As if aware of Xiao Chi's helpless heart, the Water Arrow Turtle on the side quickly stepped forward and gently put his hand on Xiao Chi's shoulder, soothing Xiao Chi's emotions and motioning for Xiao Chi to witness his next operation.

Under Xiao Chi's slightly curious eyes, the Water Arrow Turtle leaned over and raised the huge gun barrel behind it, gathered its own waveguide power, condensed it on the huge gun barrel, and released the wave missile.

Under the witness of everyone, a huge wave missile was launched from the huge barrel of the Water Arrow Turtle, rapidly attacking Apollo and the Crossbat, who had already gone away.

Seeing the puzzled looks in Xiaozhi's trio, the Water Arrow Turtle didn't explain too much, but nodded to Xiaochi with a confident look on his face, indicating that his attack could definitely hit the Crossbat's body.

Xiao Chi also gave this a lot of trust, because through the explanation of various research data, the attack range of the huge gun barrel behind the super-evolved Water Arrow Turtle even reached an astonishing 10KM.

The Water Arrow Turtle is naturally confident that his wave missile can hit the Crossed Bat that has already gone away.

Sure enough, a violent sound came from the distance. In Xiao Chi's sight, a vague figure quickly fell from the sky to the sea. It was no longer moving, as if it was an abandoned object drifting with the tide.

(I’ll teach you a lesson this time, Apollo! It won’t be that simple next time!)

Thinking of this, Xiao Chi turned to look at Xiao Zhi who looked embarrassed.

When Xiao Chi was about to scold Xiao Zhi for his ignorance, he found that Xiao Zhi, who had woken up, had lowered his head in guilt like Pikachu, and was silent, waiting for criticism from Xiao Chi.

"Alas, I really don't know what to say to you~" Xiao Chi said helplessly, and could only reach out to stroke Xiao Zhi's messy hair and put the hat on Xiao Zhi's head, so that Xiao Zhi would not be so nervous and blame himself anymore.

"Through the simple narrations of Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, I also understand your determination. I have to say, at this moment, you are the one I am most proud of, Xiaozhi."

"Even in such adversity, you are still able to strengthen your belief as a Pokémon trainer, which I am very proud of!"

Xiao Chi did not choose to criticize. Instead, he praised Xiao Zhi as if he was encouraging. An ideal young man full of passion like Xiao Zhi simply cannot achieve the tactic of using more to attack less. Even if the opponent is the enemy of the evil organization, it is precisely because This advantage is recognized by many trainers, and it is also one of Xiaozhi's personality charms

(Xiaozhi, if you are a shield hero who pursues ideals and is willing to sacrifice his life, then I will kill you in pursuit of truth. The Sword Hero who will never stop me from moving forward!)

As early as the beginning, Xiaochi found that his ideas were completely opposite to Xiaozhi, but so what, Xiaozhi was still his proud brother, not Just like the two brothers in the legendary story, they were hostile for their own ideals.

After this incident, Xiaozhi and the trio also discovered that Jigglypuff had escaped from Turtle Island at the beginning of the battle, leaving nothing behind. Traces.

But this is good, so that everyone will not be worried about Jigglypuff's whereabouts.

Just when Xiaochi and Xiaozhi's trio were about to leave Turtle Island, the Water Arrow Turtle behind him suddenly yelled and stopped him. Xiao Chi and others are preparing to leave

"Could it be that the Blastoise mistakenly thought that it was because of our arrival that Turtle Island was in danger?"Xiaoxia said in fear, fearing that the Blastoise would kill her and others.

"No, this guy is not that stupid, he just understands what he wants."Xiao Chi said with a smile.

Bulbasaur, who had planned for a long time, also walked in front of Blastoise at this moment, ready to have an equal contest with the turtle king in front of him.

The king of the incredible garden VS the king of all turtles on the island!

It just so happens that both Pokémon have not yet released their super evolution forms, and can fight each other in the best combat state.

Although Blastoise refused again and again, Xiao Chi still gave up the idea of commanding Bulbasaur. After all, Bulbasaur's attributes already have an advantage, so why should he intervene?

What's more, Bulbasaur also wants to rely on his own strength to defeat Blastoise.

After a moment of eye contact, Blastoise took the lead.

It attacked, releasing a cold freezing ray from its mouth, hitting Venusaur head-on.

Venusaur didn't care about the frozen parts of its body at all, but used Sunny Day, releasing a ball of light towards the sky, and in a moment the weather on Turtle Island changed to a warm sunny day.

The strong sunlight melted the ice on Venusaur's body quickly.

The change to Sunny Day not only increased Venusaur's own attack speed, but also indirectly weakened Blastoise's proud water-based moves.

Sixteen vine whips extended from Venusaur's back, entwining each other into two thick green vines. Venusaur waved the green vines fiercely and whipped it hard.

Water Arrow Seeing this, Tortoise swung out his cold fists with all his might, using his freezing fist to block Venusaur's powerful whip.

The cold air instantly spread over the vines, and in a moment the two thick vines were turned into ice sculptures.

But Venusaur's attack was not over yet. It stomped its thighs on the ground, and thick thorns instantly grew out from the ground, attacking Blastoise in a moment.

Blastoise crossed its arms and used Iron Wall to resist the gravity whip of the hardened plants head-on, but it still suffered considerable damage.

The two vines from before were also shattered by Venusaur's power due to the strong exposure to sunlight, and then Venusaur quickly retracted the two vines.

Suddenly, Blastoise's body burst out with an astonishing and terrifying aura, and the dark breath gathered on the three gun barrels.

Then three consecutive dark halos were released from the gun barrels on Blastoise's body, and the evil wave was used in the direction of Venusaur.

Knowing the horror of Blastoise's characteristic, Venusaur decisively absorbed the strong sunlight, and counterattacked with a move of sunlight flames in a moment.

The blazing sunlight flames and the three waves of evil that came together collided in the center of the venue, splashing the surrounding sand and dust in an instant, forming a series of violent sand waves.

Even the hard rocks and tall trees around were not spared, and were shattered and collapsed one after another.

"Awesome! Is this the power of a Pokémon after its mega evolution?"Xiaozhi was amazed, looking at the battle between the two king Pokémon in front of him in disbelief, his eyes full of longing for mega evolution.

"No, instead of saying that super evolution has made Bulbasaur and Blastoise possible, it might as well be that Bulbasaur and Blastoise have achieved super evolution. If Bulbasaur and Blastoise weren't so powerful, they wouldn't be able to perform at all. Unleash the full power of Mega Evolution!"

Xiao Gang shook his head and expressed his understanding to several people.

Xiao Gang's words were also recognized by Xiao Chi. After all, even without super evolution, the two Pokémon are still the kings of one side.

Qian Yin Feeling the tingling sensation coming from his body, how could the Water Arrow Turtle, as a fortman, give up this excellent attack opportunity so easily?

The three gun barrels of the Water Arrow Turtle gathered purple dragon aura, faintly lingering on the three gun barrels. Forming the shape of a purple dragon.

Under the witness of everyone, the Water Arrow Turtle aimed the Dragon Wave in the direction of the Bulbasaur.

The three Dragon Waves condensed in front and turned into a thick Dragon Wave in a moment.

In the sight of Bulbasaur, a purple energy dragon tried to open its bloody mouth and devour all of itself.

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