"Sir, it's very difficult for us to deal with you if you do this~"

A mocking voice came from behind. Xiao Chi turned his head and found that more than a dozen people surrounded him tightly, fearing that he would escape.

Some people holding crowbars took back all the game coins that Xiao Chi had"given" to others before, and those who were not convinced were directly suppressed by force. Are they really taking advantage of others?

"I originally thought you were a wealthy man with good luck, but I didn't expect you to be a cheater!" The captain said unhappily, reaching out to pull off Xiao Chi's disguise, but was controlled by the thousand-year-old Geng Gui under the shadow with his mental power.

"Difficult? I think we should just forget about it!" Millennium Gengar teased.

Xiao Chi threw out the two Poké Balls in his hand, and Blood Red Gyarados and Abby Lang appeared at the same time. Blood Red Gyarados' eyes suddenly turned red, and it roared and swept everything around with its tail, because it was too"familiar" with this smell!

It was the owner of this smell who cruelly transformed itself. Blood Red Gyarados will never forget this painful memory from beginning to end, and trains day and night just for revenge.

After guessing that Dr. Xiemu's experimental team was hiding under the Rainbow Game City, Xiao Chi immediately went to the Pokémon Center to replace the Pokémon and teleported Blood Red Gyarados back to his side. Xiao Chi has never forgotten his promise to avenge Blood Red Gyarados.

Now is the time to avenge Blood Red Gyarados!

"This is the Rocket Team's hidden base, and those who are not important should leave immediately!" Xiao Chi scolded, and the blood-red Gyarados beside him also roared 'considerately', and scared away the crowd who were planning to take pictures.

(Now chaos has been caused, and even if someone tries to stop it, the news cannot be suppressed.)

This is exactly what Xiao Chi wanted. If he went to the police station to entrust Miss Junsha first, people might not believe what Xiao Chi said at his age, and would subconsciously think that Xiao Chi was making trouble, but if he directly caused an incident, it would definitely attract the attention of the police.

"Should we call the police?"The boss who was watching the surveillance video said in panic, fearing that the game city he had run for so long would be ruined, although the situation was not much different.

"Didn't you understand the water in your head?"

The team leader who was listening to the microphone almost laughed out of anger. He was Team Rocket. He should deal with Xiao Chi as soon as possible and suppress the news that was about to be exposed. He might still have enough time to evacuate.

If he took the initiative to call the police, then this operation The experimental base no longer needs to exist, and I and others will have to be imprisoned by the police and put in jail.

"What should I do then?"The boss said in panic. He didn't expect such a big thing to happen today.

"You go and inform Miss Junsha right now...……"

"OK, got it."

The surveillance camera was smashed by a stone thrown by Xiao Chi, and the Millennium Gengar also controlled the team leader to hang up the call and asked the boss to call the police immediately.

"Boss, it doesn’t look like we are infiltrating, right?"

The Millennium Gengar saw Aibi Lang knocking out the members of Team Rocket who were trying to stop him with one punch, and he scratched his head in confusion. Is this purely a forced invasion?

"If we control these people, won't there be no one to expose our tracks?" Xiao Chi joked.

"Yes!"The Millennium Geng Ghost woke up and said, and quickly used hypnosis to hypnotize everyone present to prevent the information from being exposed.

"Hypnotize this guy to tell me the passage to the underground base."Xiao Chi ordered, and took a key from the hypnotized team leader, which was probably the key to the underground base. For the sake of security, Xiao Chi also copied the team leader's fingerprint.

After a moment

, Xiao Chi took out the Poké Ball and took back the Blood Red Gyarados. He went to the underground experimental base passage of Rainbow Game City with Millennium Gengar and Abby Lang, and soon came to the door of the abandoned warehouse.

"I didn't expect this broken warehouse to be a secret passage." said the Millennium Gengar.

Xiao Chi took out the key and tried to open the passage, but found that the key was broken. It seemed that with the level of the team leader, he could only be used as bait and could not get the real matching key.

"Aibilang, use bullet punch!"

Xiao Chi saw this and simply let Abi Lang break through. The iron gate of this level was not difficult for him.

Aibi Lang smashed the iron gate with one move of his iron fist and rushed forward first to explore the way for Xiao Chi. The thousand-year-old Geng Gui followed He was hiding under Xiao Chi's shadow and paying attention to what was happening behind him.

At this time, Duanmu, who was on the third floor of the experimental base, quickly received the news.

"How is it possible? That guy found my whereabouts so quickly?"

Duanmu almost doubted his life, but he quickly threw the Crossbat's Poké Ball.

"Crossed Bat, please help me find the tracker on my body!"

After thinking briefly, Duanmu also realized what was strange when he was in the Rainbow Gym, and why the Millennium Gengar would only 'watch' him leave with a look of remorse.

"So that's how it is. I didn't expect that I was the one being tricked."

Duanmu's confidence was inexplicably depressed at this moment. It turned out that it was not because he was well prepared, but because Xiao Chi tricked him more thoroughly. Duanmu could only blame himself for treating Xiao Chi as an ordinary boy and subconsciously underestimated Xiao Chi's intelligence.

Angrily, Duanmu crushed the tracker that the Crossbat found on him, but then he turned around and thought, isn't this a good time to take revenge on Dr. Xiemu?

(‘Dear Dr. Xiemu, since you took the initiative to entrust me with completing the task and leaving as soon as possible, then I would rather obey your order than respect you! )

Duanmu knew that Dr. Xiemu was not at the base, but only used projection to control the machine to complete experiments, so Duanmu did not need to worry about Sakaki blaming himself. After all, it was Dr. Xiemu who drove Duanmu away on his own initiative, not Duanmu's 'voluntary' choice.

"Let's go!"

After saying that, Duanmu grabbed the small wings of the cross-shaped bat and left through the secret passage. Before leaving, he did not forget to throw out a few time bombs to destroy the evidence and prevent the Rockets' research data from falling into the hands of the alliance.

""Abilong, use continuous punches!" Xiao Chi ordered.

Abilong swung his fists and smashed the cages in front of him. There were many captured Pokémon in the cages. Most of these Pokémon were thin and had a poor appetite, which was obviously the result of being abused by Team Rocket.

This is also the truth about why Rainbow Game City can exchange Pokémon. They are all captured in the wild or snatched from trainers, and then imprisoned in underground experimental bases for research. When they are no longer useful, they are barely exchanged as prizes. However, there is no Mini Dratini here. This is obviously the information deliberately revealed by Rainbow Game City to attract others to come and gamble.

After all, slot machines can also be controlled by the system behind the scenes, so that gamblers who are about to win the amount of Mini Dratini will return to the stage of being penniless again.

"Come on out, Kathy."Xiao Chi threw the elf ball, the white light dispersed, and silver Casey appeared in front of Xiao Chi.

"Casey, take everyone and leave the underground base quickly. The police will be here soon to support you." Xiao Chi ordered, and then continued to move forward with Abby Lang.

Casey also understood what he meant, and looked at the imprisoned Pokémon in front of him reluctantly. After shaking his head, he used instant movement to take the Pokémon away from the underground base.

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