Wuhui stared blankly at Natsume, as if he hadn't reacted from the words all of a sudden.

Xia Mu was a little overwhelmed when he saw that he didn't answer. After all, he still had no experience in dealing with children much younger than himself.

"You don't have to take it too seriously. I just asked for your opinion. I didn't say that I would take you away by force. I..."

Xia Mu hurriedly explained that he thought Wuhui hesitated for so long that he was unwilling to leave the Tower of Nothingness. .

Chapter 1151

After all, it is reasonable to say that in case he has been living in the Tower of Nothingness for a long time, there is no one worth caring about outside.

Even the growth rate of the body inside is much slower than outside.

Before Xia Mu could finish his words, he felt a small impact on his leg.

Xia Mu looked down, it was Wuhui just when he was talking, he ran over and hugged Xia Mu's legs.

No regrets raised his face, his eyes were sparkling, like a harmless little rabbit, he was looking at Natsume with extremely hopeful eyes.

Wugui can't make a sound, he can only keep nodding his head vigorously, expressing his extremely excited and willing mood.

"You will, right?"

Natsume touched the soft black hair with no regrets, and his heart was also soft.

In fact, when Natsume proposed this bet, the first figure that flashed in his mind was Yun Qing, and the next one was this little boy.

In fact, there is no special reason, but when Natsume left, he inadvertently saw that the light in Wugui's eyes gradually turned dark, and gradually became indistinguishable from other staff members.

At that time, Natsume thought, maybe he was still a child, how could he not want to go home?

Natsume smiled, it seemed that his choice this time was not wrong.

"Then you wait for me here for a while, and I'll find some older brothers and sisters, um...' ˇ..."

"Maybe uncle and aunt?"

Wugui is in a very good mood now, so no matter what Natsume says, he is always smiling.

No regrets waved his hand and let Natsume do his own thing.

Natsume used the elevator with the key card in front of Wugui, and sure enough Wuhui couldn't see it.

It seems that the rules of the Void Tower are still quite restrictive to the staff.

Natsume pressed the button on the third floor of the elevator.

He still remembered the director of the amusement park who was eager to make time flow.

The elevator door opened, and it was the little red-roofed house that he had left.

Natsume lifted his feet to leave the elevator, and there was a soft touch of a thick carpet under his feet.

"It's you?"

"Your name is Natsume, right?"

A clear female voice suddenly came from the not-so-big space, and Natsume carefully discerned that it was the voice of the head of the garden.

Natsume casually found a wooden chair next to him and sat down, behind the scene of the amusement park during the day.

It seems that the sight that the director can observe is very limited.

".'It's me."

A woman in a red long coat gradually appeared in the space, and the tall one looked very good-looking.

Natsume looked at this somewhat familiar and somewhat unfamiliar figure, and gradually brought her up against the person who used the magic wall puppet in the dark.

"You're the first person I've seen who still chooses to come back here."

Natsume looked over, and there was no expression on the woman's face, but it seemed that the position had not changed much.

When I saw her before, there was not much change in her (De Li's) position.

"Tell me, what do you want to do this time?"

"Burning my amusement park down?"

The woman spoke with a smile, looking like she didn't care about her own efforts.

Natsume is used to getting his body straight before talking about business, to make himself look more credible.

"I'm here to ask you if you'd like to leave the Tower of Nothingness. You told me before, 'I hope to make time flow'.".

Chapter 1152

As soon as Xia Mu's words came out, the woman was a little stunned. Originally, she just said it casually, but it was an unrealistic dream of hers.

Unexpectedly, someone has been remembering for him.

The woman couldn't help but lowered her head and covered her eyes with one hand, her tone also a little uneasy.

"Ah... that's what I said..."

The woman eased her emotions, put down her hands and continued, "Thank you very much for remembering these things for me."


Natsume followed the woman's hand and couldn't help but look into her eyes, which turned out to be without any expression, as empty as a blind man.

The woman seemed to feel Natsume's surprise when she saw her eyes.

