"It seems that Ye Zi's side is going to lose!" Xiao Chi said calmly, not surprised by the situation in front of him. After all, Xiao Mao's strength has always been ahead of Ye Zi and Xiao Zhi. If it weren't for his careless and arrogant character, maybe he would have lost. Strength can be further improved

"It seems that my teammates are pretty good!" Sundae said happily. Since he can't defeat Xiaochi 1VS1, Sundae doesn't mind working with Xiaomao to defeat Xiaochi.

"You should think about yourself first!" Xiao Chi said helplessly. If it weren't for Pidgeot getting familiar with his new body, he might have defeated the Sharptooth Land Shark long ago. The evolved Pidgeot flew quickly in the sky, constantly confusing the Sharptooth Land Shark's eyes with a speed exceeding Mach 2, and took advantage of the Sharptooth Land Shark's inattention to slap the Sharptooth Land Shark's butt heavily, which was full of mockery.

"Hello! Even if you are very strong as a eagle, you wouldn't bring a fang land shark to humiliate me like this! Sundae said angrily. This was clearly an insult to himself and the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark.

The Sharp-Toothed Land Shark also roared in the sky in displeasure, wanting Bi Diao to fight him openly.

‘cut! You can't even catch my speed, and you still want to fight me head-on. You'd better evolve and get the ability to fly as soon as possible! '

The Bi Diao above looked down at the fanged land shark and mocked

‘Damn it! 'The Sharptoothed Land Shark stamped his feet in anger. After evolution, the Biting Land Shark has the ability to fly, and can fly at the speed of sound, folding its body and spreading its wings, like a jet plane. However, the wings of the Sharptoothed Land Shark have not yet evolved completely, so it cannot fly.

(Although I really want to complain about how the Biting Land Shark can fly, it is fine for a short glide with this body structure, but it is……)

"In this case, Fanged Land Shark uses sandstorm!"Sunday ordered. Because of the cooperation with Xiaomao before, he did not use sandstorm to change the environment. Now both sides are fighting separately, and Sunday does not need to consider Xiaomao's feelings.

The sand is controlled by Fanged Land Shark, forming a sandstorm environment, which also provides a shelter for Fanged Land Shark. The sand hiding characteristics are also activated in the sandstorm weather, which increases Fanged Land Shark's dodge rate.

"What? If you don’t want us to watch it, just say so!"An audience member who was choked by sand complained, and reluctantly moved to the battle field between Ye Zi and Xiao Mao. Although he was looking forward to the visual feast of Golden Pidgeot, he really didn’t want to eat a mouthful of sand.

The rest of the audience felt the same as the former, and most of them regretfully moved to the battle field between Ye Zi and Xiao Mao.

(Oops! Forgot to bring a mask!)

After all, the beach is not a regular battlefield, so even the commander Sundae will inevitably be choked by the sand. Just when Sundae was in a dilemma, Xiao Chi's eyes glowed blue, and he used his superpowers to confine the surrounding sand to the battle field between Pidgeot and Sharktooth, and also brought the audience who had left with regret before back here again.

"So handsome ~ not only has great strength, he is also a superpower……"A young girl watching the game looked at Xiao Chi with admiration, fascinated by his calmness during the battle.

"Damn it, could this guy not be so gentle all of a sudden?……"Sundae muttered, mistakenly thinking that Xiao Chi took the initiative to expose his superpowers because of him.

In fact, this is a serious misunderstanding, because Xiao Chi saw Hanako being splashed by sand, and hurriedly used his superpowers to protect Sundae, Professor Oak, and the audience who left earlier, so Sundae was just fantasizing alone.

‘Do you think you can avoid my attacks by hiding in the sandstorm? It's absolutely ridiculous! My eyes are locked on you! Bi Diao said disdainfully, Bi Diao not only has the characteristic of strong chest muscles that will not weaken the defense index, but also has the characteristic of sharp eyes that ignores changes in the target's dodge rate.

(Sharp Eyes: The change in the hit rate ability will not be reduced by the opponent in any way, and the increase in the target's dodge rate ability is ignored.)

Therefore, the sandstorm used by the Fang Tooth Land Shark has no effect except for causing damage to the Eagle. It's no wonder, after all, Sundae doesn't know that Bi Diao has the blessing of two characteristics.

"Pidgeot, lightning flashes!"

Seeing that Shengdai was still in a daze, Xiaochi took the lead in launching an attack to wake Shengdai up.

"With a"swish" sound, Bi Diao, who was originally in the sky, turned into a golden lightning and approached the Sharp-toothed Land Shark. A swift and violent impact knocked the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark back several meters away, and almost fell to the ground due to the powerful impact.

