[Ding! Congratulations to the host for having captured the initial six Pokémon lineup. The system automatically upgrades them! ]

The familiar mechanical sound echoed in Xiao Chi's mind again. Since the Seven-Year-Old Summer Camp started the characteristic superposition system, Xiao Chi has not heard the system's sound for a long time. Basically, it is the default sound when superimposing Pokémon characteristics. Unexpectedly, after capturing Scyther this time, there is news of an upgrade.

About half an hour later, the function of the characteristic superposition system was successfully upgraded. Xiao Chi glanced at the Scyther standing next to him, and the familiar attribute panel appeared in Xiao Chi's mind.

"Pokémon: Flying Mantis (Flash: Cyan)

Attributes: Bug type + Flying type

First characteristic: Technical master

Second characteristic: Insect premonition

Moves: Lightning flash, continuous slash, wing attack, shadow clone, split, focus Qi, high-speed movement, cross scissors, air slash, sword dance, sharpening...

Personality: Arrogant, will verbally mock the arrogant weak, but respect the strong!

(Note: Personality is not the character in the game. I personally think that blindly emphasizing the character in the game will make readers feel uncomfortable while reading!)

Experience introduction: The young patriarch of the Flying Mantis clan in Viridian Forest has been subjected to a lot of trouble since he was a child because of his cyan shiny skin. Although they are treated coldly by their own kind, the gifted flying mantis can easily defeat the provocative screamers.

Over time, Flying Mantis developed an arrogant character. He believed that except for his father, the leader of the clan, no Pokémon could be his opponent! Its green light-emitting sickle seems to hide terrible lethality!"

Obviously, this attribute panel is a new function after the system upgrade. In addition to simply checking the data of Pokémon, you can also have a general understanding of Pokémon's temperament and own experience. It can also be regarded as a way to promote Xiaochi's understanding of his own Pokémon. Way.

Xiao Chi caressed the head of Flying Mantis. Although Flying Mantis was 1.8 meters tall, Xiao Chi could not reach him. Even though he had a rather arrogant personality, Flying Mantis, who respected his master, also lowered his head in detail when he saw this scene. , so that Xiaochi can be stroked well

"It's really hard on you, but from now on, I won't let you experience the loneliness you once had!"Xiao Chi said earnestly. Such words made the lowered Flying Mantis tremble. However, in order not to lose face, Feitian Mantis still suppressed his emotions and nodded to Xiao Chi lightly, as if loneliness meant to it. It's an insignificant thing

【Ding! Sensing the changes in the Evergreen Forest!】

Xiao Chi's mind once again heard the voice of the system. This time, the system presented a picture in Xiao Chi's mind. This picture was a scene of a boy receiving the"gift" of the Evergreen Forest. However, Xiao Chi looked closely and felt that the boy in the picture looked familiar.

"Isn't this guy Sakaki, the future boss of Team Rockets?"Xiao Chi complained feebly, obviously seeing the boy's true identity.

"Is this the ability to get the 'gift' of Viridian Forest?"

In Xiaochi's mind, Kosakaki, who had gained the power of Tokiwa, looked at the giant needle bee beside him with curiosity, and tried to put his hand on the giant needle bee. A strange scene happened. Only the giant needle bee was seen. The injuries on the body were covered by emerald green light, and the original injuries of the giant needle bee began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye until there was no sign of injury.

"It is indeed a gift from the Evergreen Forest.’!"Xiao Chi was surprised, and the image in his mind disappeared. Xiao Chi closed his eyes as if to savor the scene, recalling the image of the"Power of Changpan" just now, and he also had a little desire for the power of Changpan in his heart.

【Host, please don't be depressed, we have already arranged the next itinerary for the host to obtain the power of Viridian! 】

The voice of the system echoed in Xiao Chi's mind again. This time, the system's plan on how to obtain the power of Changpan was presented in Xiao Chi's mind.

"I see……"Xiao Chi muttered.

The time period Xiao Chi is in now is exactly another ten years after the last time the Evergreen Forest gave the"Gift", which means that the humans in the Evergreen Forest today have a chance to obtain the power of Evergreen.

