help but have some doubts.

Natsume said indifferently.

"When these elves have evolved through mage, they will not be weak!"

"Now, it's just because the body is incomplete."

Xixi Na nodded and didn't speak.

Natsume asked again.

"But then again."

"Have you noticed any difference in his elf?"

Xixi Na looked at him suspiciously.

"Different? What do you mean?"

Natsume frowned slightly and replied.

"It's that gem starfish. It's the first time I've seen a water elf that can discharge."

Xixi Na suddenly realized.

"Oh, you said that starfish!"

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