"Gyarados, use Water Tail!"

Along with the rapids, the blood-red Gyarados' tail hit Nidoking, knocking him away several meters away.

"Super Horn Attack!"

Nidoking's poisonous horn emitted a green light, and it approached the Blood Red Gyarados fiercely.

(Could it be that Sakaki has discovered the attributes of Gyarados?)

Xiao Chi guessed that as a gym trainer, Sakaki must be aware of the attribute restraint. Generally, for a Water + Flying type Gyarados, the Bug type move of Super Horn Attack cannot cause effective damage at all.

(It seems that the previous tile split was done by Sakaki to verify this fact.)

After a brief thought, Xiao Chi soon roughly figured out the cause of the matter, and also knew the relationship between Blood Red Gyarados and Team Rocket, but now is not the time to avenge Blood Red Gyarados. When Xiao Chi's strength has not yet reached the real top, Xiao Chi cannot act rashly and impulsively. He does not want his family to be implicated.

"Use Freeze Ray to freeze Nidoking's feet, then use Water Tail!"

Perhaps due to being too excited, even if Nidoking's feet were frozen, he could quickly break free and continue to rush towards the blood-red Gyarados.

The best defense is to attack. Xiao Chi directly commanded the blood-red Gyarados to use water flow. Tai fought back.

The collision of the moves created air pressure, and the aftermath directly shattered the surrounding stone pillars.

If the staff had not maintained the site in time, part of the Tokiwa Gym would have inevitably collapsed.

Perhaps in order to win, the evil factor remaining in the blood-red Gyarados began to activate, and the blood-red Gyarados also exuded a black aura.

The blood-red Gyarados suddenly struck the recovering Nido with a wave of evil.

On the king's body, Nidoking was still recovering his physical strength, so he naturally had no energy left to dodge the attack of the Blood Red Gyarados, and was hit directly from the front.

Taking this opportunity, the Blood Red Gyarados used Bite to bite half of Nidoking. The body seems to be torn in half

"calm down!"Xiao Chi reminded, and the power of the waveguide began to radiate from his body, waking up the blood-red Gyarados that was going berserk.

Sensing the dissatisfaction in Xiao Chi's tone, the Blood-Red Gyarados also woke up at this moment, and did not let the evil factor control its body.

"The final death ray of destruction!"Xiao Chi ordered.

The blood-red Gyarados that bit Nido King showed no intention of letting go. The energy particles gathered in its mouth and released a destructive death light that penetrated the ceiling, completely defeating Nido King.

"Nidoking, unable to fight!" the referee announced.

"Not bad strength, but it's a pity that your Gyarados didn't control its power well."Sakaki praised.

Xiaochi took back the blood-red Gyarados and planned to continue fighting, but Sakaki, who was on the second floor, stood up, slowly stretched out his right hand and said:"You have won two games. Logically speaking, you already have Qualified for the green badge."

Obviously Sakaki has no intention of continuing to fight. Anyway, for the sake of evaluating trainers, most gym trainers do not use their real combat power. Sakaki, who is tired of all this, plans to directly give Xiaochi a badge.

"No, Mr. Sakaki! I want to see your true strength with my companions!"

Xiao Chi threw the Pokéball in his hand, and a well-developed Beedrill appeared on the battlefield. Xiao Chi's Beedrill was better sized than its peers, reaching 1.3m, and its double needles and poison needles as weapons were also sharper than its peers.

"Big needle bee……"Sakaki remembered fondly that when he was ten years old, Sakaki also got his own initial Pokémon, but because he was a commoner, Sakaki could only conquer some unpopular Pokémon, but this could not erase the yearning in Sakaki's heart.

After accidentally receiving a once-in-ten-year blessing from the Tokiwa Forest, Sakaki and his giant needle bee embarked on the path of becoming a strong man. However, as they grew up and matured, they gradually deviated from the track, and the power of Tokiwa within his body also gradually dissipated, and he no longer Sakaki admits that he has gone astray

"This giant needle bee is the proof of my hard work over the past three years. Please, giant needle bee!"Xiao Chi shouted. This was one of the few exciting moments for Xiao Chi.

"I see……"After Sakaki reacted, he took off a high-level ball from the necklace around his neck and threw it,"In that case, let me show you how powerful it is!"

Another giant needle bee suddenly appeared on the battlefield, vaguely The aura it emitted intimidated the giant needle bee, but the giant needle bee was not afraid at all. At the beginning of the game, it took the lead in attacking with missile needles.

Sakaki did not take command, but let the giant needle bees fight independently. In Sakaki's view, Xiaochi and the giant needle bees did not threaten his strength at all.

