After noticing the changes in her body, Bulbasaur realized why the fossil pterosaur was stronger than herself.

‘What are you mumbling about? Even if I don't have it, I'm still better than you. The fossil pterosaur rolled his eyes and said speechlessly

"Bulbasaur, I understand your difficulties, because you once worked hard alone to evolve into Bulbasaur, so you hope to be able to help your companions with your own strength. But put yourself in their shoes, can these Bulbasaur that can evolve only after receiving your natural grace really thrive and grow into strong ones?"

Xiao Chi's words seemed to hurt Bulbasaur's fragile heart. Bulbasaur glanced at Xiao Chi beside him in embarrassment, and finally chose to lower his head and think for a moment.

Seeing Xiao Chi"reprimanding" their king like this, several Bulbasaur ran to Xiao Chi angrily and growled at Xiao Chi a few times as if questioning him.


Seeing this, the Pterosaur roared fiercely, and its jagged teeth flashed white light through the reflection of light, just like a deadly chainsaw, which could easily take Bulbasaur's life.

Bulbasaur was frightened by the oppression of the Pterosaur and trembled all over. It was no longer as majestic as before. They thought that the Pterosaur would be in a state of fatigue for a short time after the battle with Bulbasaur.

Unfortunately, the scene before their eyes was not what they wanted. Seeing the flaming teeth of the Pterosaur approaching them, Bulbasaur was so scared that it immediately hid behind Bulbasaur, and its body trembled involuntarily.

‘Is this the strength gained after receiving favor? 'The fossil pterosaur said disdainfully, asking Bulbasaur to recognize the reality as soon as possible. 'Although it is a bit unrealistic, I have a vague feeling that the Bulbasaur of the master's brother may be more valuable than the Bulbasaur that evolved after receiving the favor. of strength. Bulbasaur was about to refute, but then she remembered something and finally chose silence, neither refuting nor agreeing.

"Xiaozhi, catch it!"

Xiao Chi took out a strange stone from his pocket and threw it in front of Xiao Zhi.

"Brother, don't be so sudden!"

Xiaozhi screamed, but fortunately he stretched out his hands in time to catch the stone, so as not to be hit in the face by the stone.’

"This is the Stone of Immutability. I anticipated that Bulbasaur might choose not to evolve, so I simply brought the Stone of Immutability. As long as the Stone of Immutability is placed on Bulbasaur, Bulbasaur will not evolve. Evolution occurred and was forced to change form."

Xiao Chi explained to the confused Xiaozhi, and his eyes signaled Xiaozhi to hand over the Immutable Stone in his hand to Bulbasaur.

"Great, so Bulbasaur doesn't have to suppress his evolutionary instincts every time."Ash said happily, excitedly ran to Bulbasaur, and handed Bulbasaur the Immutable Stone in his hand.

After getting the Immutable Stone, Bulbasaur breathed out a sigh of relief and could finally relax. For a moment, Bulbasaur kept sweating and suppressing his desire to evolve in order to prevent the seeds on his back from blooming. Fortunately, the arrival of the Immutable Stone freed Bulbasaur from this pain.

"Bulbasaur, let Bulbasaur and Bulbasaur have a duel. The outcome of this battle will also determine whether your actions are meaningful. I don't want you to have regrets before traveling with me."

After listening to Xiao Chi's words, Bulbasaur also ordered a Bulbasaur to come out to fight. For the sake of fairness, the strength of the Bulbasaur sent to fight was at the upper-middle level, but in Bulbasaur's view, this Bulbasaur alone is enough to defeat Bulbasaur.

Seeing that his opponent is Bulbasaur, Bulbasaur will inevitably show a contemptuous smile. After all, in the eyes of the former, Bulbasaur is just a weakling. Just a little brat.

Seeing that Ivysaur looked down upon him so much, Bulbasaur suddenly became angry and immediately used the vine whip to attack. Two vines extended from the seeds on his back and were about to hit Ivysaur's body like a whip..

