Five-star Elf Hotel in the ancient city.

Natsume opened a presidential suite here, after all, it was hard to come out to play, and he had money on him, so Natsume naturally would not lose himself.

And this kind of elf hotel presidential suite, although the price is expensive, 100,000 a night, but the facilities are really good, more importantly, the interior has a living room suitable for a variety of attribute elves, and can also call the elf cultivator to massage the elves at any time, which is very good.

Coming to the hotel, Natsume releases all three elves due to the wide space.

Vulcan moth, big-jawed ant, rogue panda.

The Vulcan Moth obediently lay on the table, quietly looking at Natsume.

The rogue panda and the big jaw ant were discussing something curiously together, and glanced at the Vulcan Moth from time to time.

Natsume himself turned on his computer and checked the information of the ancient city dojo.

The name of the Taoist Hall in the ancient city is the Gucheng Taoist Hall.

The owner of the pavilion is a man in his thirties who has just entered middle age, named Takeno, who has participated in national competitions, and his best result is the final four, the fourth place.

The main elf in his hand is a circle bear.

As the owner of the Taoist Hall, the strength of this circle bear is naturally not weak, it is rumored to have a heavenly king level, and it is also the ace elf of Wuye, as for other elves, it seems to belong to everything from novice level to dojo level.

Natsume went to challenge the dojo, and Natsume might fight against this king-level circle bear.

After all, the dojo in this world is not like in the anime world, but the elves who fight are decided according to the strength of the contestant elves who come to challenge the dojo.

In short, the stronger the trainer who challenges the dojo, the more powerful the dojo owner will also take out the elves that match his strength to fight.

Natsume is a novice trainer though.

But to be honest, it is estimated that no one will treat him as a novice trainer.

“Circle bear…”

Natsume muttered, this elf is also good, the race value is not low, it is generally an elf worth cultivating among the elves, and the attack power is very high.

“Hey, tomorrow you can let the rogue panda appear, as long as it is not fighting with the heavenly king-level circle bear, the fighting department generally has a hand.” Natsume pondered as he touched his chin.

After all, in terms of attributes, the fighting department is restrained and general.

“After challenging the Taoist Hall tomorrow, you can also go to the general plain to improve the level of the big jaw ant and the proficiency of the power of Tokiwa.”

Generally, the plain is equivalent to the wild area of the ancient city, but the elf level there is not low, and there are a large number of Kentairo, and if one is not right, there will be a dangerous situation.

But for Natsume, it is also a treasure trove for leveling.

And by looking at the name, you can also know that most of the elves there are general lines.

Check the information.

Natsume stretched his body, and then looked at the rogue panda and the big-jawed ant and said. “You two, I’ll take you to training next, right? This hotel has a training room for elves. ”

Like many universities, as the most luxurious and top-of-the-line elf hotel in the country, this hotel also has elf training rooms, gravity rooms and mist rooms.

There are only two, and the special training rooms such as the electricity room and the volcano room can only be seen in universities.



The big-jawed ant and the rogue panda both looked at Natsume suspiciously.

With a smile on his face, Natsume put all the elves into the Poké Ball, and then walked out of the room and to the training room area.

There are not many people here, after all, the training room is only for the customers of the presidential suite, and not everyone is as willing as Natsume.

“Hello sir, do you want to experience the function of the training room?” A waiter asked with a smile.

“Hmm.” Natsume nodded and said. “Help me open the museum training room.”

“Okay, please wait a moment.” The waiter nodded, immediately operated, and soon the operation was completed, and Natsume was welcomed in, and then the waiter left.

The mist training room, although the name is mist, is a training room full of fog and moisture, and the training room is covered with green turf.

Thick fog, making it difficult to see the surrounding situation.

The environment here can greatly reduce the perception of elves, but it is also a good place to exercise the intuition of elves and the speed of physical and mental reactions.

In addition to the dense fog in the mist room, there are also some simple battle puppets hidden in the fog, which can help the elves train better.

“Come out, rogue panda.”

Natsume took out the Pokeball, the light flashed, and the figure of the rogue panda suddenly appeared in front of Natsume.

Looking at the surroundings, the rogue panda scratched his head curiously and looked at Natsume suspiciously.

“Don’t worry, next you have to train in this fog, and something will attack you in the fog later, you have to remember to dodge.” Natsume said softly.

Hearing this, the rogue panda nodded his head and patted his chest confidently, as if to indicate that there was no difficulty in this.

Natsume chuckled and didn’t say much, just pressed a button at the door of the mist room.

The thick fog suddenly covered the rogue panda.

Even Natsume couldn’t see clearly inside the dense fog.

This kind of environment can only be relied on by the elves themselves.

However, vaguely, Natsume could still see several figures flashing in the dense fog, and the rogue panda’s cry.

Almost an hour later, Natsume walked out of the training room, well, followed by a rogue panda with a blue nose and a swollen face, and the big guy still shouted at Natsume unpleasantly, as if to say that he would come tomorrow, today is just his carelessness.

Natsume nodded slightly with a smile on his face. “Yes, yes, I see, you are just careless, not completely serious.”

While speaking, Natsume came to the gravity room.

Like the Mist Chamber, the Gravity Room increases the gravity multiplier within the range, and attacks the Elves with a move machine in gravity to allow the Elves to dodge.

The so-called move machine is actually some machines that release simple moves, such as sparks, water guns and the like.

I came here to train the big jaw ants and increase their speed.

It’s still early, training, is the best choice.

The time of the day passes imperceptibly.


When he woke up, Natsume was refreshed.

Wash, eat breakfast, feed.

Then, Natsume put on his backpack and left the hotel.

After taking a taxi, I headed towards the location of the dojo.

Ask for support.

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