After the incident in Rainbow Game City, many news media surrounded the mayor of Rainbow City. They stuffed the microphone into the mayor's mouth and asked why Team Rocket was able to infiltrate into Rainbow City.

The mayor dared not speak out when he saw this. If he inadvertently said anything wrong, he might be hyped up by the news media in front of him. By then, it would not be as simple as losing the position of mayor..

The previous owner of Rainbow Game City was also arrested by Miss Junsha and escorted to the Alliance Prison. After all, this incident was partly caused by the owner being an internal agent of the Rockets.

Most of the Pokémon captured by Team Rocket were released by the police and returned to their trainers one after another. The wild Pokémon were temporarily taken care of by Miss Joy, who planned to contact the wild Pokémon sanctuary. Freeze it.

At this time, Team Rocket's underground experimental base.

Although most of the research information inside the base has been destroyed, in order to guard against potential clues from Team Rocket, police teams are still deployed on each floor to patrol here.

"Huh - these minced meats look so disgusting."A police officer said with regurgitation, and he did not forget to poke the burnt meat with an iron rod.

I don't know if the police officer was dazzled, or the meat in front of him really moved a few times. The police always felt that the meat in front of him was moving. The meat paste seems to have become shorter

"Forget it, maybe it's because I didn't sleep well these days."The police officer muttered, no longer paying attention to the pile of smelly meat in front of him, and turned to walk away.

His body was faintly charred, and a ball of lavender liquid flowed into the shadow of the corner.

(Damn human, fortunately my body's self-regeneration ability saved my life!)

Ditto looked at the police officer with hatred as he left. Now is not the time to act rashly.

(It seems that it is impossible to mass-produce effective three-headed sacred birds with the help of ordinary gene serum...)

Ditto thought about countermeasures, but the self-regeneration recovery ability brought a strong sense of hunger. Ditto must take in energy to replenish the body's nutrition at this time.

Although it was difficult to swallow, in order to survive, Ditto had to put the first choice of food on the charred meat in front of him. Ditto shook his burned body and reluctantly swallowed the intact parts.

(Wait, I will definitely make you pay a heavy price... The boy from Pallet Town!)


In order to reach the location of the next alliance badge, Xiao Chi set out on a journey alone again.

There is a vast plain area nearby. At this time, Xiao Chi and Abby Lang are training.

In order to better train Abby Lang's evasion and observation abilities, Xiao Chi specially arranged a training ground for Abby Lang. He tied the two wooden sticks he got to the branches and pushed them apart. The wooden sticks tied with ropes also moved back and forth quickly, just like a swing.

""You just stand in the middle and observe the movement of the stick, and take the opportunity to avoid the attack." Xiao Chi ordered.

After hearing this, Abbylang quickly ran to the middle of the stick, observed the direction of movement and began to train.

Korakora, who had not appeared for a long time, also sat obediently on the stone, looking at Xiao Chi who was training Abbylang with longing.

Thanks to the careful care of Professor Oak during this period, Korakora's body shape quickly reached the average level, and even grew 0.1m taller.

However, Xiao Chi still did not let Korakora put it into a strict training stage, which inevitably made Korakora a little discouraged, but Korakora also knew that this was Xiao Chi's way of taking care of his body.

At this time, Korakora just wanted to become stronger as soon as possible, so that Xiao Chi would look at him with admiration, and not subconsciously regard him as a useless baby.

Feeling Korakora's fiery gaze, Xiao Chi, who couldn't refuse, had to let Korakora activate his body first, and find a rock to swing the bone stick back and forth to train his attack speed.

"After the training is over, I will take you to participate in the P1 fighting competition held nearby!"Xiao Chi said


After hearing that he could participate in the fighting competition, Aibilang also inspired his fighting spirit. This is a competition that fighting Pokémon longs for. The pleasure of punching to the flesh really makes Aibilang intoxicated.

Feeling familiar The power of the waveguide was approaching. Xiaochi turned around and saw that Xiaozhi's trio slowly appeared in his sight.

Since they briefly separated from Xiaochi in Rainbow City, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang have conquered Xin. Pokémon, the trip of the trio seems to be going very smoothly.

Xiaoxia subdued the cute duck in Solip's hypnosis incident, which is the cute duck with extraordinary mental power in the original book. The Kodak Duck saw Xiaoxia's Poke Ball falling and took the initiative to get in, making Xiaoxia reluctantly accept it and leave.

Xiaogang visited the famous breeder Xiaoxue in the Breeder Street and defeated Rocket. After the team's conspiracy, Xiaozhi was asked to temporarily adopt Vulpix.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi not only failed to develop a good rapport with the hot monkey, but also had not met his favorite Pokémon recently.

At this time, one was distressed. Abby Lang, who was practicing boxing on the street, appeared in front of Xiaozhi's trio. There was also a peeping girl hiding in the big tree behind him.

"Wow, it’s the same Abby Langye as my brother! Xiaozhi said excitedly upon seeing this,"Okay, I want to conquer it too." It’s up to you, Pikachu!"


Pikachu's soft ears stood up instantly, and he looked at Xiaozhi who asked him in shock. Are you sure you want to send him into the battle?!

"Don't worry, Pikachu. With your strength, you will never lose to this wild Abbylon in front of you." Xiaozhi assured. Although his tone was full of confidence, a bad picture inexplicably emerged in Pikachu's mind.

In Pikachu's fantasy, he was standing on the fighting ring and was knocked to the ground by Abbylon's punch. The flickering lights on the ceiling illuminated Pikachu's scarred body.

Thinking of this, Pikachu immediately hugged Xiaoxia's thighs and shook his head in fear.

"No problem, I will teach you the ultimate punch, and you will definitely win!" Xiaozhi promised again.

Seeing this, Pikachu also subconsciously chose to believe Xiaozhi.

"Practice for tomorrow. First, practice throwing a straight right hand.……"

Xiaozhi tells the cute Pikachu about the theoretical knowledge he learned on TV, and the smaller Pikachu also imitates him.

"How come I didn't know that Xiaozhi knew a lot about boxing?" Xiaogang was puzzled when he saw this.

"Me too……"Xiaoxia echoed

"Aibilang, I challenge you to a duel with me!"

Ao Zhi challenged Aibi Lang who was practicing boxing. Pikachu at his feet was also brainwashed by Xiao Zhi for a while. No, it should be teaching. He matched his hands with boxing gloves and looked at Aibi Lang with fighting intent.


Abby glanced at the smaller Pikachu and waved to signal Xiaozhi not to humiliate himself. How could this smaller and cute electric mouse Pokémon be a match for his fighting Pokémon?

"Only now can you pretend to be at ease!" Xiaozhi stepped forward and challenged,"Go, Pikachu!"

Pikachu took the lead in attacking, swinging his fists continuously

"Well done, Pikachu! First a series of stabs, and finally a straight punch with the right hand!"

Although Xiaozhi commanded and judged in a decent manner, due to his size advantage, Aibilang simply stretched out his right fist and pressed it against Pikachu's forehead, so that Pikachu could not get close to him and could only attack the air alive.

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