Wugou floated in the air, and on the side, Mewtwo used his tail and fists to restrain Wugou and could not continue to attack. .

Chapter 1270

It's just that Wuscale is still holding

Long sword, eager to attack Natsume.

He also understood that it was impossible for him to beat Chaomeng, and after the first sneak attack, Xixi Na and Li Long had quickly moved away from Wugou.

Wugou could only try to attack Natsume. If he really did, it would be a big blow to this small team.

So, Wugou deliberately showed weakness, and at the moment Chaomeng relaxed, the long sword in Wugou's hand suddenly let go.

It turned out to be carrying a few pieces of white feathers, rushing straight to the position of Natsume's heart.

From Li Long's point of view, it was as if Wugou suddenly took out an arrow from nowhere and shot it towards Xiamu after drawing the bow.


Following Li Long's cry, the long sword also shot into Natsume's body.

Li Long quickly pushed away Xixi Na, who didn't know what happened, took out his medicine box, and ran towards Natsume.

The distance is too close, and it is too late for Natsume to dodge.

However, it was time to avoid the position of the heart, and it did not hit the key point of Natsume.

When Chao Meng saw the long sword, it was too late to stop it, because Wugou seemed to have chosen the angle in shock.

It was completely a long sword shot from the blind spot of Mewtwo.

Chao Meng's pupils were instantly dyed blood red, and the strength of his hands and tail instantly increased dozens of times.

Natsume was relatively close to Wugou and Mewtwo, and even heard Wugou's wrist and the sound of broken bones in his legs.


Even if Wugou has a part of the blood of the elf, there is no way to completely endure the pain of broken bones.

For a time, Wushou's wailing sound passed through the entire building, stirring up the birds that occasionally stayed on the big tree.

The bird flapped its wings, trying to get out of here, but also found that no matter how it flew, it was just wandering aimlessly in this towering tree.

Natsume endured the pain and hurriedly stopped Mewtwo who was now in extreme anger.

"Super dream, don't kill him! He's still useful!"

Fortunately, the medicine that Li Long prepared to stabilize Chaomeng's mental state was very useful, otherwise Chaomeng would have dismembered Wugou immediately.

The strength in Chao Meng's hands loosened slightly, but the legs bound by the tail did not change in any strength.

Natsume naturally knew Chao Meng's thoughts, sighed and did not continue to persuade Chao Meng.

For those who want to kill him, Natsume doesn't have a good impression. After all, Natsume is not a saint himself.

Natsume obeyed Li Long's command, obediently didn't move, and let the more professional Li Long deal with his wounds.

  I don't know what poison was quenched on Wugou's long knife, but after just a short while, the flesh around the wound on Natsume's chest was already beginning to rot.


The scissors in Li Long's hand that just cut the clothes have not been put down, and he is also startled by the rapidly decaying scene in front of him.

"I've never seen such a poison."

Xia Mu smiled and answered Li Long's words: "Yeah, you are all healing and saving people."

Li Long frowned, not really wanting to talk to Natsume.

So Li Long didn't care about Xiamu's deliberate ridicule. He looked at Xiamu's gradually pale complexion, and he was already upset. .

Chapter 1271

"No, you have to cut it off, or the wound won't grow well."

Having said that, Li Long wanted to ask Xixina to come over and help deliver the surgical equipment.

His hand has also reached into his medicine chest.

"Oops, no anaesthetic."

At the same time, Xixi Na did not find any surgical tools from Li Long's medicine box.

"Li Long, I didn't see the scalpel?"

Li Long's brows furrowed, and one hand pressed the bleeding point of Natsume's wound, naturally he couldn't leave.

So Li Long had no choice but to say to Xixi Na: "If you look for it again, there must be some."

After waiting for a while, Xixi Na was so anxious that she almost cried.

"But, but, really not..."

Li Longshu wanted to get up and take it himself, but the actions of his subordinates made him react. Once the bleeding point is pressed, it cannot be easily released, otherwise it may lead to a more serious situation.


Natsume, who had been quiet all along, suddenly reached out and interrupted what Li Long wanted to say.

"Use this" ˇ."

Li Long looked down and saw that it was a dagger.

Li Long had seen this dagger cut like iron and mud, and the hand that took it was a little trembling.

Xia Mu's lips were a little dry, slightly puffed up, and slightly curved.

"How? Is this scalpel sharp enough?"

Li Long's mouth pursed like a straight line, looked into Xia Mu's eyes, and asked, "We don't have anesthesia anymore, are you sure you want to use this?"

Xia Mu nodded, there was no fear in his eyes.

"There's no better way, is there?"

Li Long didn't speak, but Xixi Na, the self-directed commander, brought him something, and then sterilized the dagger.

On the other side, Chaomeng is obviously very concerned about the situation here, and the strength in his hand is only increasing with the anger in his heart.

Wugou's face is not much better than Natsume's now, and even with some invisible tricks of Chaomeng, he feels that his internal organs have received some damage.

Therefore, in the corners of Wugou's mouth, there are still bloodstains left by Wugou after coughing up blood.

But now Wugou is numb with pain, and has no desire to survive at all.

Wugou looked at Li Long who was operating on Natsume, and couldn't help grinning with a twisted smile.

"Don't bother."

Chao Meng heard the voice coming from her side, and only glanced at Wugou slightly, wondering how this person still had the strength to speak, so he increased his strength.


This little episode did not hinder Li Long's surgical progress.

Compared to Li Long, who was sweating constantly on his forehead, Xia Mu looked much better than Li Long, and he could even joke with Li Long.

"Don't shake your hands, Dr. Li."

Li Long listened to Xia Mu's weak voice, but he didn't have time to observe Xia Mu's face.

"Speak less, save your stamina."

"Okay, Doctor Li."

Li Long pursed his lips, and occasionally called (okay) Xixina over to wipe his sweat.

It seems that the doctor is more nervous than the patient.

But everyone understands that the pain Natsume is now bearing must be thousands of times greater than Li Long.

After all, this is without anesthesia, gouging out the flesh to the chest abruptly.

Wugou rolled his eyes in pain, took a breath, and seemed to be unconvinced. .

Chapter 1272

"This medicine is passed down by my ancestors."

"Slowly, you will, rot..."

Wugou's voice is not too loud, but it can penetrate the ears of everyone present.

Naturally, it also includes Li Long who is undergoing surgery.

Li Long's hand paused, but moved again, as if he didn't dare to stop.

As long as I am, it cuts off faster than he spreads!

With this thought in mind, Li Long's dagger began to move again.

But at this time, Wushou's voice remembered again.

"Give up, this poison is incurable."

"shut up!"

Chaomeng roared, and the strength in his hand was a little heavier, and everyone present could hear the sound of shattering.

Wugou's hands are probably broken.

  "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--------"

Looking at Chao Meng's eyes at this time, they were completely blood red, and they were full of bloodthirsty violent factors.

"kill him……"

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