Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 266: leave anytime

"There is no problem with the confirmation of waterfall climbing skills."

Worn fishing rod…

Also works when there is no spirit possessed...but...

This thing can't always play the role of a safety rope in reality, right? !

There was a vibration in the pocket, but it was better to wrap the phone in a waterproof airtight bag in advance, otherwise it would have to be reimbursed long ago.

Voice call from Sayuri.

"Big cousin, the route to the Snow Mountain in the Sixth Restricted Area is ready."

"Finally done…"

The photos I took last time were only snow-capped mountains, so I couldn't be sure whether it matched the otherworld palace. If Li Shisan hadn't given a hint to the north of the sixth restricted area, Sayuri wouldn't be able to lock the snow-capped mountains in such a short period of time.

Li Shisan was almost ready. It was more than half a year since the last time he went to the restricted area, so he was really looking forward to it.

"Big cousin, are you really going to the sixth restricted area?"

"Of course, why else would you help me plan a detailed roadmap?"

Sayuri was very knowledgeable and didn't ask the reason, just told to be careful.

The school's travel and practice certificate has been obtained. As long as the strength is up to the standard, with this thing, you can not participate in any courses in the school.

Other training courses don't matter, Li Shisan still felt a little distressed that he couldn't hear the "Famous Monster" course for a long time.

Just reading the textbook can only get some materials that float on paper, and I can only wait for the next time I come back and ask the teacher for video courseware.

After packing up two pieces of personal clothing, Li Shisan sent a message to Yu Yan, saying that he was going to go away in the near future and would not meet in a short time.

Yu Yan did not respond, he should be practicing hard.

Open the mobile phone software to buy air tickets. At this time, the tourist season has already passed, and the students are also in a relatively quiet stage in the middle of a semester. The air tickets are relatively loose, and the same day can be bought on the same day.

Natural tits, teleportation!

Qingye Academy is still a good school. It is directly judged as wild by the game, and uses teleportation to directly lock the city center of Honghai.

By choosing Honghai City as a place of daily life for a period of time in the future, Li Shisan can eat a lot of resources, including not only the Kaitian, but also the Anyun Hotel.

"Er-five, I bought today's ticket and sent a car to take me to the airport."

"Huh? You have to fly away just a few days after school started?"

"Otherwise, there is a task to do."


No. 250 took it for granted that Li Shisan only came to Qingye Academy to get in touch with Kaitian, but he didn't know that the beginning of the matter was really a coincidence.

"Two-five boys, last time I had several sets of combat uniforms that I stored in the Anyun Hotel and asked the driver to send them over, as well as a marching bag. You don't need to bring other camping supplies."

The limousine of the Anyun Hotel quickly stopped at the designated location. It was the same driver who often picked up Li Shisan to the airport. He wore a neat tuxedo and looked polite.

"Mr. Lee."

"I'm bothering you again."

"Don't say that, it's my pleasure."

There is a marching bag on the back seat of the car, which contains the three sets of combat uniforms that Li Shisan had stored last time.

"The stock of battle suits doesn't seem to be enough..."

Going to the sixth forbidden area this time, I have to break one or two sets. Before Celadon was in Furong City, she could ask her to make additional orders at any time...

Now that Celadon has also been admitted to Honghai City, if she wants to make additional customizations, it is estimated that she will have to contact the shop in Furong City to send the battle uniform. In theory, it will take more time.

"Hello, class representative?"

"Tell me, do you want to order a battle suit or buy medicine?"


"Stop it! If it's not out of stock, you don't call me, right?!"

"I won't dare next time..."

Celadon repeated the topic again in annoyance, "What kind of goods are missing this time?"

"Battle suits... Can you help me order five sets of combat suits?"

The medicinal herbs in the medicated bath are quite good, you can totally ask No. 250.

From the first piece of combat obedience to the improvement of materials, celadon started, and no one is more suitable than her.

"Five battle suits... Is Thirteen going somewhere dangerous again?"

"restricted area…"

Now there is nothing to hide from Celadon, Li Shisan directly explained that he had to make a trip across the district to the sixth restricted area.

"Be careful, I will help you with the battle suit..."

"Huh? Representative of the class, isn't the shop that makes battle suits in Furong City?"

"I know you are dishonest, and there must be a need, so I bought a small warehouse next to Shenglan Women's College."

The pocket money that Celadon has saved up to now is still considerable. Although buying a small warehouse and corresponding equipment is not enough to pursue the direction of his interest in forging spiritual tools, there is absolutely no problem in making battle suits.

When she was in Furong City, Celadon had already received a lot of training, and with her amazing aptitude for learning what to do, even if Li Shisan improved the material of her battle suit one day, she would still be able to handle it.

"Thirteen, in fact, I am very lacking in actual combat. Going to the restricted area with you will only hold you back, so... at least... protect you in this way."

"Class representative, don't suddenly say so sensational..."

"You still know I'm sorry!" Celadon scolded with laughter, "When you come back next time, remember to take me to the video game hall in Honghai City."

"You won't be in school for a month, haven't you been in the game hall yet?"

Li Shisan originally thought that the reason why Celadon did not dare to enter the video game hall alone in Furong City was largely because he was afraid of being recognized by people in his hometown.

When I arrived in Honghai City, I didn't know where I lived, and other students from Shenglan Women's College would definitely not go to the arcade hall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't have so many concerns.

Didn't expect to get the same answer...

"Hey! If you don't dare to go in, you just don't dare to go in! Come back early for me!"

"Yes Yes Yes…"

Looking at the scene of constantly retreating outside the car window, Li Shisan thought about Celebi.

This elf... If you face it, it will be difficult to catch it.

The question is what is it doing?

Flying from one place to another, it seems that there are rules, and there are still rules. They are all in the restricted area, and the places that have appeared in the last two times correspond to the beasts in the game.

Li Shisan always felt that Celebi seemed to have some purpose, or that he was guiding players to follow. After all, in this world, only Li Shisan could see the true face of Celebi.

"Mr. Li, we're at the airport."

"Um...thank you."

"It's a pleasure to serve you, and I hope to pick you up on the return trip."

The driver in the tuxedo bowed very standardly before returning to the driver's car.

Li Shisan entered the airport terminal, looked at the flight list display hanging directly above, and took off after 50 minutes.

After passing the security check, the corresponding announcement sounded in the terminal building, and the ticket purchased by Li Shisan had arrived at the boarding time.

Just as he was about to turn off his phone, Li Shisan noticed two unread messages on the social software.

One is a picture, the other is a text, all from celadon.

The picture is a selfie of Celadon. She is holding a roll of fabric in her hand. Looking at the background, there is some kind of large-scale equipment with a metallic texture in the slightly dim room, which should be the warehouse she bought.

Text content: Come back early, I will give you improved and safer battle suits...

[Volume 1·Variation version, this is the end. 】

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