Sakaki used high-speed movement to avoid all attacks, and then hit the back of the giant needle with a cross scissor move. Although it could only cause half the power, the damage was enough to make the giant needle gasp for air.

"Boy, sometimes being reckless doesn't necessarily mean being strong."Sakaki said lightly, seeming to be dissatisfied with Xiaochi's performance, but then he was stunned for a moment.

(Why! Why am I dissatisfied with him!)

For this person in front of him who may be his future enemy, Sakaki's first reaction was not to Instead of destroying it, we intend to recruit or witness its growth.

"The giant needle bee is proof of my hard work so far!"

Xiao Chi slowly lowered his hat, revealing only his left eye, but something strange happened. Xiao Chi's left eye began to turn red, and the giant needle bee on the field also changed, and began to have telepathy with Xiao Chi behind him. , a powerful aura began to collide with Sakaki's aura. Even if there was no collision of moves, the two powerful auras affected everything around them.

"Artistic concept? I didn't expect that you would become an artistic conception trainer at such a young age!

"Sakaki was surprised.

What is artistic conception? There are many kinds of artistic conception, but the most common one is the artistic conception of battle, which is the artistic conception between trainers and Pokémon.

���Producing the field of telepathic stimulation, the mood of war can stimulate the potential in Pokémon, promote changes in combat, and use the fighting instinct to defeat opponents.

The mood of war is a realm accidentally triggered by the power of the waveguide when Xiaochi and Big Needle were fighting against Mew. Three years of training also allowed Xiaochi and Big Needle to master the triggering conditions.

"Big needle bees, use cross shears!"Xiao Chi shouted.

(I didn't expect him to be so passionate!)

Sakaki was surprised when he saw this. In the past few years of observation, Xiao Chi's behavior has always made Sakaki think he was a cold boy.

Maybe he felt it. The hot blood of Xiao Chi and the Big Sting Bee, Sakaki's Big Sting Bee did not avoid it, and directly collided with it with a cross scissor move, but it quickly suppressed the Big Sting Bee's attack.

"Don’t you want to admit defeat?"Sakaki frowned and said. The knocked-out Needle Bee struggled to stand up. Xiao Chi planned to use super powers and the power of waveguides to bless the Needle Bee, but was rejected by the Needle Bee. The Needle Bee thought Use your true strength to defeat the senior in front of you

"Beedrill, use the cross shears!"

The recovered Beedrill continued to rush towards Sakaki Beedrill, and the cross shears emitted a green light.

"Can you fight fearlessly even against a strong person?……"Sakaki thought deeply, his body was actually faintly exuding the green power of Tokiwa.

(I see...I remembered it! I remembered the feeling I had felt before, the excitement, and the feeling that the blood in my whole body was boiling and burning! I was once the same as this boy, saying please, Injecting emotions into Pokémon, there were times when I was just as obsessed with Pokémon as this boy!)

Sakaki's Giant Stingray on the field turned to look at his master in disbelief, and saw the vaguely obvious Tokiwa on Sakaki's body. Li was also stunned. It had been a long time since he saw this power. When Sakaki fell, the giant needle bee followed Sakaki as always, but he also missed the Sakaki he had longed for before.

(I didn’t expect that this human being could inspire the longing that the owner once had!)

The giant needle bee took a deep look at Xiao Chi and remembered Xiao Chi’s appearance in his heart.

"Boy, thank you for letting me find the feeling I once had. Because of you, I won’t suppress my strength anymore!"Sakaki shouted,"Big needle bee, use the straight drill!"

The Big Needle Bee on the field excitedly used the Straight Drill. This was one of the few times it heard Sakaki's shout. It was obviously that it attached great importance to Xiao Chi and the Big Needle Bee.

"Beedrill, use the final ultimate attack!"

The two Beedrills quickly flew to the center of the field. The collision between their moves caused strong air pressure, and the ceiling above them broke and fell to the ground. But Xiao Chi and Sakaki didn't care about these details, but continued to stare at the changes on the field.

In the end, Sakaki's Beedrill used a cross scissors to knock it away. The Beedrill was injured and fell to the ground. It no longer had the physical strength to continue fighting.

"Come back, Beedrill!"

Sakaki suddenly took back Beedrill, but failed to completely defeat the remaining Red Beedrill.

���In response to Xiao Chi's confusion, Sakaki said calmly:"Challenging a strong person is a commendable act, and not completely defeating him is also a kind of recognition."

As soon as the voice fell, Sakaki threw the green badge in his hand, turned around and disappeared in front of Xiao Chi's sight

"This game is your victory, this is the badge you deserve!"

(I didn't expect that the power of Evergreen, which I lost for so long, is still hidden in my body. Maybe it's not that the power of Evergreen abandoned me, but that I took the initiative to abandon the power of Evergreen...)

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