"It seems that I am bound to gain this power of Changpan!"

The closer to the central area, the stronger the emergence of the power of nature. Xiao Chi followed the map in his mind and gradually walked towards the central area of the forest. The flying mantis on the side saw this and silently followed Xiao Chi.


Viridian Forest—an experimental base abandoned by Team Rocket somewhere

"Damn it, where did Experimental Subject No. 2 go?"

Deep in the hidden forest, a group of Team Rocket members were looking for the escaped Experimental Subject No. 2. A young man with black hair and red eyes looked around angrily, as if he wanted to kill the escaped Experimental Subject No. 2 into pieces. The same paragraph.

Yagawa is the name of the squadron leader of this Rocket Team.

Soon after Yagawa was promoted to squadron leader, he received the task of assisting Dr.


Yagawa thought that he would become famous because of this.

After all, Dr.

Yamugi was Sakaki.

If you please the popular people around the boss properly, you may be able to get promoted to captain, but the plan will never keep up with the changes.

How can it be easy to be chosen by Dr.

Evil Wood as a Pokémon for experiment? When Yagawa and his team relaxed their vigilance, the experimental subjects broke through the cage, defeated all members of Team Rocket who blocked the way, and quickly escaped from the experimental base, leaving only the guilty Yagawa and Dr.

Yamu with a gloomy look.

Reprimanding, Yagawa, who kept bowing his head, vowed to teach Experimental Subject No.

2 what"punishment" is.

In fact, Yagawa did not expect that Experimental Subject No. 2 would be so courageous. He clearly arranged many subordinates to intersperse with those who might escape. In the corner, I never expected that Experimental Subject No. 2 was not stopped at any point

, but this cannot be entirely blamed on Yagawa. After all, the leader Yagawa always acted with an indifferent attitude, and his subordinates who saw this were certainly no better. Where to go.

A black shadow quickly appeared in the sky. Seeing this, Yagawa looked up at the black shadow with excitement. He saw the black shadow quickly descending. It turned out that Yagawa's Pokémon Bigmouth Bat had returned from searching.

"How is it? Have you found any trace of Subject 2?"Yakawa asked hurriedly.

Zubat shook his head regretfully at first, then seemed to have discovered something, pointing to the central area where Xiaochi was, indicating that Yakawa might find traces of Subject 2 there.

"Everyone obeys! Follow the big-mouthed bat to the depths of the forest! Yagawa ordered, instead of searching for whereabouts along the way, it is better to believe in the big-mouthed bat's idea.


Arriving at the central area of the Evergreen Forest, the Scyther that followed Xiao Chi was filled with shock. This was an area that the Scyther had never been to before. After all, the outer areas were surrounded by thick vines, and the Scyther had no time to waste in exploring the depths. They gradually forgot about the central area, but they did not expect that there was another world inside.

""Thank you for your hard work, Scyther!" Xiao Chi praised, and took out the Poké Ball to retrieve the tired Scyther. Just now, Scyther had been using the sickle to chop up the thick vines, and it was hard work for Scyther.

Feeling that the power of nature was becoming purer, Xiao Chi walked towards the lake not far away with a longing voice. Although the scenery here was extremely beautiful, there was no sign of Pokémon living. It was already a new world isolated in the Evergreen Forest.

According to the system's prompts, Xiao Chi exuded his own superpowers and wave power. The two forces emerged here and produced with the surrounding natural forces.

After a while, the surrounding thick trees began to sway with the breeze, and little green balls of light floated in the air one by one, lighting up the surrounding environment like fireflies at night, which made people imagine.

Seeing this, Xiao Chi silently used the Pokémon Encyclopedia to take a picture of the scenery in front of him.

The resonance of the power of nature seemed to recognize Xiao Chi's existence.

The floating green balls of light began to merge into one.

Xiao Chi also followed the guidance and walked towards the center.

The merged green balls of light also floated above Xiao Chi and finally merged into Xiao Chi's body.

【Congratulations to the host for successfully gaining recognition from Viridian Forest and realizing the power of Viridian! 】

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