She smiled, stopped and continued to speak, but the fan in her hand waved lightly.

Natsume felt that the surrounding walls and furniture were constantly changing.

And the most central source of this change turned out to be the principal!

Xia was stunned to see all these earth-shaking changes.

The white walls on the inner layer slowly turned red, and even became a little metallic; the scene outside the window was also swallowed up by the darkness little by little, and it looked like a piece of nothingness; the furniture was slowly changing in the original position, and every They all grew a blood-red line from their bodies, slowly connecting to the person in the middle.

Natsume looked at the countless blood-red thin lines, and the one in the middle turned out to be a wooden puppet of the same height as a human, wearing a red long coat.

She has no eyes, and her limbs are bound together by countless blood-red thin threads. She can do some basic movements such as turning around. However, the thin threads under her feet emerge from various walls, carpets, and floors, tightly imprisoning her. her, so that she can't move.

Natsume couldn't help but stand up from the chair, and the current scene made him a little uneasy.

Feeling Xia Mu's gaze and his anxious mood, the puppet in the middle laughed lightly, and when he spoke, the wood collided with each other, making a rattling sound.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but I may not be able to leave here."

"I want time to flow, but I want my body to slowly decay with time."

"But now it seems that I can only live in this way."

Xia Mu felt his throat tighten, listening to the woman's dejected words, he didn't know how to comfort her, he could only speak dryly.

"Have you been this way since the beginning?"

The woman smiled and even covered her mouth with her hand: "How could someone do this in the first place?"

"It was just the hands at the beginning, then the torso behind, and then I wanted to run, but when I was found, I had more legs and feet."

Speaking of this, Natsume couldn't hear any angry feelings in the woman, but was just worried that she had something to worry about.

"Then do you have anyone you miss outside the Tower of Nothingness?"

"I can go get you a letter."

The woman lowered her head while thinking, and slowly retracted the changes in the room.

This is her most real appearance, and she is naturally the most vulnerable. In return, she showed the dark part of the Tower of Nothingness to Natsume, hoping to solve some of his doubts.

But the woman didn't expect this to arouse Natsume's sympathy.

The woman shook her head: "No, I was originally an orphan.".

Chapter 1153

"Even if there is, after so many years, there is no need to disturb others."

Natsume nodded and didn't speak. Facing such a tragic figure, he really didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, the woman felt a little amused when she looked at Xia Mu's bitter look.

"Your expression, I don't know, I thought you were tied here for me."

Natsume scratched his head embarrassedly, and chatted with her again before stepping on the elevator to the fourth floor.

At that time, I asked for five places and said it casually. Specifically, in addition to Wuhui on the second floor, the garden director on the third floor, and Yunqing on the fourth floor, there is another person who has vaguely seen a shadow on the fourth floor. Marsh Leaping Fish, but there is no one else.

But now, the only person who really knows the exact location is Yun Qing.

Natsume thought, why don't you go to the water property hall to see, if the Swamp Leapfish is really there, it would be best, you can ask him.

Thinking like this, Natsume slowly walked to the door of the Poison Mist Hall~.

The difference from the last time I came to the Poison Mist Hall is that now the door of the Poison Mist Hall is open, and it doesn't look like it is shrouded in smoke.

And looking at it from a distance, it seems that some players who want to challenge the staff or challenge each other are eager to try.

Natsume took a few steps inside and saw the staff surrounded by the center at a glance.

Only this time, the face was definitely not Yun Qing's.

However, Yun Qing also mentioned these things to him, so Xia Mu was not very flustered. Xia Mu thought about going over to test it for a while, and naturally he knew whether this person was Yun Qing.

Natsume waited for a while and saw that there was no one in the staff before walking over to the elf treatment room. Logically speaking, the elf medical room in each hall is open to players, although no one usually uses it. That's it.

The moment Natsume's hand touched the doorknob, Natsume felt a force on his wrist that was blocking the door.

And a strange male voice came from Natsume's ears, as if a ninja was talking to him in anger.

"You kid, can't you come and ask?"

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