"If, this time, I don't subdue Dark Lugia, then, won't you just watch him die?"

"I think, this should be the last ending you want to see!"

When Xiana heard what Natsume said, her eyes widened in shock.

She looked at Natsume in disbelief.five.

Chapter 849

"You...how do you know..."

Xia Mu smiled lightly and said in a relaxed tone.

"You can tell by the look on your face."

Xiana's eyes widened, her eyes were like a deer, revealing a bright light, and she looked at Natsume blinking.

"So, are you here for me?"

Natsume smiled, looked at Shiana, and asked.

"So, do you wish I was there for you?"

 Ninety-four seven Natsume's smiling expression, with a different light flashing in his eyes, made Shiana look at it and cheered.

The originally fair face quickly turned red like a ripe apple.

Natsume looked at Shiana's face that instantly turned red, and immediately smiled and said.

"Just kidding you, not for you."

"It should be said, it's not all for you."

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at the dark Lugia in the sky.

"I'm for not only you, but also him."

At the same time, Shiana also looked up at the dark Lugia in the sky.

At this time, Dark Lugia was also looking at Xiana and Natsume underneath.

Dark Lugia can clearly see a trace of joy in Shiana's eyes looking at Natsume.

Dark Lugia's eyes couldn't help but dim.

Then, he looked at Natsume.

However, before he could speak, he was interrupted by the original Kyogre.

"Natsume, have you figured it out? Conquer Dark Lugia?"

Xia Mu nodded and was about to speak.

Shishina said nervously.

"But Natsume, he is a divine beast, he is not an ordinary elf, are you sure?"

Natsume nodded affirmatively again.

"There is nothing uncertain, you don't have to worry."

"Speaking of which, Dark Lugia has not been defeated by the original Kyogre."

"If that's the case, what's wrong with me subduing him?"

Afterwards, Natsume once looked at the dark Lugia in the sky and smiled.

"Now, just look at Dark Lugia, this divine beast, would you like to be subdued by me?"

Xiamu's tone, although it is almost a solicitation, but everyone can see that Xiamu has a confident attitude.

Dark Lugia looked at Natsume's stern expression on her chest, her expression darkened, and then she looked at Shiana who was standing beside Natsume.

After thinking for a while, he spoke.

"I can agree to be your elf, but have you ever thought about what kind of elf ball you use to conquer me in my capacity?"

Natsume knew for a long time that Dark Lugia would agree to be his own divine beast.

With Siana by her side, Dark Lugia will not refuse.

Although, Natsume doesn't know what the relationship between Dark Lugia and Shiana is.

However, as long as Dark Lugia agrees, that's enough, as for the relationship between the two of them.

Xia Mu smiled. .

Just say it later.

So, Natsume looked at Dark Lugia and said lightly.

"You just agree, don't worry, as long as you agree, then I will definitely have a pokeball that can conquer you."

Shiana asked curiously.

"If Dark Lugia is an ordinary elf, I totally believe what you said."

"Or, even if he is an ordinary Lugia, I can believe it, but...".

Chapter 850

Natsume smiled and looked at Xiana, he naturally knew what Xiana was worried about.


Natsume looked at Shiana and said confidently.

"Don't worry, there is no way for ordinary Poké Balls to be included in Dark Lugia, but what if it's a Dark Poké Ball?"

When Xia Mu said this, everyone was stunned.

If it is said that Natsume wants to conquer Dark Lugia, then everyone can understand.

After all, Dark Lugia is such a powerful elf.

Can bring endless glory to Natsume.

Including the next game, if there is the addition of Dark Lugia, it will also be very beneficial to Natsume.

But now, Natsume is willing to give Dark Lugia to Shiana.

And most importantly, even the Dark Elf Ball was given to Siana.

Natsume didn't wait to say anything.

Xixi Na asked in surprise.

"Natsume, are you crazy? This is a dark elf ball. You said you wanted to use him to conquer Dark Lugia, but you gave it to Xiana so easily."

"Have you ever wondered what kind of gift this is?"

Natsume said indifferently.

"it does not matter."

"No matter what kind of gift it is."

"I can give it if I want. Besides, this gift may not mean much to me, but for Siana, it means a lot."

After speaking, he looked at Shiana and asked.

"Am i right?"

Shiana looked at Natsume gratefully.

His voice was full of joy.

"Yes, you are right. This gift really means a lot to me."

"However, I really didn't expect that you would give me Dark Lugia Jiao directly."

"I thought that the reason why you wanted to recover him was because you might use Dark Lugia's help in the next game, but..."

Shiana couldn't go on.

Because he, like everyone else, felt that Natsume subdued Dark Lugia for himself.

But didn't think so.

Dark Lugia has agreed and surrendered to Natsume, but Natsume actually willingly handed the Poké Ball to Xiana.

Xia Mu smiled and said indifferently.

"Okay, no need to say thank you."

"Hurry up and take Dark Lugia in!"

Shiana nodded, and then opened the Dark Elf Ball. ?

Said to Dark Lugia.

"Come in, Dark Lugia."

Dark Lugia naturally did not expect that Natsume would give herself to Xiana.

At this time, it was unavoidable and moved.

Then, with a dodge, he entered the dark elf ball that Shiana opened.

Natsume smiled and looked at Shiara.

"I know, if Dark Lugia is here with you, it will definitely be safer than here with me."

"After all, it can be seen that the two of you are the ones who really have a bond."

"If this is the case, then you will be safer than me if you use Dark Lugia in the future, isn't it?"

Shiana knew that these were just words Natsume used to comfort her.

Because once the elf decides which master to follow, then the elf will always follow that master and will never betray.

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