"Since the plan has failed, I don't need to waste time here to 'entangle' with you two~"

After saying that, Athena did not forget to blow a kiss to Xiao Chi, and then ordered Arbok to spit out a cloud of thick smoke, which instantly blocked Xiao Chi's vision.

Yongjila reacted quickly and used telekinesis to shrink the spreading smoke, but could no longer find Athena's whereabouts.

The original ice cave only left traces of the previous battle, vaguely hinting to the trainers who passed by this place later, indicating that a fierce battle had taken place here.

"Sir Xiao Chi, I am lucky to have your help today, otherwise Articuno's health condition might be……"

Kona looked at the recovered Articuno with a worried look, and patted her proud breasts slowly, thankful that Articuno was safe.

"The cost of my treatment is not simple."Xiaochi said leisurely, took out three pokeballs and took back the blood-red Gyarados, Kirby and Yongjira.

"What? Could it be that Mr. Xiao Chi is so irresistible to the temptation of a mature older sister?" Kona joked, imitating Athena's previous behavior, slowly placing her jade hands on her proud breasts, tilting her head like a spoiled child to glance at Xiao Chi.

"Take back your meaningless teasing, King Kona!"

Xiao Chi frowned and looked at Kona who was teasing him in front of him. Is he really worthy of the teasing of these two mature ladies?

"How should I put it? I think it's fun to tease a cool genius like you." Kona waved his hands helplessly and explained to Xiao Chi, ignoring Xiao Chi's gloomy face.

"My reward condition is also very simple, please let Articuno fight against my Pokémon."

Xiao Chi slowly took off the only advanced ball from his waist and looked at Kona and Articuno seriously.

"I have a general understanding of the vague relationship between you, so I would like to challenge you as the trainer of Zapdos, the trainer of Articuno - Ms. Kona!"

"Lightning Bird?!"Kona looked at Xiao Chi in astonishment,"I didn't expect that you have reached the level of being able to control the Lightning Bird at such a young age."

"There's also some luck involved."Xiao Chi stroked his hat and said modestly.

Xiao Chi took the initiative to walk up to Kona, and under Kona's embarrassed and puzzled gaze, he put his hand on Kona's arm, and then his eyes released azure light, already making him Instant movement occurred.

In an instant, Xiaochi, Kona and Frozen Bird arrived at the shore of the Twin Islands, away from the narrow Bingjie Cave.

"Although it's a bit selfish, I hope to have a real duel with Frozen Bird in this vast sky. I believe that with Frozen Bird's arrogant character, I don't want to use the environment of the ice cave to defeat Lightning. Bird's"

"It’s up to you, Zapdos!"

Xiao Chi threw out the high-end ball that was ready in his hand. The dazzling white light dissipated, and a sky-reaching thunder pillar suddenly appeared in the sky.

Along with the appearance of thunder clouds, there were yellow feathers and black rings around his eyes. It is surrounded by feathers and has a long pointed orange beak. There are a large number of spike-like feathers on its wings and tail. There are black feathers on the back of its wings and the inside of its tail feathers.

Its head crown is entirely composed of a large bunch of sharp feathers. Its head is khaki, its thighs are devoid of any feathers, and its feet have four toes.

The Pokémon that people revered as the God of Thunder in ancient times appears!

"When the sky is dark and thunder falls, this legendary Pokémon will appear……"Kona murmured, intoxicated by the heroic appearance of Lightning Bird,"The legendary God of Thunder is indeed extraordinary in strength.……"

Powerful lightning continued to strike the shore, and the pressure released by the lightning bird made Articuno, who was also one of the three sacred birds, feel uneasy, and his body began to tremble involuntarily.

(How could it be possible?! As a member of the same species as the three sacred birds, I would feel inexplicably afraid of this lightning bird in front of me?!)

Articuno shook his head desperately, letting himself forget his fear of the lightning bird for a short time.

"Miss Kona, let's have a showdown between trainers of mythical beasts!"

Xiao Chi looked solemnly at Kona, who looked hesitant, and said in a deep voice.

Unlike Xiao Chi and Zapdos, who have a clear relationship between trainers and Pokémon, Kona and Frozendos are more like friends.

Therefore, letting Kona, who was a friend, to rashly command Frozen Bird made the thoughtful Kona feel a little nervous.

However, Frozen Bird didn't have much concern and took the initiative to turn to look at Kona and growl a few times to signal him. We must fight side by side with Kona and completely defeat this roaring lightning bird in front of us.

"Miss Kona, since Frozen Bird has asked me to do this, you must not dampen Frozen Bird’s enthusiasm."Xiao Chi raised the corners of his mouth and said with a hint of ridicule.

"Frozen Bird, let us fight side by side!"

After Xiao Chi's guidance, Kona finally put down the last worries in his heart and looked at Xiao Chi beside him solemnly.

"Come on, Pokémon trainer Xiaochi, I will defeat you with Freeze!"

"When this stone hits the ground, our battle begins."

Xiao Chi explained, throwing up the pebbles in his hand.

Three seconds later, the sound of the pebbles falling to the ground was heard, and the Lightning Bird and the Freezing Bird released their moves at the same time.

High-voltage current was instantly released from the body of the Lightning Bird, like countless swallowing everything. Like a thunderous snake, it instantly attacked the Frozen Bird ahead.

Knowing that it could not avoid the pursuit of the electric current, the Frozen Bird simply used its freezing ray to confront the 100,000 volts released by the Lightning Bird.

The move produced a violent explosion, which also allowed Lightning Bird and Frozen Bird to flap their huge wings at the same time and engage in close combat.

Because Frozen Bird also has the characteristic of oppression, it indirectly offsets the effect of the oppressive characteristic of Lightning Bird..

But what Kona and Frozen Bird don't know is that Lightning Bird also has a more outstanding second characteristic - lightning rod.

"Lightning Bird, use Steel Wings!" Xiao Chi ordered.

"Articuno, let's use our steel wings too!" Kona ordered.

The huge wings of Zapdos and Articuno simultaneously released dazzling silver light, followed by a series of collision sounds that echoed in the sky. Zapdos and Articuno were both using their wings to suppress each other's strength.

"Frozen Bird, use the boulders now!"

The freezing bird's body exuded biting cold air, and instantly created a huge ice cube, which hit the Lightning Bird's chest at close range. Fortunately, the Lightning Bird released the electric current in time, shattering the power of the ice cube.

"Lightning Bird, use the drill!"

The lightning bird's sharp beak continued to rotate sharply, hitting the frozen bird's vital part with one blow. The impact made the frozen bird scream in pain.

In order to prevent the cold air emitted by the frozen bird itself from affecting the sharp beak, After a brief spinning attack, Lightning Bird took the initiative to distance itself from Frozen Bird, released its own current, and once again used one hundred thousand volts.

"Articuno, use high-speed movement to avoid the electric current!"Kona ordered, his eyes slightly nervous, not only because of the first cooperation with Articuno, but more because of the horror of Zapdos' own strength.

Kona did not expect that the two Pokémon, both of which are the three sacred birds, would have such a huge difference in strength.

Kona once thought that Red had captured Zapdos a few months ago and had a good bond with Zapdos.

But the careful Kona occasionally saw slight mistakes between Red and Zapdos, which also indirectly revealed that Red and Zapdos might also be the first battle.

(Terrible fighting talent!)

In the first duel with Red, Kona experienced Red's absolute talent for Pokémon battles. This terrible fighting talent even suppressed Kona, a long-time battle king trainer.

(Fighting man!)

This is Kona's inner instinctive judgment of Red at the moment.

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