Xia Mu was silent for a while, suddenly not knowing how to speak.

Natsume thought for a while, looked at Li Long who was still waiting for Natsume's answer, and spoke slowly.

"My plan is, you go home first, and I'll go to the top floor..."

Li Long's expression slowly became serious, he looked straight at Xia Mu, which made Xia Mu feel a little unable to speak.

Xia Mu's voice was a little lower, and he felt a little guilty.

After all, when I told Li Long about this last time, Li Long's reaction was a little excited, so this time he raised it again, worried that Li Long would not be able to accept it.

During the long silence, Natsume didn't know what Li Long had been thinking with his head down, but it was not easy to ask Li Long what he was thinking.

Natsume glanced at the hand on Li Long's wrist, and it showed that the time was around twelve o'clock noon.

If Li Long were to set off now, he would probably reach the mainland at night.

After waiting for a long time, Li Long said slowly: "Well, then, I will go out with the room card in that moment."

After thinking for a while, Li Long warned Xiamu worriedly: "You must believe, don't hold on."

Natsume marveled at how quickly Li Long's attitude changed.

For a while, Natsume didn't know what to say, just nodded blankly: "Okay."

Li Long packed his own things that were not too much, and after making sure that there was nothing left, he took out his room card and silently said 'leave' in his heart.

Then, Li Long saw a blue, shabby wooden door, exactly the same as the blue wooden door he entered before he came in.

Li Long put his hand on the doorknob, and the moment he opened the door, he saw a crowd of people coming and going on the street.

And those who came and went turned out to be a person who didn't even look at Li Long, as if he couldn't see him.

Li Long glanced in surprise: "Isn't this the market in that Oasis City?"

In Natsume's sight, Li Long just stood there, there was no blue wooden door at all. .

Chapter 1121

Natsume understood, I am afraid that this door can only be seen by the person who summoned him.

Li Long stepped into the door with one foot, and asked Xiamu worriedly: "Then we, see you in the land?"

Natsume kicked him funny, but found that he went straight through it, without feeling at all.

Xia Mu glanced at Li Long's hand holding the door handle, Xia Mu thought, it seems that it should be the reason for touching the door.



After Li Long left, Natsume's room card also popped up asking him to return to his room as soon as possible.

It seems to be chasing people out brightly.

It seems that this hotel is quite conscious of protecting the safety of guests.

Natsume slowly opened the door of Li Long's room and came to the corridor of the hotel. Before he could close the door, the door behind him slammed shut.

It seems that because the owner of this room has left, and he is still here, he is very unwelcome in this room.

Natsume hilariously touched the room card in his pocket and walked slowly to his room. There was still a long way to go, so he was thinking about how to get to the seventh floor, which is the top floor.

Now his goal has been completed more than half, the elves are in good condition, and Natsume is feeding them some medicines that can treat their injuries or exhaustion every day.

Natsume walked, slowly admiring the pictures on both sides of the corridor.

Some are brightly colored, with countless flowers blooming, and if you look carefully, you can smell the fragrant fragrance.

Natsume was not in the mood to carefully observe these pictures that looked alike.

Natsume relied on the route he had left in his mind before, and slowly walked towards his room.

"Looks like, there's going to be a left turn" ˇ."

Natsume walked to the end of this corridor and turned left.

"Clang!" "Crackling..."

Natsume felt as if he had hit something, like a tray. Listening to this movement, it was estimated that everything was spilled.

Natsume was caught off guard, and so was the person who came.

He looked down and saw that the floor was full of spilled juice and a messy salad. The carpet that had been beautiful was now in a mess.

The man lowered his head and hurriedly sorted out the mess, and kept apologizing in his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

Natsume listened to this person's voice, and the tone of the whole person's words revealed anxiety, which made Natsume a little embarrassed.

Natsume crouched down to help him put the odds and ends on the tray together.

".'It's okay, it's okay, I should say sorry to you."

The two cleaned up for a while, but they just put away everything, and the traces on the carpet can only be done by specialized cleaners.

"I'm bothering you, the guest."

The staff member (good Zhao) bowed embarrassedly to Natsume.

Natsume also waved his hands again and again, saying that he was not hurt, and told the staff not to take it to heart.

The staff looked like a small girl, and the crisp voice easily made people feel good.

However, Natsume is very clear that such an appearance, in the Tower of Nothingness, is just a false shell.

The staff's ears were red and they looked embarrassed. .

Chapter 1122

"Where do you live, guest? I can lead you there."

Xia Mu thought to himself that he really only remembered an approximate location, thinking that it would be a good choice to let the staff in front of him who knew much better than him lead the way.

So Natsume agreed to the staff member's suggestion.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

The staff smiled and looked very cute, holding a tray in one hand, and the palm of the other hand rushed towards Natsume.

"No trouble."

"Please let me see your room card, and I can take you there."

Natsume listened to these sweet words, and suddenly felt a chill behind him, and the hand holding the room card in his hand became a little colder.

Natsume knows that this is when human beings think they are in danger, the body will automatically rush the blood of the whole body to the position of the heart to protect the most vulnerable position.

However, judging from the current situation, a tall man is opposite a petite and cute little girl.

The girl was still wearing the clothes of the staff of this hotel, and she had a sweet smile on her face.

It doesn't look like it's dangerous at all.

But for Natsume, who was the closest to the female staff member, it felt like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Now, she is hissing and spitting out the letter, researching where to put her mouth down so that she can swallow the prey in front of her more conveniently.

Xia Mu felt horror in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

Natsume resisted the thought of running away, smiling and trying to reject the staff member in front of him.

"Forget it, you'd better tidy up here, I remember where the room is."

The staff's smile was still on their faces, but their heads were slightly tilted to one side.

"Really? Guest..."

Xia Mu nodded: "Of course."

"If there is nothing else, I will go first."

After speaking, Natsume squinted his eyes, pretending to be saying goodbye to the staff, and took two steps backwards.

However, the smile of the staff has not changed at all, but the words in the mouth have changed.

The originally sweet voice also became gloomy.

"Then what if the client complains to me?"

"That can't be done."

"In order to avoid this from happening, please let the guests stay."

At the end of the staff's words, it turned out to be the voices of two people slowly, one is sweet like an angel, the other is like a demon from hell.

Natsume looked at the location where the other voice came from, behind a pillar not far from the staff member.

After so long, Natsume didn't even notice at all!

Natsume glanced at the past, and it turned out to be a face that looked exactly like the staff in front of him.


Xia Mu was shocked and didn't know what was going on. Could it be that this tower of nothingness is rich in twins?

Suddenly, his eyes swept to a little reflection on the hands of the man behind the pillar.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a Poké Ball!

Natsume felt that he had caught something, and there was a fleeting feeling.

"Go ahead, use Venom Blast!"

The man behind the pillar gave an order, and the man in front opened his mouth in obedience, and spewed out two deadly venom from his mouth.

Natsume quickly dodged and hid behind the corner wall. .

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