With its wings spread, Bi Diao grabbed the Sharp-tooth Land Shark's shoulders with its talons and forcibly brought the Sharp-Tooth Land Shark up into the air.

"Damn it, Land Shark, use Dragon Breath!"Sundae said anxiously. Once it was completely off the ground, Land Shark would have no chance at all.

Blue dragon breath spewed out from its mouth. Not wanting to get hurt, Pidgeot was forced to"give up" Land Shark. He had finally been able to teach Land Shark the"joy" of flying.

‘Your master is really ignorant. Why don't you enjoy the joy of flying with me in advance? Bi Diao teased, falling in love with the thrill of teasing the sharp-toothed land shark, vaguely rediscovering his hobby when he tortured the Spearow on Route 1. Unfortunately, during the trip, Bi Diao had never seen such a big-billed bird. opponent, otherwise the opponent will definitely be tortured into a psychological shadow.

The fang land shark trembled with fear. He didn't understand how Bi Diao could be so malicious towards him. He obviously just refuted Bi Diao a few words, so he couldn't be so vindictive, right?!

"The sandstorm is still too much of a nuisance. Let Bi Diao use the storm wind to blow it away!"Xiao Chi said calmly.

Bi Diao let out a ferocious eagle cry, incited its wide wings to trigger a strong storm, completely changing the sandstorm environment at this moment.

"How is it possible?! The impact of the sandstorm is clearly not over yet!"Sunday said in disbelief. The battle with Xiao Chi's Pokémon once again overturned everything Sunday knew in the Pokémon Research School.

"Pokémon battles are not games.

Do you think Pidgeot is not strong enough to control the sandstorm created by Land Shark?"Red asked back.

Although weather moves can change the environment of the battlefield, it also depends on the strength of the user.

In layman's terms, do you think the sunshine characteristic of Cinderella can beat the rain characteristic of Kyogre? This is an obvious example.

The strength of the user determines the ownership of the venue environment, rather than holding a bunch of knowledge and thinking that you can control the weather first.

""I've learned another lesson, Xiao Chi!" Sundae murmured.

"Enough fun, Bi Diao!"Xiao Chi nodded when he saw Bi Diao,"Then defeat the Fanged Land Shark, don't waste any more time!"

Bidiao quickly came to the side of the sharp-toothed land shark, rotated himself to trigger a tornado, and forced the sharp-toothed land shark to be absorbed into the inner circle, and then used its wings to attack the weak points of the pointed-toothed land shark.

""Sharptoothed Land Shark, quickly use digging to get out of the way!" Sundae's eyes lit up, and he thought of an idea to escape.

Sharptoothed Land Shark showed a reluctant expression at first, but finally gave in and used digging to escape the tornado.

Sharptoothed Land Shark also has its own pride, thinking that a move like digging is not suitable for its status

"Find the location where the Sharptooth Land Shark comes out, and attack with the final blow of Brave Bird!"Xiao Chi said calmly, glancing at the sea leisurely to admire the scenery, confident that the Sharptooth Land Shark will be defeated by Pidgeot's move.

"Don't be too complacent, Fanged Land Shark uses Dragon Dive!" Sundae shouted, pinning all his hopes on the sharp-toothed land shark's dragon dive.

Bi Diao folded its wings, burst out with blue energy flames, and struck the fanged land shark below from top to bottom.

The blue dragon's breath It attached to the body of the sharp-tooth land shark and turned into a blue energy dragon. Not to be outdone, the sharp-tooth land shark took the initiative to rush towards the approaching Bi Diao.


The violent noise flattened the original battlefield, and the crowd watching around were so nervous that their hands were shaking. They were very much looking forward to which side would win, but most of the shouts were in favor of Xiao Chi's golden Pidgeot. After all, the visual feast brought by Pidgeot convinced them more and they believed that Pidgeot had won the game.


Pidgeot used a fierce wind to disperse the dust. Pidgeot calmly grabbed the Sharptooth Land Shark's shoulder with his eagle claws and gently put it on the ground.

‘Although your strength is ordinary, you seem to have some skills. I recognize you! 'Pidgeot chuckled and decided not to tease Sharptooth Land Shark anymore. Although Pidgeot won an overwhelming victory in the previous battle, he saw the look in Sharptooth Land Shark's eyes that wanted to become stronger, so he took the initiative to withstand the Dragon Dive of Sharptooth Land Shark.

Before Pidgeot could breathe a sigh of relief, the side effects of Brave Bird's fierce attack suddenly���A tingling sensation paralyzed Pidgeot's nerves for a short time.

‘"Tsk! I shouldn't have been such a nice guy if I had known this earlier!" Pidgeot complained.

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