But Bulbasaur also used the vine whip. Four vines extended from the buds on its back, not only blocking Bulbasaur's attack, but the remaining two vine whips continued to attack Bulbasaur, whipping Bulbasaur hard. body of

"Bulbasaur, hold on! Don’t forget our promise, we will become stronger together, and you must become the most powerful Bulbasaur!"

Ash and Pikachu shouted desperately, cheering for Bulbasaur.

‘It seems that your guess was wrong. ' Venusaur said slowly, secretly relieved, glad that his persistence was not entirely wrong, although some of the consequences of granting power would make most Bulbasaur seeds grow too fast.

But in Venusaur's eyes, most wild Bulbasaur seeds cannot evolve by their own power, and must rely on the power of Venusaur, which is also something that Bulbasaur seeds have no choice but to do.

‘Just wait and see, I feel like the sun is rising soon. 'The fossil pterosaur said lightly. This sentence made Miao Frog on the side puzzled for a moment, thinking about the meaning of the fossil pterosaur's words.

(Maybe this little guy has mastered it?!)

The dazzling sun rises from the other side of the mountain, and the warm sunshine fills the earth, giving new life to the previously silent earth.

Under Bulbasaur's surprised gaze, the seeds on Bulbasaur's back were absorbing sunlight, like a cannonball ready to be fired.

Ivysaur looked at Bulbasaur in disbelief, not understanding that even an 'ordinary' Bulbasaur could master the sun's flames in advance even he could not master them.

Because of a moment's distraction, Bulbasaur seized the flaw in Bulbasaur, extended two vines to whip Bulbasaur's body, and tied it up and suspended it in mid-air.

Unable to understand Bulbasaur's changes, Ash simply took out the Pokédex,"Sunshine Flame, Bulbasaur's strongest move. It is a unique move that gathers light to launch an attack with super destructive power.""

"The strongest move?!"

Xiaozhi was surprised to hear the introduction of the Pokémon encyclopedia in his hand, and then looked at Bulbasaur excitedly.

"Well, to prove our strength, Sun Flame is ready to launch and defeat Bulbasaur!"

Under Bulbasaur's struggling eyes, Bulbasaur launched the light on its back, and the blazing light hit Bulbasaur's body head-on.

In an instant, Bulbasaur's body suddenly became weak, and then fell to the ground, with circles in his eyes and losing his ability to fight.

‘My thoughts were still too naive. I thought I could help them become stronger, but I never imagined that it would actually be a rip-off.……’

Bulbasaur whispered in a slightly decadent tone, unable to face the fact that he had been insisting on it all along, it turned out to be a joke that moved him

‘I remember meeting a depressed ghost-type Pokémon at the Oak Research Institute. What that guy said left a deep impression on me, and it is very suitable for you now. '

The fossil pterosaur said leisurely, recalling in his mind the depressed thousand-year-old Gengar who drew circles in the corner, and the occasional Dr. Omu who appeared beside him and was mumbling.

‘Um? What words? Bulbasaur said in surprise. She didn't expect that the fossil pterosaur would take the initiative to comfort herself.

‘If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good. 'Fossil Pterodactyl comforted him. As the leader of the clan, Fossil Pterodactyl could also understand Bulbasaur's feelings, but in the cruel environment of ancient times, helping the weak was just to satisfy a cheap sense of vanity.

Just like the fossil pterosaur can abandon the group without looking back, in the eyes of the fossil pterosaur, its own strength is the basis for survival, and the group is just a shackle that restricts it from flying in the sky.

‘Besides, I don’t think you did much wrong. After all, there are many guys who are not talented enough. If these little guys don’t absorb your grace, they may not be able to transform until they die. Seeing that Bulbasaur was a little depressed, the fossil pterosaur tried to comfort her a few times, so that Bulbasaur wouldn't feel uncomfortable and couldn't let go.

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