So Natsume took Quirem back to the Poké Ball.

Today, Vulcan Moth and Qurem have had a lot of actual combat, and practicing in the Poké Ball can better restore them to their best state.

Natsume led the group to the secret door that Ziling entered before.

As soon as I entered, I found that it was darkness where I could not see my fingers.

Natsume cautiously groped for the steps with her feet, trying to find her way.

I don't know how Ziling walked so smoothly at that time.

Could it be some light mechanism on the wall?

Natsume tried to search along the wall for a while, and was sure there was no mechanism.

Seems like practice makes perfect, right?I don't know how long their organization has been stinging here.

Natsume asked Li Long to be in the rear at the end, and the two girls in the middle were safer.

Li Long said that he had no opinion, after all, there was another girl Li Long liked.

"Okay, then everyone must follow closely and don't fall behind."

Mengya nodded nervously, suddenly remembering that everyone might not be able to see it, she hurriedly tugged at the corner of Xixina's clothes and responded, "Okay, I'll follow sister Xixina."

Xixina felt Mengya's nervousness, and freed one hand to touch Mengya's soft hair, feeling pity in her heart.

It is said that people with good temper also have soft hair. This sentence is really reflected in Mengya's body.

Occasionally, when I think of Mengya's life experience, Xixina is even more overflowing with maternal love.

It's just that Mengya only believed in Natsume before, and was only willing to follow Natsume.

Occasionally, another confident and powerful Shiana will come out, which makes Mengya even more lovable.

Xixina tightly grasped Mengya's little hand and said softly, "It's okay Mengya, we are all here."

Mengya felt the warmth from her palm and nodded vigorously. .

Chapter 941

Moving forward in the secret door, Natsume slowly groped to the first step.

He tried to touch the handrail next to him, but found that it was different from the usual stairs.

At least, there are no handrails here, and he loudly reminded the people behind to be careful.

After hearing the responses from everyone behind, Natsume continued to walk forward.

He counted silently in his heart: one, two, three, four, five

Just as Natsume gently stepped on the fifth step, a faint light actually lit up on the wall next to this step.

Xia present stepped forward to identify it carefully. It was a thing like a bead, the only difference was that the bead would emit a slight light.

Although it was not enough to illuminate the entire staircase, the faint light also gave them great comfort.

"This thing looks familiar..."

Natsume narrowed his eyes, quickly recalling all the adventures he had experienced before, and there was no such thing.

Li Long gags behind: "Oh, what's so good about the little beads that glow, maybe you've seen it before, but it's not a good thing, you forgot it' ˇ?"

Xia Mu nodded and didn't look into it any further.

"Then we keep going down, maybe there will be light."

Going straight down, whether it is the tenth step or the twenty steps, after five steps, a bead that emits a gentle light will light up.

More often than not, it's normal to get used to it.

Xixi Na complained in a low voice from behind: "Oh, keep going down, the temperature is getting colder and colder."

The stairs were originally very quiet, except for the occasional dripping sound, there was only the sound of their footsteps.

Therefore, although Xixi Na's voice is not loud, it still reaches everyone's ears very clearly.

When Xia Mu heard Xi Xi Na's words, her footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Xixina, what did you say?"

Xixi Na panicked and waved her hands again and again: "No, that's not what I meant..."

Li Long was also nervous, and subconsciously defended Xixina: "Xixina doesn't mean that."

Natsume just lowered her head and repeated her words: "Cold?"

"But we only walked fifty-five steps, how could there be a significant temperature difference?"

Xixi Na realized that Natsume didn't mean to blame herself, but calmed down and thought.

"Maybe it's because I'm wearing a skirt today. This skirt is made of silk that is not needed after the evolution of the color pink butterfly. The color is beautiful and changeable, but it is slightly absorbent in a humid environment."

".'So I'm a bit sensitive to temperature changes in this environment."

Natsume didn't know that the silk of Butterfly Pokémon had such a function before, so he was stunned when he heard it.

Several other people were wearing long clothes and trousers, so they didn't feel much sense of the slow change in temperature.

There are also small beads of unknown origin that glow regularly...

Sudden!Xia Mu suddenly remembered something, he didn't have time to explain, and hurriedly shouted: "Leave the wall! Don't get close to the wall!"

With the sound of his shouting, the originally calm walls and steps began to shake violently.

In the position that has not been reached below, there are also small yellow beads that start to light up one by one.

The others didn't understand what happened, and just subconsciously moved away from the wall for the first time out of trust in Xia's purpose.

Immediately, they saw why.

The beads, which seemed to be gentle and harmless, actually slowly swam out of fish from behind. .

Chapter 942

The voice of a man's vicissitudes came from all directions in the air.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the child is quite smart, and he can see the mechanism here so early."

"It's a pity, if it's a minute or two later, you can see me earlier."

"In this case, I wish you and my little pets a happy time."

As soon as the words fell, the elf who had been gentle and had no killing intent suddenly turned to face Natsume and his party at the same time.

Natsume can barely see the appearance of all the fish by the light beads on their heads.

The fish facing them had a small light bead on each head with a slightly yellow light, but if you looked closely, you would find another smaller light bead not far from the light bead.

It's just that the light is very weak, and at first the fish only stretched out one light bead, and the other light bead was perfectly covered.

The whole of the big fish is blue, only the face and tail fin are yellow.

With such a distinctive elf, no wonder he had to hide another light bead, otherwise he would have been able to tell what kind of elf he was at first glance.

Mengya was young and had never seen such an elf, so she cautiously asked Natsume.

"Master, what kind of spirit is this?"

Natsume asked everyone to gather together so that he would not be attacked by this kind of spirit alone.

"It's the Electric Light Monster, also known as the Lantern Fish. The way to identify them is the two wires that grow out of their heads, with two light bulbs attached to the end."

Mengya nodded to indicate that she knew, this was the first time she had seen such a strange elf.

As the Electric Light Monster swam, the previously hard wall felt like a layer of seawater that would follow the Electric Light Monster's actions.

Gradually squeeze the human space from the surrounding, as if trying to drown Natsume and the others.

"It's a good trick to boil frogs in warm water."

This trick is indeed very poisonous, and when encountering a trainer who can't understand water, time is particularly urgent.

It is very likely that even though he still has the ability to fight, he drowned in the water because he lacked oxygen, and was eventually eaten by the electric light monster.

The single strength of the electric light monster is not very strong, but it is also the most troublesome elves in the sea.

The reason is that they live in groups, often annoyed by an electric light monster, they will come from all directions and attack the enemy in groups.

Therefore, most trainers who understand their living habits will not choose to actively provoke the light monster.

But this time was different. This time, these light bulb monsters were raised here.

Each of them has a violent temperament. Although they will not attack people, at least they obey their masters, that is, Yasuo.

And now, attacking Natsume and the others will do as Yasuo gave them the highest order.

Natsume hurriedly summoned Hoopa, Mewtwo and Megalodon to fight these electric light monsters.

Vulcan Moth and Qurem were also eager to come out, but they were stopped by Natsume, because they had a continuous high-intensity battle today.

Natsume is not short of elves, he thinks there is no need to let the elves who should rest come out to fight exhausted.

This will damage the spiritual practice of the elves, and it will also damage the bond between the trainer and the elves.

For the same reason, Mengya did not let the Nine-Tails come out to fight.

Since leaving the foggy forest, Mengya has been able to slowly perceive Shiana's existence.

In the beginning, Mengya only met Shiana in her dreams every night.

Later, he began to get memories of Shiana's past.

Recently, she can even wake up occasionally when Shiana comes out. .

Chapter 943

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